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Discuss all things Destiny.
6/12/2017 5:00:21 AM


The following rant is directed entirely towards the people in the destiny community who are extremely vocal about their opinion that absolutely everything has to be [i][b]new[/b][/i] in the sequel. The type of ungrateful person who has an allergic reaction every time they are confronted with the mere possibility of something returning from Destiny 1, and who throws a fit every time they see something from Destiny 2 and it's not [i][b]new[/b][/i] enough for them. If this is not you, then the following rant is not directed at you, so please pay it no heed. === Jesus Christ what the hell is wrong with you people? Bungie are making a sequel to Destiny, and everyone is obsessed with seeing [i][b]new[/b][/i] things...but apparently that means that EVERYTHING old sucks, and that if even the slightest thing from the original is in the sequel, it's a goddamn abomination that must be purged at all costs. [b]They're bringing back enemy factions from Destiny 1[/b] "OMFG! THEY'RE JUST RESKINS! WE WANT [i][b]NEW[/b][/i] ENEMEES U IDIUTS!!" You know those aliens you fight in Halo? You know how Halo had a sequel? You know how some of those aliens from Halo were also in the sequel? That's what a sequel is, it's another game set after the first one. It's in the same universe as the first one, therefor the aliens we saw in the first one are obviously going to still be around. Shocker, ain't it? [b]Someone on the forums wants some of the old Exotics to return in the sequel[/b] "BUT I WANT [i][b]NUU[/b][/i] GUNS!!1" Well guess what? You're getting [i][b]new[/b][/i] guns! A whole f### ton of them! Why the hell would the Gjallarhorn, the Pocket Infinity, or the Outbreak Prime coming back be such a bad thing? You want [i][b]new[/b][/i] guns, then use the [i][b]new[/b][/i] guns! If old exotics do come back, you're perfectly welcome to just leave them be, but why the hell does that mean the rest of us can't use them? "BUT THE EVERYONE WOULD ONLY USE THE OLD GUNS!" You don't know that! Even if they did, it would be their choice to do so, and you don't have the right to dictate what we should and shouldn't be able to do. [b]Some of the supers are coming back[/b] "RESKINS! THEY'RE ALL JUST RESKINS!!!" Do you people even understand the concept of what a "reskin" is? The term reskin implies that only the cosmetic aspects of something has been changed, and that's clearly not the case. They HAVE mixed things up, but the mere resemblance to the abilities we had access to previously is enough to make people want to throw up around here. The abilities we had before were AWESOME. The only actual problems with them were balance issues. Obviously a sequel required keeping things fresh, so they took the abilities we already had and improved upon them. You ever heard the phrase "don' fix what isn't broken?" Bungie's decision to do what they did with the subclasses was probably the best one they could've made. If you honestly wanted to play a game with literally nothing from Destiny 1, then why not go play a different game entirely? So sick of seeing people crapping all over the sequel just because it didn't perfectly align with their perfect-fantasy version of it. Sincerely -an optimist and idealist

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  • I want 60 fps for console

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    • I don't really care as long as should charge dies.

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      • Just give me an actual bladed weapon for Arc Strider and I'll be happy.

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        • [b]Bungie, in D2 please bring back...[/b] Everything that was in D1 because anything new is not welcome around these here parts... Also, anything old or "re-skinned" is not welcome around these here parts either. In fact please somehow make everything exactly the same and familiar but new and exciting without straying too far away from what's familiar, but not too different either. Actually, scratch that. Please nerf stuff before we use it, but make sure everything is balanced before we use it, but not too balanced otherwise everyone will use the same weapons, which will mean you'll have to nerf them, but please FFS, stop nerfing stuff. God... I hate D2, worst game ever.

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          10 Replies
          • Edited by MacSalad: 6/12/2017 3:53:18 PM
            Anthem looks good. [spoiler]D2 looks ok too.[/spoiler]

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            9 Replies
            • Edited by dance4carrot: 6/12/2017 7:47:22 PM
              We have taken you primary burns so we can give them back later. We haven't carried the old weapons over so we can give them back later. We didn't make old raids relevant so we could do that later. In D2 we are taking everything, even your light, so you can get it back later. Its getting old and boring tbh.

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              5 Replies
              • You guys clearly don't understand how writing works. If a gaurdian used the gunslinger style of operating in the field for his entire career, why the hell wouldn't he still use gunslinger just cause the tower got blown up. The bigger issue here, is why don't the pole dancers have stealth abilities, and why don't spellswords have self-res. That makes ten times less sense than leaving old stuff in the game. It's a major part of the lore that those two classes exist and can do those things. By replacing those two classes, it is understood that they should still fit within the lore. Considering they are taking out the grimoire, they better have a damn good reason in the games dialogue for breaking their own rules.

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              • For the record, reskinned / recycled subclasses is a bit lazy and lacklustre. Look at the Borderlands series. NONE of the classes were EVER reskinned or recycled, all of it original. I find it a bit ridiculous NOT to recognize Bungie's failure to provide fresh content.

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              • Finding Dory is a reskin of Finding Nemo.. 😒

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                • Edited by GreatValueIce: 6/13/2017 11:46:34 PM
                  Why does your title remind me of a really bitchy baby?

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                  • There's no way I'm reading all that dribble... but taking one of each of our subclasses, arguably 2 out of 3 of the best subclasses... and changing their graphic display? Yeah thats sure super exciting. My arc blade is now a wand instead of a large dagger? SWEET BALLS!!!!! The best PVE super for casuals? Let's turn that crap into a glorified hammer. You like that bubble that surrounds your whole team and is awesome? Yeah here you go buddy, it puts up a small vertical wall now. GET EXCITED ABOUY THIS IMPROVEMENT I've played the shit out of this game, but if an even slightly more ethical company comes up with a similar game I'm all in. These guys have been constantly down it's customers throats with how unreplacable their addictive game is, and how we will always throw money at our screens. This anthem game looks like it has the potential to get my attention. I'm a one game only kind of person.

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                    • This

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                    • I'm pretty stoked about rehashed classes. Especially the Titan's shield. Word is it also pops a bubble if you hold the super instead of just pressing it. I just think they streamlined them and made them more valid overall.

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                    • The logic of the destiny community: [spoiler]Dawnblade has fire. Sunsinger has fire. Reskin. Sentinel has void. Defender has void. Reskin. Arcstrider has arc. Bladedancer has arc. Reskin. Destiny 2 has guns. Destiny has guns. Reskin.[/spoiler]

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                      • ...except that D2 is a contraction, and has very few expansive elements [b]as either seen or has been stated. [/b] Mostly, everything we have in Destiny, has been reduced or "simplified" for D2. I genuinely wanted to be excited for it, but I just don't consider that progressive. Balance issues? By that you mean, the ridiculous whining about there being a counter in another subclass that wasn't the one you were using at the time and died while making a bad choice? So then the sandbox team came up with ridiculously over-done "fixes" for the absolute nothing-ness that existed that only made matters worse and less fun all while continuing this trend because it apparently became the "accepted" norm until finally pretty much everyone was crapping their pants about the "state of Destiny"? So now the team over at Bungie just decided to flat take a bunch of shit away so that there was less to complain about and if need be, "easier to fix" (or destroy IMO). Truthfully anything balance related is Bungie's fault for having this evolving meta system. If you don't have a solid idea of what you want, you'll never be able to achieve your goal and get it. Until they nail down a goal, it will always be screwed up. Sure, there were things that legit needed fixed, but a majority of what was done was un-warranted. I'm glad you see the glass half full but don't forget that there are plenty of reasons not to.

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                      • Yeah, they're new subclasses that are more restrictive and less customizable. That's totally better. I'd rather have literal reskins if I'm being honest.

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                      • It's been 3 years....and they couldn't come up with a new grenade. THREE YEARS. I'm not saying I'm not going to buy the game or enjoy it, but it should be talked about how incredibly lazy that is.

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                        17 Replies
                        • When I first preordered Destiny, I was under the impression that this was a 10 year franchise in which we'd be able to carry over characters and weapons and other shit. I guess I was way wrong.

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                          • I like the looks of the evolution of our characters in D2, ties us to the past to give us familiarity and continuity but still enough newness I hope of it to feel fresh to play. The problem with any new content for D1 would be way many of us have tuned into the gameplay so well that other than making the bosses into bullet sponges again or by introducing ludicrously awkward mechanics we'll just walk through the content. But I really like the gameplay, I like the original subclasses.. However, I like new stuff too and I hope they've struck a balance. I'm optimistic.

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                          • Ha! Good rant! I wonder if these people have played a Zelda game... I'll give you: A+ ☮️

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                            2 Replies
                            • And to think at first all these whiners wanted their stuff to transfer over to D2. Make up your goddamn minds!

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                              • Amen brother. Preach it.

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                              • Here is what we should get in terms of subclasses: HUNTER: Void, Storm and Flame Version of Golden Gun Void, Storm and Flame Version of Arc Strider Void, Storm and Flame Version of Night Stalker WARLOCK: Void, Storm and Flame Version of Nova Bomb Void, Storm and Flame Version of Storm Caller Void, Storm and Flame Version of Dawn Blade TITAN: Void, Storm and Flame Version of Striker Void, Storm and Flame Version of Captain America Void, Storm and Flame Version of Hammer of Sol Imagine the f*cking possibilities . . . . O_O

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                                • So what you're saying is, nerf fusion rifles?

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                                  • Im a hardcore destiny fan and will buy D2 no matter what happens. With that said I dont mind gameplay type stuff being the same. I do have concerns about them dumbing down the class trees. I wanted extra abilities on top of what we had. I dont feel like ppl wanted replacements to the great gunplay or classes. We additional perks, ways to fight etc.

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                                    • even in halo they added new enemies along with the old. they also brought back guns from the old halo games into the new one. that battle rifle and pistol are almost as iconic as MC is.

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