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originally posted in: best thing ever said
3/24/2017 10:15:19 PM
*LONG POST ALERT!* Destiny in it self ruined me. I played the game for two years until I realized that I WANTED the game to crash and burn. That the next patch would finally put myself and others over the edge and quit the darn game. Destiny became a chore and none of my friends (the ones who made Destiny special) all left. Eventually, I got a PS4 (was on Xbox 360) and decided not to buy Destiny. I wasn't going to let it ruin me anymore. From that point on, I stopped playing completely. I never wanted to become a person that wanted franchises to fail, but Destiny turned me into that. I still no longer have faith in the Destiny series and am still willing to bet that Destiny 2 is going to be another letdown. Bungie has drilled into me the idea that they don't care about me and only want money, so I won't care about their game. Not anymore. The point of my story is yes, Destiny was fun. WAS fun. But to me, Bungie killed it with a the start of something called Year 2. Now, I live happily playing Overwatch and Horizon Zero Dawn (which has more story in a cutscene than Destiny had in its entire lifespan) on playstation.

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