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originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
Edited by foxburton99: 4/19/2017 12:15:04 PM

Destiny: Legend Untold Ch 13 Pt 3

[u]Chapter Thirteen: Pimples, the Acne-Ridden[/u] Part Three "Ogre!" Sierra cried out at the sight of the beast, "Scatter!" Her warning came just in time, for as the three of us sprinted off in different directions, a glowing ring formed before the Ogre's face and blasted out a stream of blasts at the spot we had been standing only moments before. It's roars chased us around the chamber as we scrambled to avoid the barrage from both it and the other remaining Hive. Deciding to take out some of the lesser Hive so we wouldn't be so pressured, I made towards a group of Acolytes bunkered behind a boulder. Two of them fell to my rifle before I caught the gliding form of the Wizard in the corner of my eye and was suddenly surrounded by a cloud of heavy gas, slowing my movements. Shrieking once more, the Wizard drifted away from me once again to hamper Drew, but I soon found out why she had been calling out. The Ogre's eye was on me now, and it lumbered over at a deliberate pace with mighty fists clenched. I struggled, taking one burdened step at a time through the ensnaring mist as the Ogre closed in. Making it to the edge just in time, I took a few quick steps to the side right as a gargantuan hand slammed to the ground. The impact of the attack was actually strong enough to blow me back, making me stumble a few feet away from the heavy arm as it begin to lift off the ground. The creature towered above me, two stories tall and driven by some unknown rage to crush me. Another arm swung, sweeping in a wide arc that I had to fall to the floor to avoid. Next came a leg as thick as a tree trunk, raising into the air and coming down hard enough to smash stone, and I dodged with a quick roll. Anticipating the next attack, another sweep of the arm, I vaulted out of my roll to soar over the meaty limb, jumping again in midair with my Light to propel myself away from the Ogre. Just as I left its range, a rocket slammed into the Ogre's head, causing it to stumble backwards several paces and roar at the pain of the shrapnel and flames. I looked up to see Sierra, rocket launcher being lowered from her shoulder, standing behind a Hive barrier that provided excellent cover from the enemies in the room. Not having to think twice about it, I dashed over to her and ducked behind the sheet of Hive metals. "What the heck is that thing?" I gasped, reloading my weapons as I recuperated from the wild encounter. "Ogre. Some Thrall are selected to be tortured by Wizards using Light and other cruel methods until they become a walking mountain of muscle, pain, and anger," Rush described the process to me. "They're tough," Sierra grumbled, peaking around the barrier to look at the Ogre, only to duck back as a powerful stream of energy shot out from it to her. "I don't think it's happy that you messed up its face," I chuckled. "Oh please, if anything I made that ugly mess of pimples look better," Sierra replied, then looked to me, "How can you be so upbeat at a time like this?" "I dunno," I shrugged, "But it seems to be lightening your mood as well." "Oh do shut up," Sierra said jokingly, and I could tell she was smiling now behind her helmet. A flurry of bolts scorched the ground to the side of the barrier and Drew ran around into the cover, the angry cries of Hive coming from behind him. He laughed to himself as he made sure all of his weapons were loaded, "I think I made 'em mad." "They were already ticked to begin with," Sierra shook her head ruefully, then pointed at Drew, "And then twinkle-dumb here had to go prance around in front of all those ugly bas-" "Language," I interrupted. "Maybe I should've just let that acne-ridden troll eat you," Sierra sighed. "Alright Will," Drew sidled up behind me, "How do we get past that thing?" "Why don't you just punch your way through it, Drew?" Sierra snorted, "You do that with everything else." "You don't just go up and punch something that big," Drew explained, "It would be like you punching me; it wouldn't do much." Before Sierra could snap at Drew, a strategy formed in my mind. "Drew, Sierra," I got their attention, "Run out to the left at the Hive at the doorway. Drew, you focus on killing and making sure Sierra doesn't get hit, and Sierra, you keep the Ogre's attention. I'll go out the right and blindside it, then we can finish off the rest together." "Got it," my teammates responded as one, then bolted off together with guns blazing. The Ogre, following the movements of Drew and Sierra, turned away from my position and began lumbering slowly towards them, trying to get a clear shot. A few beams tore from its gaze, all missing and one even taking out an Acolyte, until Sierra fired off a few rounds at its face that made it flinch. Taking my chance, I left cover and went straight for the Ogre, leaping high into the air as I got close. The giant turned its scorched and bloodied head in time to see a raging violet sphere of energy fly out from my hand, instantly expanding to be a bit more than half as big as its bulky target. The Ogre was gone before it could even take a step back or forward, the ethereal flames of my Nova Bomb flickering through the air where it had once stood. I landed, but before I could assist Drew and Sierra a shower of Arc bolts scorched my side and I had to dive out of the way. The Wizard floated near me, screaming furiously as it let off splay after splay of blasts from its hands. But it had come too close with its desire for bloodshed, and nimbly dodging the Wizard's blasts I brought my shotgun to hand. As the witch came to yet another pause between volleys, I leapt up and grabbed her by the throat, dragging her down to where my feet touched the ground. She clawed at my hand, trying to escape and letting out strangled calls. I quickly pressed the muzzle of my shotgun against her chest and turned my head away, letting off two rounds before her ashes slipped from my grasp. Sighing as I looked at the remains, I reloaded my shotgun and slung it over my back. The cry of an Acolyte rushing to avenge its commander sounded behind me, but I just threw my hand back and let the pulse of energy disintegrate the Hive soldier. Our job got to me more than I let Drew or Sierra see, but I knew letting the Darkness run unchecked would mean the end of all good in this wide universe. The sounds of combat had finally stopped, and I turned to see Sierra and Drew standing triumphantly over the remains of the enemy. Drew in particular looked triumphant as he danced merrily, scattering the Hive ashes across the room. "What am I even watching?" Sierra put her hand to her visor in a face palm. "The art," Drew began as he did a few over-exaggerated dance moves and then a big spin that ended with arms splayed out to his sides, "Of balancing dance with destruction." "Well, you do both of those a lot, but how would you balance them?" I laughed as I walked up to them. "Trade secret," Drew answered mischievously, doing a few small, quick moves in a tiny dance. "I wouldn't call anything you do an art," Sierra told Drew snidely. "Oh yeah? Then what do you call this?" Drew stopped dancing, only to position his arms and puff out his chest in a flexing pose. "Testosterone," Sierra sighed impatiently. "Is that an art?" Drew inquired, but didn't wait for an answer, "I am performing the arts of posture and form." "Don't forget that you dance and fight, too," I tried desperately to hold in my laughter as I reminded Drew of his other activities. "Two more arts worthy of a true, handsome warrior like myself," Drew boasted, finally dropping his poses and dances. "How do you deal with this, Sally?" Rush asked over the coms, "I'm a guy and this is awful, I can only imagine how it must make a lady feel." "I've given up on changing him..." Sally muttered. When she forgot to be shy, she was feisty. "There has to be a name for what you do, but it definitely doesn't have 'art' in it," Sierra shook her head at Drew. Name. That got me thinking. "Hey, you guys know how Hive have titles for their leaders and such?" I asked. "Yeah," four voices answered, Sally only responding with a whimper at the thought of powerful enemies. "Well we should name that Ogre since it's the first real tough thing we've faced, even though it's not the real deal," I suggested. "I'm assuming you already have an idea," Sierra sighed, but she seemed to like the thought of glorifying our victory by titling the opponent. "The Abominable Sasquatch!" Drew shouted. We both just stared at him for a second while he stood there excitedly, waiting to see if we liked the name. "Um, no," I told him gently, "I got an idea from Sierra's early comments." I let that sentence hang to draw suspense. "Just talk, peewee," Sierra commanded. "Alright," I waved my hands as if putting the name up for display in the air, "Pimples, the Acne-Ridden." ________________________________________ Link to Ch 13 Pt 2: Link to Ch 13 Pt 4: Link to ToC:

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