tell me riddles whichever one i get the rigjt answer to gets a prize of ur choosing
Edit 1: Touch ne bby, burning viper and voltrons child get a reward (burningviper gets 36/48ths of a reward) dm me wat u want
[spoiler]i call upon the people who enlisted to this thread[/spoiler]
[spoiler]...a casual loop in this toggler's mechanism suggests that the toggling process somehow binds space and time into...[/spoiler]
These are from the game Medievil on playstation. At night they come without being fetched; By day they are lost without being stolen. Answer: [spoiler]Stars[/spoiler] I live for laughter, I live for the crowd, Without it I am nothing. Answer: [spoiler]A clown[/spoiler] Face like a tree, Skin like the sea, A great beast I be, Yet vermin frighten me! Answer: [spoiler]An elephant[/spoiler] I tolerate the moon and stars, I can't abide the sun, Banish me with torch light And you'll see me turn and run. Answer: [spoiler]Darkness[/spoiler] [spoiler][b][i][u]KUPO!!![/u][/i][/b][/spoiler]