So I've read all the reviews and opinions on the D2 Beta so far; I've spotted an interesting trend in the opinions from the ones that are saying it's great and are loving it.
All of these Bungie defenders have sub 5000 Grimoire, No "From the beginning" node unlocked on Y3 MoT and have 1000 Hours or less gameplay time.
You will say Grimoire doesn't mean shit, but it's an uncanny trend that I've spotted.
Any D1 Alpha/Beta Vets with 5500+ Grimoire and 3000 Hours logged have anything good to say about this D2 Beta?
I'm curious...
I just want primary/secondary/heavy back. I'm not sold AT ALL on the weapon change. They NEVER explained why they did it. All Ive watched boiled down to basicly "we were testing the game and came up with the weapon changes. Everyone hated them at first but I liked them so eveyone kept playing and got used to it." We can have two sidearms equipped. Because thats what everyone was begging for in D1.