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originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
Edited by foxburton99: 7/21/2017 7:32:27 PM

Destiny: Legend Untold, Chpt 14 Pt 1

Hey everyone, I know it's been awhile, but in the past couple weeks I've gotten a lot of work done and I'm proud to say I will be posting 14 today and 15 tomorrow, and plan to be completing the next chapters quickly (if I'm lucky at least). Also, as I progress through the series, I am drawing closer to a large Legend Untold that I am recruiting characters for. If you are interested in having a character made by you appear in this story, send me a PM or leave a comment on this post. Now to begin. [u]Chapter Fourteen: Bread Crumbs[/u] Part One The Guardian moved a lot. That hadn't been hard to figure out. He was rarely at the Tower, yet was sure to visit after completing most missions or activities. I had started keeping tabs on him through the transmitted signal of his Ghost and the reports his Ghost left for the Vanguard. It was honestly more like I was chasing after the Ghost than the Guardian. This kind of behavior was usual for many Guardians, though. The only problem was that he hardly spoke at all, much less told people anything important. A Guardian who constantly participates in Strikes issued by the Vanguard and Crucible matches but never says a word. Even the vendors at the Tower would speak to him everytime he came by, but never get a response. His Ghost did all the talking for him apparently. Despite his lack of a name to be identified by, the Guardian had made quite a name for himself. In fact, it should be said that the Vanguard had decided to call him by the name 'Guardian' to save trouble. As noted before, he had opened up the Moon to us, slain the Archon Riksis, destroyed Sepiks Prime, discovered the Hive presence on Earth, and activated the Array. Now added to his list was the destruction of the Shrine of Oryx and its protector under the depths of the Moon. Not only that, he had paired with the two Guardians he had faced Sepiks with, and with them journeyed into the Summoning Pits of the Moon to slay Phogoth, the Untamed, a monstrosity raised by the Summoning Circles of the Hive. Yet however clear the path he laid was, I always found myself just behind him and unable to even catch a glimpse. Nothing waited for me at the Shrine aside from heaps of ash and bone. At the sealed doors of the Summoning Pits I slew Thrall beyond number, hoping that those beyond the barrier would not perish without me. As it is, sneaking away from Sierra and Drew is hard enough, although they don't question my solitary activities under the assumption that I'm simply going out to seek knowledge or be alone with my thoughts. Still though, my sudden rain checks from team activities to go chasing leads are difficult to excuse. I fear Sierra is growing suspicious, and I have become steadily more frustrated at my inability to communicate with Guardian or piece together anything about the Stranger's words or identity. Currently, I was at the Tower, on one of the platforms lining the perimeter above the courtyard and looking out at the Traveler. With no activities planned, I was allowed some time to puzzle over these mysteries as I waited for...well, [i]something[/i] to happen. "William," Rush's voice interrupted the silence, "Can we talk?" "Not now," I waved him off, trying to formulate a way to catch someone who never stopped moving. "Yes, [i]now[/i]," the Ghost snapped, causing me to turn to face him in surprise. He glared at me, the lowered upper shell and intense blue eye conveying his irritation. "Now it is," I sighed in defeat, pushing a hand up through my hair. "You can't expect to figure this all out on your own," Rush lectured, "I'm the only other one who knows what she said and you're not letting me do anything more than send you reports made by the Guardian we're following!" "So what did you get from what she said?" I retaliated harshly, "You weren't exactly eager to tell me anything after that." "She said our paths would meet again, and to follow him," Rush spoke patiently despite my words, "I don't think she meant for you to drive yourself crazy chasing him to places of no importance that we've already been to." I took a deep, calming breath and looked from Rush back to the Traveler, "Guess you're right about that one." "We should just take it easy until our paths are brought together like the Stranger sai..." Rush trailed off, as if caught by surprise, "By the Traveler..." "What?" I questioned, "What is it?" "His Ghost just marked their next location as Venus," Rush muttered, almost to himself. "I think that qualifies as important enough," I remarked, helmet already forming over my head, "Transmat me straight to Amanda. We can't leave without registering our purpose, but we need to move fast to catch up." "That's against regulation!" Rush exclaimed, "Its not a marked transmat zone and there's no way to detect if any obstacles are there. You could end up spliced with some bystander!" "And?" I grinned, knowing he really didn't care all that much about the rules. "Of course I'll do it," Rush cackled. "Put me several feet above the ground. And stand by for revive," I told Rush as I prepared for transmat, "Just in case." "You Guardians have got to be the stupidest things alive...probably why you don't mind dying again," Rush teased, then in an instant took me to the Hangar, my boots hitting ground and vision clearing to reveal a surprised Amanda Holiday sitting in front of where I landed, as well as a Warlock scrambling backwards. "Maybe that's why you're so fun," Rush finished his thought. "What on this good Earth were ya thinkin'?!" Amanda exclaimed. "That's against regulation! You careless Tita-!" the Warlock began scolding me, but stopped when he noticed my Warlock bond and new robe. I had bought it not long before during this brief break from my scurrying, and it now draped down my back and down to the backs of my ankles, it's top covered by the Titan chest plate that I still wore and an open front side allowing me more freedom to move as well as displaying my Titan Mark. "Warlock?" he tried to correct himself. "I know you want to try it, too," I winked at the Warlock, who nodded in agreement after a moment. "William, we're in a hurry," Rush reminded me. "Oh, yes," I turned to Amanda, "Sorry about the transmat. I need to get out of here right away." "Well at least yer not leavin' without askin'," Amanda sighed, "Location?" "Venus," Rush and I answered in sync. "But that's-" the Warlock started to declare. "Off limits," Amanda finished for him, then gave me one of her mischievous smiles, "Seems urgent, I'll put ya down for authorized patrol over Vanguard space." "You're the best Amanda," I thanked her, already heading down to the launch pad. "I know," she laughed. "Can I go to Ve-?" the Warlock began, now feeling curious and left out. "Nope," Amanda didn't wait for him to finish the question. ___________________________________ Link to Ch13: Link to Ch14 Pt2: Link to ToC:

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