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4/4/2017 3:33:49 AM

Beta tester review/feedback part 1

Hello everyone and Bungie, This is me deciding to Travel through the game from beginning to end as a new level 1 hunter. I usually main a Titan and will transfer her over when Destiny 2 comes out (thanks for that option by the way). So far i'm enjoying it and i plan to make a few parts due to the nature of time and needing to play the game. Here is some of the stuff i wish to compliment/comment/suggest to Everyone reading. Feel free to comment below on how you feel about the subjects. The cinematic opens, humans reach mars and discover the Traveler first hand. I found the whole thing leading up to your revival awesome and inspiring as a writer. Then there is the comment "It is also a beginning" and then bam Happy horn out of nowhere. The Opening mission does so much right in my opinion. It has a mysterious yet Dramatic vibe. The music puts you in the mood and escalates the intensity of it all. When the ships warp in when you get through the wall and you see the towers fall off in the distance, I couldn't help but just stand there and watch. Those kinds of details like camera shake and things happening beyound your play area help make the moment and pull people in. When you finally get your ship, the cutscenes of the travel there are beautiful. The tower as well was nice to see, shots like that, that show more of the world and whats around your play area are great ways to color in the pages. (showing is better than telling and visual stimulation can add depth to anything.) As i walked by Eris Morn on the tower i heard her say," How far are you willing to go?" I would dive into the darkness and join her so she would not be alone. In other words i have a crush on her. Also, As a suggestion, is it possible to maybe have dialogue options when it comes to talking? I refer to asking questions for like who are you, where do you come from, what is this place, and so forth. It allows for more meaningful conversations with NPCs and can flesh them out more. I like the old sparrows. I love the new sparrows too. With destinyt 2 i hope to see new and old models of version 1 and 2 of sparrows and maybe a version 3. We didnt see much else done with enemy vehicles either and hope they will make a return or we find new models. And thank you for the kiosks. they were a great addition. I would love to have unique quests to be given out BY vendors. Not having to report to them for a part of a quest or Holliday's kill crusible players with a gun. More interaction is better. Another thing about vendors is their inventory goes stail after a certain level. I would like to see their inventory get better in terms of rarity along with the player or based on your alliance level with them. Another cool idea would be to incorporate a slot with a legendary or exotic item that changes out every week. My favorite early emblem is the Jade Rabbit Insignia. Props to the one who made it and please keep making awesome but varient/unique ones. Not just lines or color but shapes and pictures. Having ones that change color or move would be great. Lets have legendary or exotic emblems that are holographics of old ones along with tricked out or animated scenes/actions. Also just realized there is a level 20 restriction on shaders.... why? One Request is that NPCs talk to you through coms or send you messages. This adds more story through text delivered in meaningful ways/times based on story and can help add depth. I don't know who survives but i hope to hear a lot of lines of chatter as i roam like before. I wish to here the speaker more along with the clan heads. Lets get this one out of the way. I wish to have glimore cards in game. I know you probably have heard this one a lot but its true. I would like to see them as i play the game and even have something like voiced lines for them. You could have cast, crew, and even fans read out the lines on the glimore cards (if you keep them) aloud for the player to hear. Just don't rely on them to tell us story that could be better displayed in game. When it comes to races, my favorite is the fallen. They look fasinating and are fun to fight. I enjoy the other races and just hope that they get plenty of time in game along with possible varients. If we got a new species, it would deepen the lore and add to the fights. One topic that I wish to have seen is friendly AI. In a game where three guardians is all the world needs to win, it would be nice to see AI guardians or creatures/technology fighting with us. joining a few squads on a distant battlefield or having them join us when the odds are against us in an ambush would make for some epic fights/scenes. Large scale fights is another option due to now being on current gen. This is possible due to the amount of us that survived the attack at the tower and we are trying to reclaim our home and push back the darkness that now wishes to be rid of us for good. In destiny 2, i hope a sparrow circuit is made available full time. A tournament that appears throughout the year just like the trials or the banner is a good way to keep racing in. I was glad to see it appear finally but with it being a limited thing it sucks. Ships on the other hand are just visual eye candy that gets you from place to place. I don't thing destiny needs a flight simulator but would like to see either a multiplayer option or a side mission with dog fights. If not that then more cutscenes of flying into the mission area to show the world more. Random thought, or we can have optional shooting mini games like Kindom hearts gummy ship. :p Guns... That is one large aspect of Destiny. I have used alot of guns and for the most part I am satisfied. However, there are still small/large issues depending on who you are. I for one am tired of getting the same exotics more than ones. Especially when i can buy them back or i already have them in my inventory. (The Dunemarchers is the worst being at three). The other is balances and functions of guns. I have seen guns have similar perks and some guns in the long run just don't work that great. Including the ammo system. I don't believe the amount of ammo you have should change just because you switched them out. Some situations (especially if your alone) call for a different gun at some points in the same mission. If you switch you are punished and loose ammo. This is the same for all slots and its nuts. Just let us switch even just the same gun type and keep the ammo. One solid example for a gun with great looks but lack of function is the "No Land Beyond". This gun is the pinicale of an amazing look and animation/build. It is a primary option for a rifle and its scopeless. I love scopeless rifles due to ironsights being a bit more demanding but fun to use and its magnification is still great. It requires you to load each shot and makes you wait for the right moments. I feel, however, that its damage is not high enough. Even though its a primary, its ammo type is easier to find then green, and it does high crit damage the slow loading time and low ammo count doesnt make it much for combat. It doesn't have to compete with the special rifles but cant keep up with even the other primary weapons. I love it, but cant use it and it is a shame. (Yes it has the perks but not much can be said when your in a tense fire fight and trying to use range with it. you'd be better off with a scoped sniper. This gun is for mid to close range fights imo and it just needs some tweeks to work better. When you introduced swords and sidearms, this changed the way we could play the game and gave us more variety in style from one another. I for one love the side arm. I hope to see more additions join us in the fight. One thought is you could do public testing on new weapons. Have the community test them out. I will say that as of destiny 2 i hope to see a diverse amount of exotics (while strong and good there are always good legendarys too). Like a couple of side arms to start with. I understand why you have the light system. It's annoying, especially when your ghost and class item are tied to it. If you keep the system, just make it to where we have to maintain less gears levels. We wear gear not just for perks, but for style too. Shaders are great but sometimes bad perks rolls prevent us from wearing them. When i find cool class items, i don't want to search for the right perk set up. A way to re-roll legendary perks would fix some peoples frustration of having to wear the perks and not the armor. Style is important because you made them look different and we want to dress our way. Another thought would be letting us change the model of the armor but keeping the perks. This helps keep looks consistent when finding armor with better perks. It also lets us break down armor but change our set up later buy paying. This feature could be available later. This is more of a looking forward to. We have three classes, three elements, and three sub-classes. I hope to see a new class and a new type by the second dlc or sooner. My thoughts on a sub-class/element is maybe Ice, cosmic light, maybe corruption or black matter ( a material that has a different effect on living organisims. The class version would be able to craft constructs or objects.) either could be one as well, a counter to void. My last point for this is the in game currency. Its not me, but it can't be denied that others do use it to get boxes and emotes. These items should be obtainable by other means so that we can have a chance to enjoy them too. The silver dust was also born from the currency system and its a cool/unique change.

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