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Edited by Wendler: 7/19/2017 3:25:24 AM

Inital Hunter/Gameplay feedback

I kind of broke most of the initial thoughts down on twitter, but figured i will come here now and just post my initial thoughts for some to read and possibly reflect back on. What I will be talking about in this initial statement are Hunter Subclass feedback, Weapon Feedback, and Gamemode Feedback. So to start off, the hunter subclasses. 1) Markman's/Gambler's dodge. Overall, its just a small adjustment from having shadestep almost all the time in D2, but i think the cool down is ok being at 17 seconds on first glance. Gambler's Dodge i havent really found an opportune time to use yet, since you have to be close to an enemy, but Markman's dodge has been extremely useful when closing out a round in Countdown. Prob later on in the week ill have a better feeling if cooldown may need to decrease to maybe 15 seconds? Just we will have to see. 2) Golden Gun: Love the 6 shot form of the super, Knife with it seems very good right now. GG feels powerful when used and very snappy. I like to compare them and say D1 GG was almost lackadaisical, slow and methodical. Where D2 GG is very fast, and can shut down people very quickly. Nades feel great overall, like they have a meaning when used vs just spam every 20-30 seconds. 3) Arcstrider: Seems to be very questionable. Lot of issues are minor and deal with hit registration, which makes the super seem clunky. Biggest question i had going into this beta was if bolt nades would feel good again and OHHH BOI do they feel good. Im under the impression the passive tree 2 is better overall for the subclass, but with the ability mid super to dodge and close gaps there leaves a LOT of potential when game comes out for how good this subclass may become. Weapon Feedback 1) The "meta" weapons id say, and seems to be in agreement with a lot of people on twitter are as the following. Kinetic: Nightshade, Better Devils, and Scathelock for Top Tier. Showrunner and Does Not Compute are Mid Tier The Needle is EXTREMELY Low Tier (insert meta sidearm d1 joke here) Energy: Nergal, Minuet, Deathstalker are Top Tier Phosphorus, Red Mamba, Sunshot, Black Scorpion and (warlock SMG) are Mid Tier Urchin is EXTREMELY Low Tier (again, insert meta sidearm d1 joke here) Power: Copperhead, Tarantula, Main Ingredient, (suros shotty), and Morrigan all seem useful Acantha raises question in effectiveness. Seems no need to use it due to explode time outside of direct impact. Other Notes: Im not advocating here for Sidearms to become the power of what they are in D1, but i do think they need some type off buff, or i assume theres something not being revealed at the moment to make them usefull in the primary slot. Between Me, Hovey, and Mana none of us felt either sidearm was usefull in any sense in first impressions. Also, Scouts seem to be KILLED by the hit registration, ive gone through games where 5 shot will kill or it takes me more and it just cant keep up with the TTK. Specifically the Black Scorpion is either really good in engagements or really bad, which is why i put it Mid Tier. Gamemodes: Control: My only major gripe for this mode atm is to remove the mercy rule in the beta to allow more time for testing of supers within subclasses OR increase the increment in which mercy takes place. Both of these can be a bit easier i feel if the score limit is changed from 75 to 100. That way we could at least get one super in if mercy rule hits at 65-15 instead of 50-15. just something to push it a bit longer then usual. Countdown: May help if i get clarification from the team, but i feel Power might be more effecient in this mode, specifically, if dropped when killed. Too many times inital power ammo gets picked up, or doesnt get picked up at all cause a team is already elminated. Theres just a very unnatural feeling that getting power is more of a risk within this game type then it is an actual benefit. You are up 4-2 early almost no need to wait 15 sec for it. or if early on its a 2v2 same situation applies, take focus off then lose a round. If this is the intentional idea for Power to work in Countdown then thats fine. Only other suggestion for countdown is to have a pickup for the bomb. The threat of having 4 people plant kind of takes back from team strategy other then to be a mindless obj for people to be forced too. Could help team wise if you can coordinate where to go instead of while you guys want to plant rug im just gonna plant market cause i can (which can hurt solo queue i feel just as badly) TL:DR First Impression Hunter seems to have a high ceiling, Hit Reg is messing up some guns TTK, Sidearms are god awful, Control needs an increased score/countdown needs a bomb and possible power ammo rework. Cant wait to dive deeper into the beta later tonight. IGive more weapons a true test, and hopefully supers as well. Thanks Devs and the team at Bungie for the hardwork in getting this beta out efficiently without too many major issues. If anyone has any suggestons/agreements/disagreements feel free to post below! Otherwise see you in the crucible guardians -Wendler

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