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Edited by xIXEROHOURIx: 7/18/2017 10:53:27 PM

It takes a millennium to get your super

So is it just me or is anyone else about to die of old age trying to get their super in D2? I can't find a way to boost the charge rate either. [i]~Nyahh! =^,.,^=[/i]

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  • I was bummed to play a couple of Crucible games in the beta and not able to use the flaming sword. Reminds of the Titanfall 2 beta when you could go whole matches without using a Titan, and defeating the entire premise of the game. Bungie should increase our level during the beta so we can taste end game.

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    Also you have barely any extra health while your super is activated

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  • Nova bomb takes the longest id say. bottom line super take way to long and most dont last long enough.

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    2 Replies
    • Two words: pre-order refund

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    • Sorry if someone already said this, but I don't think there's a way to affect charge rates for any of our abilities at the moment

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    • there was no classic bungie "30 seconds of fun loop" in the PvE sections. Sentinel titan shield throw was like a wet fart, and sheild bash was resued from VoG templar relic. Ran out of ammo a few times due to bullet spongey-ness of all enemies, and I mean all ammo.

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    • 12
      They just need to man up and start tweaking PvP and PvE separately. No more bullshit.

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      6 Replies
      • Bungie: So nerf fusion rifles?

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      • Maybe, just maybe, the solution to lack of supers in PvP is a permanent Mayhem match type in the menu. IE. If Control is available, then Mayhem-Control should also be available. Let players vote with their feet, as to which game modes they prefer.

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      • Try to remember that there will be armor in the game release that more than likely will reduce cool downs and what not. So our supers may charge a little faster once we dive into the game more.

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        5 Replies
        • In PvE, I felt like the recharge rate was perfect, I was getting it every couple minutes in case there's a big fight that I need it in. In PvP, I think the recharge is also fine since the better you perform, the better you're rewarded. Waiting till the very end of the match for your super is actually fun, since in a situation in which I was in last night, where we were down 72-74, I popped my Dawnblade and clutched the victory. I feel like having constant supers in Crucible would be a pain since they can change the game in so many ways.

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        • There's no more ability spam and that's a good thing. I watched a few games and one person only ever got his super towards the end of the game. I haven't played yet because I'm on Xbox and patiently waiting my turn but from what I can see -- not having 3-4 supers a game is a good thing. It only really sucks compared to D1 because of what we're used to.

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        • It's like bungie said "we wanna do PvP this way so how do we build pve around that?"

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          3 Replies
          • Just like I said 2 or 3 months ago, pvp has ruined pve before the game even launches. Good job learning from your mistakes bungie.

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            6 Replies
            • It's great in PVP. Played several control games where next to nobody got a super before it ended. With that said the recharge rates are awful in PVE. Bungie flat out said they made supers more roaming so that you're inclined to use them. With the 3 day recharge I found myself doing the entire strike waiting for that "oh shit" moment to use it and ended up never using it because it was in it's infinite recharge. As a hunter, shadestep is so useless in PVE I forgot it was even in the game. And forget grenade recharge. What is it...5 minutes? While I did enjoy PVP thoroughly, PVE was an utterly forgettable experience and downright boring. I was super excited for D2 to launch and now I'm far less excited. While PVP was fun it's not enough to carry the game as there are other superior PVP focused games.

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            • I was under the impression that it charged in a rather normal speed during the strike but have seen very few supers during Crucible. In my opinion that's a good thing.

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            • Edited by Moot: 7/19/2017 12:10:54 PM
              I think it's party to reward those who get more kills. You kill more, your super fills much faster than someone else. That being said, I notice most people are finding it frustrating.

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            • I know it's just the beta, but the eternity to get a super, coupled with the easily accessible power ammo, makes it hard for the average guardian to fully utilise there subclass. Even some games of control I've had people on my team not get a super until the last minute of play. If they don't tweak it for pvp then so be it. But I would hope they buff damage and reduce cool down for pve

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            • I just want to say, in no way does this make PvE harder. No, I didn't NEED the extra abilities because it was HARD, just because it was slow, and boring.

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            • Edited by Chizbad: 7/19/2017 11:28:05 AM
              Good good good... tired of guardians popping their super every 10 seconds because that's the only way they can get a kill. And as far as PvE goes, I never needed my super anyway, once a raid is plenty

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              4 Replies
              • Look through your sub class set up

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              • It'll be fixed by launch, hopefully [spoiler][u][i][b]MY FLAMING JESUS LASTS 5 SECONDS TOO[/b][/i][/u][/spoiler]

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              • It's only early. I'm sure the charge rate is of standard as we are only kinderguardians in destiny 2. I'm sure supers will charge faster when we get better armour/builds & artefacts etc..... It's to early to judge. So far it's crispy gunplay and balanced PvP is awesome. Aim straight position well-get high scores...

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                1 Reply
                • I like the change. It was a pleasant change to pvp to not deal with supers and spammed fusions and actually "shoot".

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                • The change is good the game isn't ruled by supers , more by gun play. Also the supers are MUCH stronger so only getting it once or twice a match of crucible make it more worthwhile

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                • The amount of super gained from PvE kills does need to increase. But I personally enjoy the way it is in PvP.

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