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7/19/2017 11:23:11 PM
It's not just the super that feels slow and weak, but it does indeed feel far too slow. Hopefully that's just a beta thing and we shall once more rise as powerful god-slaying spacezombies, with mighty weapons and powers. The things that make Destiny unique to play are the powers, without them it's just a decent shooty game with a solid feel. The cramped crucible is a bit more worrying, I don't really like having to rotate my friends out for the cut-down new "fun-size", I don't like that small maps mean half the weapons are pointless (why bother with a long range weapon in such a tiny space?), nor that it results in death-on-spawn so often. People are often close enough to kill a materialising guardian, sure it evens out across the teams, but it's still a terrible way to go. To sum up, the beta makes me feel much weaker than we did in the original Destiny beta and I agree it is partly due to the long recharge times.

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