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Edited by xxPieruchoxx: 7/20/2017 3:41:37 PM
Charging time of supers and nades are fine in D2, in D1 were to many supers and nades. Lets do some numbers of D1 a PVP 10 minutes match you will have 24 nades....yes 24 !!!! if you charge your nades at 25 seconds rate, could be more nades depend on your equipment. Also you will have at least 02 supers if you do not kill any one, but usually you will have 03 supers per match. So in summary ........if you equip Stickys nades you could have 24 kills only will nades and at leats 06 kills with 03 supers asumming you are a potato using your supers........Yes about 30 kills without fire a single bullet....that was totaly broken. In the new system in D2 you HAVE TO USE you weapons, no every challenge will have something to do with a granade or a super. Countdowm PVP mode 4 vs 4 is ok. Control 4 vs 4 is not good should be 6 vs 6. Extremely terrible thing that the weapons will have the same perks...... with D1perks system you have reason to play over and over hundreds of hours looking for the GOD ROLL WEAPON, and also makes for example that 50 different weapons feel like 500 weapons only because of the perks combination. BUNGIE PLEASE FIX THE PERK WEAPON SYSTEMS IT SHOUD BE LIKE D1

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  • ...I'm sorry, but do you really think this is about PvP only? Pve exists too, yknow. And it's gonna be hurting bad in D2 with this kinda crap.

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  • Nop but i gave my thoughts about PVP, you are more than welcome to give yours about PVE

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  • If you do god awful, you should get 1 super per game. 1.0 or around there you should get 2. And if you're top 3 on the leaderboards you should get 3 in a 10-12 minute game. Considering how easy they are to gun down with primaries at this point, that's nothing. Same goes for the melees and grenades. The abilities were why made destiny unique as a shooter, and it doesn't take away from the gunplay, it adds to it. There nothing worse than spamming auto rifles for 10 minutes barely moving the analog left and right, and people have the asu city to equate that to skill.

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  • I agree that the super should recharge slower than in d1, but I think it's a little too slow. I've been playing many matches where the game ends before I even get my super or before anyone gets their super. Also in pve it needs to be speed up a a bit also but definitely not back to the way it was in d1.

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  • Edited by xxPieruchoxx: 7/20/2017 3:34:27 PM
    Agree Bungie have to find middle ground between nades and super avilable like popcorn like D1 and the D2 charging time.

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  • The problem is that this game is not a pure shooter.....and 60% of the player base plays PVE. ...and the ability recharge rate SUCKS for PVE play. If I wanted to play a Halo campaign, I'd go play Halo.

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  • Edited by xxPieruchoxx: 7/20/2017 3:45:55 PM
    Agree is not 100% shooter, but it is a shooter with abilities not a ability game with some shooter. Bungie should search for a diferent balance of abilities, PVP and PVE are total different environments and should be adress like that.

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  • [quote]Bungie should search for a diferent balance of abilities in PVP and PVE they are total different environments and should be adress like that.[/quote] Agreed. But they refuse to do so. So PVE players feel they are having a system that is being optimized for PVP play shoved down our throats.

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  • [quote][quote]Bungie should search for a diferent balance of abilities in PVP and PVE they are total different environments and should be adress like that.[/quote] Agreed. But they refuse to do so. So PVE players feel they are having a system that is being optimized for PVP play shoved down our throats.[/quote] YEP. I felt like that all through D1 and felt like that the first day of beta for D2

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  • Cool story, too bad HALF the game is pve.

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  • Bungie should search for a diferent balance of abilities, PVP and PVE are total different environments and should be adress like that.

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  • What game did you ever play in where someone got that many kills from nades? And if they did? Who cares!!!!! COD noob tube!!!! Who cares, people Play the way they play! Camping and sniping!!!! Who cares, people Play the way they play! Shotgun runners!!!!! Who cares.....see the theme! If I got killed by supers, nades, melee, anything, I'd moan and shout and never say it's my fault, but I still loved destiny!!!! There's 4 beta testers in my house and all prefer D1

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  • Edited by xxPieruchoxx: 7/20/2017 3:42:10 PM
    Another nade addict, get used to fire your weapon to get kills.

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  • I agree with you on the super and grenades. In D1 people will just get supers without doing anything. In D2 you have to work for the super. If you didn't get your super in D2 then you didn't work hard enough. I disagree on the weapons perks. I hated that in D1 that a lot if ny deaths occurred because of overpowered weapons. So far in D2, the weapons seem more balanced and it feels like an even playing field.

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  • Edited by xxPieruchoxx: 7/20/2017 3:36:17 PM
    I see you point on the weapons perks, if D2 will have fixed perks then BUNGIE have to give us a lot..... but a lot more weapons than D1 to fill the empty space. If they do not give significant more weapons to the game in a very little time we will have all the weapons available and, for a Fisrt Person LOOT Shooter game will be....... very disaponting.

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  • And PvE? We exist too ya know.

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  • Theres a whole game outside of PVP, neither is good for PvE as currently constructed.

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  • Agreed. Though i would like slightly longer matches so you get your super if your trailing but still positive. Quite a few games where we were down 60-45 ish and then we rally, get 3 points and just get supered back down. Would atleast like the chance to answer. Was thinking maybe you get 3x super energy from killing a super? However 6v6 control could fix that with there just generally being more kills. As for the guns, i dont know, i agree mostly. I think like one random perk then the mods would be good, just saying as i have yet to see what kind of mods will be in play but either way with pure mods itll take from the grind (which i enjoy).

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