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originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
Edited by foxburton99: 12/7/2016 2:42:43 PM

Destiny: Legend Untold, Chpt 11 Pt 3

[u]Chapter Eleven: One Small Step for William, a Giant Tumble for Drew[/u] Part Three "Alright alright, I get it," Drew sulked, "Respect the ladies." "Let's get going, we still have more beacons to set up," I told them, still chuckling. "Also," Sierra began as we climbed onto our Sparrows once again, "I do what I want." She then hit the throttle on her Sparrow, kicking up dust into our faces before shooting away underneath the electric line. I let out a bark of laughter at that before following with Drew close behind. We reached the bottom of the opposite side of the hill and cruised past a couple more small colony buildings. Until we reached a cliff. The electric line broke of right above the edge, the rest of it visible a short ways below us but a good distance before us. I looked around us and saw a couple of rows of solar panels along with some rundown old vehicles and a couple more domes that reminded me of greenhouses. But all around these ancient objects lay the bones of the people who had died here. Bodies clad in suits meant for exploring space littered the ground, fabric torn and visors shattered so the skeletons inside were visible. I found myself staring into the eye sockets of a skull, wondering who it had been, what they had done, and why this had been their fate. A hand grabbed my shoulder and shook me a bit. "Hey, William, you hear me? Have you gone deaf or something?" Sierra's voice floated into my attention. I shook my head a bit as I cleared my thoughts. "No, I just kinda zoned out," I answered. "Dude, when you get thinking about something like that it's as hard to get your attention as it is to get mine after a long night at a bar," Drew laughed. "He barely responds to me at all when he drinks those bad oils and lets his processors slow..." Sally said sadly. "Aw, it's not on purpose Sally, I just can't hear people talk very well when I'm like that," Drew reassured her. "Can we stop talking about how drunk you get and place the next beacon?" Sierra complained, "Where's the next one go, William?" "I don't know, I want to hear more about these fluids Drew drinks and what he does after drinking them," John told us. "John, no," Sierra said flatly. "How come you don't drink anymore?" John asked, "Is it because of what I did last time?" "Oh, I want to hear about this one," I said eagerly. "Rush! Tell me where the next one goes!" Sierra demanded. "To our current left," Rush answered, "follow the cliff edge until you reach that small construction vehicle and place the beacon in front of it." "Thank you!" Sierra said as she stormed off. John appeared in front of me and Drew. "I'll try to tell you guys about it later," he told us, scrunching his shell in a wink before disappearing. We followed Sierra and eventually came to a small vehicle that resembled a bulldozer, the skeletal remains of a couple humans on either side of it, one of which which half-buried in the Moon's dust. The waypoint on my visor display marked the ground directly in front of the vehicle, and I willed another beacon into my hand as I approached. At the sound of me slamming the beacon into the ground, a chitter sounded by hind us, and I snapped up from placing the beacon to face the noise. A few Dreg peaked out from on top of the closest building, followed by some Vandals and more Dreg. Groups of Fallen rushed out of the next building back and from a cave to our side, surrounding us. They had been hiding, remaining motionless so they wouldn't be picked up on our radars and get the drop on us. "They never learn," Sierra chided, probably smiling devilishly behind her visor as she readied her hand cannon. "Neither do I!" Drew bellowed as he began shooting into the midst of Fallen, "No future but now!" Sierra and I joined him and, naturally, the Fallen began shooting back, scrambling around so they would be harder to shoot. My shield went down quickly, as did Sierra's and Drew's, but Sierra managed to dodge around enough to keep from being hurt while Drew just stood like an impenetrable wall. I ducked behind Drew and kept him between me and dodged around so only a few Fallen could get shots on me at at a time. It's not cowardly, it's preservative and strategic...don't judge, if you were in this situation you would've gotten behind a barrier, too. A few Wire Rifle shots hit Drew, the molten metal bars embedding themselves in his armor. "Ow, that stings," Drew whined, then shot down the snipers. I hadn't been hit by a Wire Rifle before, so I was confused by his reaction to taking a sniper round and stepped out so I was a clear target. "Does it really not hurt much?" I asked Drew as I fired into the midst, waiting for a sniper to find me. Drew didn't have to answer, for a Wire Rifle round hit my left leg a few seconds after I asked. I fell onto my left knee, the bar on my visor display that showed my physical condition plummeting to the red zone. "OW! That REALLY hurt!" I shouted. "Why did you think I was avoiding them?" Sierra asked incredulously. "Damage accumulation," I gasped out as I stood up again, my Light beginning to restore my wounds. Then another shot streaked out of the clutter of Fallen and blasted a hole through my helmet. And through my skull. I saw my nightmare again; people dying down in the dark, a sword swinging, and three glowing eyes. It passed quickly, and I found myself floating through space, surrounded by twinkling stars. But then I got closer and saw that they weren't stars, but glinting shards of glass floating around me, each showing a rapid procession of events. As the dream came to an end and everything began to blur and fade, I saw what appeared to be a throne made of more glass float into view. My feet hit the ground and then my knees as my head spun and I tried to make out my surroundings. Rush was floating around my head. Drew and Sierra were standing in front of me for cover, continuing to thin out the hoard of Fallen as they now sought cover at the small buildings they had come from. One of Drew's arms was dangling limply at his side and both of them had scorch marks and holes dotting their armor. A flow of Shanks was now coming over to support their builders, along with some Vandals and a floating purple orb that I knew was a Servitor. "...shouldn't let the enemy shoot you!" I heard Rush finish a scolding, then scan me a couple times as I started to push myself up, "What's wrong? I only took a few seconds to revive you. Why are you so shaky after a revive?" "Disoriented," I mumbled, "Had that nightmare again." "But you weren't asleep," Rush stated in confusion. "We'll figure it out later," I said as Drew fell to a Shrapnel Launcher blast. I stepped up in front of Sierra and threw my hands out to the sides, summoning a Ward of Dawn around us. Most of the Fallen continued to shoot pointlessly, hoping to break through the barrier. While Sierra reloaded her gun and let her Light heal her wounds, John fixed up her armor and Sally revived Drew. "War continues, even after death," Drew muttered as he rolled his shoulders, glad to have both arms working. "You just eat up all that nonsense that the Future War Cult members say, don't you?" Sierra sighed. Before he could respond, a group of several Vandals and a couple Captains charged out towards my Ward, all bearing Shock Blades. Drew and I pulled out our shotguns while Sierra drew her knife. As the Fallen approached, I formed a Magnetic Grenade in my hand and moved to the back edge of the Ward. Drew followed suit and Sierra went ahead and stepped out of the barrier, keeping it between her and the Fallen still. As the Fallen entered the Ward to attack us, Drew and I let our grenades slip from our hands and stepped out. Three explosions followed; one from Drew's Flashbang that stunned them and two from mine that finished off whichever Fallen were still standing. One Captain had remained outside of the Ward, however, and rushed past its dead comrades after the grenades went off. I stepped back inside to meet the Captain and put a shotgun round into its chest, sending it stumbling back with blood seeping out of the holes in its armor. It recovered quickly and lunged at me again. I fired once more, but it continued forward and slashed me with its swords. But I was empowered by Light inside my Ward and the swords deflected off of the Force Barrier that had formed around me, barely doing any damage. Before I could finish it off with another round, a knife spun past my shoulder and embedded itself in the Captain's head, causing a stream of Ether to spew out as it collapsed. I looked over my shoulder to see Sierra stepping into the Ward, her arm already inside from the knife throw. "Show off," I chuckled. "Says the guy who stood there and let a Captain hit him," Sierra sassed. "But Drew did that, too," I pointed out. Sierra looked to Drew, who was now leaping in and out of the Ward and shooting more Fallen, then back to me. "He doesn't count," She sighed, "He's not trying to show off, he's just being...Drew." "Fair enough," I laughed. "Now get your feet moving, I don't wanna be here all day," Sierra said as she stepped up to the edge of the Ward. ______________________________________ Link to Chpt 11 Pt 2: Link to Chpt 11 Pt 4:

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