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5/16/2017 7:40:35 PM
1. What is difference between Competitive and Quick play? Competitive has an additional round and should be taken seriously, as your skill rating is on the line with each match 2. What are the gamemodes? Quick play (2 capture points, payload, hybrid, control) Competitive (all those modes with an additional round, where you play for skill rating) Arcade modes (modes just for fun) 3. How to progress in game and what are rewards? At the end of a match you get exp. With enough exp you gain an Lv. Each Lv increase gives you a loot box. Loot boxes contain cosmetic items for heroes. Or they give you currency with which to buy those cosmetics. 4. Can I play PvP PvAI and AIvAI? PvP: check PvAI: check AIvAI: check, but only in custom games (not sure why you'd do it anyway) 5. How to best combine teams? You mean what's a good team composition? That you can only learn with experience. Too much to write down. Thanks for all your anwers! Np [spoiler]6. Is R34 for OW good?[/spoiler] No idea. Never looked, never will.

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