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7/13/2017 4:42:31 PM

Protectors of Light Ch. 13: Upgrades

Angel and Logan walked down the steps that appeared behind the fireplace. The secret room below was filled with all sorts of gear and weapons, stuff Logan had only heard rumors of. Artifacts from the Hellmouth; treasures from the Lighthouse. "Wow..." Alice said as she looked around. The ghost flew from podium to podium, scanning the various stuff. In the back of the room was a set of hunter armor on a mannequin. It was nothing glamorous, but it was a sight to behold. Nick followed the couple into the chamber and watched them look around like kids in a toy store. "T'is is me private collection from past a'ventures... Now t'ey jus' sit down here..." "Are you letting us use this stuff?" Logan asked as he stared at a magnificent sword. "Of course not, it's me private collection!" The old man snapped. "I'm gonna help you, kiddies, get your own equipment..." Angel picked up an old SUROS auto rifle and checked its sights. "Awh... I couldn't even use this exotic?" She asked. Nick looked at the titaness. "No..." he simply replied. Angel huffed, then sat the weapon back on the podium. "So, why did you bring us down here if we can't use any of this stuff?" Logan asked as he faced the weak hunter. Nick grinned. "Now you're askin' the right queshions, laddie!" Nick exclaimed. "Look ova there! T'at's a 3D printer. I built all of me gear meself, and I expect you to do t'e same..." "Ah, that's impressive! Glimmer?" The warlock asked. "Aye," Nick replied. "Could we craft an enchanted sword?" Merlin asked cheerfully. "I... suppose..." The hunter answered, confused. "Ignore him," Logan said. "I'm pretty well set. Angel, anything you might need?" The titaness rubbed her hand along the printer. "I'm definitely gonna make a new set of armor that doesn't say 'Maggie' on it..." Angel smiled brightly as she thought up her plan. Logan spun around. "While she works on that, Nick, do you mind if I ask you more questions about your attacker?" "Oi..." Nick replied in a disgusted tone. Still, he led the warlock back upstairs. Nick took a seat in the recliner while Logan spun a wooden chair around and sat in it, backwards. "So, what do you know about this 'monster'?" Logan asked. Nick clapped his hands together. "Well, he enjoys country music, he considers a dinner and a movie a perfect date. Inversion Day is his favorite Hive holiday..." Logan looked confused. "I don't know much 'bout him, you d*** fool!... But his victims norm'lly have deep cuts in t'eir stomach, or sever'l puncture wounds in t'eir heads..." Nicolas continued. "So, you don't know why he kills?" The Guardian asked. "Does it seem I do, laddie?" Nick asked in return. "Fair point..." Logan added as he looked away briefly. "He's a very grumpy elder..." Merlin whispered in Logan's ear. "You mentioned that 'his victims' have certain wounds... You keep track of his victims?" Logan inquired. "Aye. Most were reachin' t'eir golden years, gettin' ready for retirement. Others were handicapped or had a disability... Very few were Guardians, even fewer were healthy ones..." Nick replied. Logan thought deeply for some time; that's a very specific demographic. The warlock lost himself in deep thought as he tried to decipher the pattern. "Oi! Muck-for-brains!" Nick shouted. Logan snapped out of his stare and looked up. "Your lady-friend is callin' for ya..." the man continued before laying his head back. Logan walked back down stairs, where Angel was just finishing crafting her armor. The 3D printer had a holographic preview of the set. It was a deep, beautiful shade of blue with blood red highlights around it. "It looks nice," Logan said with a smile. "Thanks. I needed a lot of Alice's help to design it, but it's custom made for me!" Angel replied with a squeal. "Alice says switching armor is just as easy as willing on our armor, but I haven't learned that yet... Sooo, if you wouldn't mind..." Logan nodded, then spun around. "You too, Merlin," the warlock said. The ghost reluctantly spun around as well. "The body is a beautiful work of human evolution. Why is your kind so adamant to conceal it?..." Merlin asked. "I don't know, Merlin..." Logan asked, trying not to start a discussion. "All right. Whatcha think?" Angel asked. Logan turned around and looked at the titaness. "Wow! It really hides your eyes..." "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" Angel asked. "I mean, I can't see your eyes. Did you really forget that you put your helmet on?..." Logan replied. Angel chuckled as she removed her helmet. "Oh, yeah... The resolution in this thing is a-ma-zing!" "T'ere he is! Right ou'side!" Nick yelled from upstairs. Angel and Logan shared looks, then ran back up. Nick was peaking out of his window, trembling in his frail body. He appeared even paler than he was.

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