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originally posted in: best thing ever said
3/24/2017 1:55:39 PM
Stopped reading early I played beta and year one. Things have gotten a lot better since then in almost every way. Anybody who says otherwise is looking back with rose-colored glasses.

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  • Finally someone said it. Rose tinted glasses everywhere. Its the same with other games for example CoD4. All anyone could talk about for 10 years was how great it was and now that its back everyone realizes how horribly unbalanced it was. Same goes here for Destiny. Year one was so unrewarding and such a drag most of the time. Thats not to say that the game is perfect now. Sometimes its too rewarding. New players being 400 without having to do the raid or trials because they got a 400 eyasluna gifted to them for going 2 and 20 in a clash game and not to mention 3 of coins. I think they need to find a balance between the two. Early TTK to April update comes to mind.

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  • Bump

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  • [quote]Stopped reading early I played beta and year one. Things have gotten a lot better since then in almost every way. Anybody who says otherwise is looking back with rose-colored glasses.[/quote] This. ^ The [i]real[/i] things killing Destiny are the Year 1 elitists and the ToO sweats.

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  • If you didn't read it all why do you bother to comment? For all you know, he (or she) could have said something that makes you look like a fool with your comment.

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  • I went back and read it all after I made my first comment. It didn't change my mind.

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  • Then I apologize.

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  • No apology needed, your comment was valid.

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  • This was the most calm and disciplined argument I've ever seen.

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  • Lol

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  • I stopped reading early on myself. The reviews for Y1 were awful. I personally know several gamers who hated it and dropped it quickly. It was largely considered a disappointment of a game. It's all nonsense. It's just the perpetually unhappy gamers finding new and exciting things to whine about. I guarantee you if this game was still in Y1 format, they would be b!tching about the state of the game.

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  • Y1 was soooo boring...Wow it was quite a boring pile of turd.

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  • Yes the reviews were bad in Y1, and now reviewers care less cause none of the add ons have really improved upon what made year 1 great. Sure we got raids, but old ones vanished and pvp became the motivating factor when adding new content.

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  • Sorry, been here since the beginning too and could not disagree with you more. You have no "facts" here, only your opinion, which like mine, means absolutely nothing.

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  • Sure, it's all opinion I guess. But c'mon. Implementing the quest system and retooling the loot drops for high-level activities have both had tangible positive effects. They changed the game in a fundamental, resonant way, and both for the positive. There are more activities to partake in, those activities are easier to track, and those activities are more rewarding. Would you argue otherwise?

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  • Edited by H_TOWN_BALLA_80: 3/24/2017 2:38:03 PM
    Not trying to say that literally every single change after Y1 was bad but IMO a majority of them were. Quest system was good yes. I'm on the fence about loot drops. Yes they needed to drop more often but now they drop too much. I say that as someone who never got a Gally to drop in Y1. I don't get any excitement at all when something drops even if it has a good roll. Adding things like CoO and Forge were also welcome additions as well as the changes to strike bosses like Alak Hul. But taking away elemental primary's, taking away the reason to do NF (XP bonus and the cool blue flame - SRS WHY was was that removed lol?) and the challenge of NF (orbit kick), taking away all the old raids (which were still valid in HoW thanks to Etheric Light) and the endless nerfs, and the shit raid set with Oryx and horrendous drops (though it was a cool raid in itself) are the bad reasons that outweigh the good almost IMO. *run on sentence done on purpose* And those are just a few reasons.

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  • Those are valid issues, certainly. They have made mistakes. I just feel that the positive changes far outweigh the negative ones. I personally prefer the current nf system, tho I do think they should have left in the nf buff all along. But I definitely dig the 'not getting kicked to orbit' change.

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  • Yeah, I never got why the buff and especially blue flames left the game for NF. On the kick to orbit thing, I just enjoyed how it made it feel so much more rewarding to make it through with your team, you know. I'm not one of these ToO try hards that thinks everything has to be max difficulty or you're filthy casual type guy, but at the same time, NF has become something that is just a strike that needs LFG for a team. Whenever I bother to do one now I can just hop on LFG and put "no mic required" and I don't even worry about their LL anymore. It's just too easy. I don't feel like I'm alone in saying that I miss the importance of Tuesday nights. I used to LOVE racing home after work and getting on with my clan and doing 3 NF's chasing Gally then doing 3 "Coin Runs" (Weekly Heroics) then doing at least 1 if not more raids. It was so much fun and I would stay up well later than I should on a work night. I was meeting people left and right and my friends list was brimming with people on Destiny every day. Now, there's hardly if any friends on anymore and it's not because the game is old now. They have all expressed dissatisfaction with the way things have changed. Citing the game being old (not that you're doing that but others are) is a scapegoat argument to avoid the real issues. Starting with Y2 this game began to decline and it was Bungie's decision making that caused it for a lot of folks.

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  • [quote]Yeah, I never got why the buff and especially blue flames left the game for NF. On the kick to orbit thing, I just enjoyed how it made it feel so much more rewarding to make it through with your team, you know. I'm not one of these ToO try hards that thinks everything has to be max difficulty or you're filthy casual type guy, but at the same time, NF has become something that is just a strike that needs LFG for a team. Whenever I bother to do one now I can just hop on LFG and put "no mic required" and I don't even worry about their LL anymore. It's just too easy. I don't feel like I'm alone in saying that I miss the importance of Tuesday nights. I used to LOVE racing home after work and getting on with my clan and doing 3 NF's chasing Gally then doing 3 "Coin Runs" (Weekly Heroics) then doing at least 1 if not more raids. It was so much fun and I would stay up well later than I should on a work night. I was meeting people left and right and my friends list was brimming with people on Destiny every day. Now, there's hardly if any friends on anymore and it's not because the game is old now. They have all expressed dissatisfaction with the way things have changed. Citing the game being old (not that you're doing that but others are) is a scapegoat argument to avoid the real issues. Starting with Y2 this game began to decline and it was Bungie's decision making that caused it for a lot of folks.[/quote] This!

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  • This along with many other reviews shows what was wrong with year 1. But I personally miss year 1

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  • Really...? Lol GO away troller

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  • I realize you're incapable of seeing this - but Sunmofo is correct, and simply because you attract abundant misery troops here to your dung heap to keep your company doesn't mean the world revolves around you. So who is the troll?

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  • Not trolling, seriously. Just stating a basic fact; year one was the worst year of destiny. It was great, don't get me wrong. I wouldn't still be here if year one sucked. But the game has gotten better over time. You can argue about gun and ability nerfs all day, but the things that matter the most, the core pillars of gameplay, have only improved over time.

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  • Edited by Willakkuma: 3/25/2017 11:23:17 AM
    You'll have to excuse Hammond Robotics, this poster is an agenda pushing spammer with thin skin. Good feedback, by the way.

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  • I would argue that the core pillars of gameplay are the guns and abilities. I think everything that has been added as far as activities go has been at worst fine, and mostly good to great. My issue is that we are supposed to be "celebrating our triumphs" at a time when your character(s) feel less powerful than it/they ever have. I understand that a lot of the changes were made to temper power creep, but artificially trying to increase difficulty and promote diversity this way alienates a player base conditioned to play however they want. I imagine that Bungie thinks that allowing everything to be OP, will cause the game to become to stale, and a challenge is needed to continue to draw interest. Maybe so, but taking away a players ability to be functional with weapons/armor/classes that they enjoy playing will do the same, in a much faster and more violent way, hence all of the whining when a large patch/change is made.

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  • You're not wrong with your assessments. But I feel the gun nerfs have, in general, been overblown (though some of them were definitely harsh). The perk nerfs have been worse, but also less frequent. In general, the gunplay and abilities still feel as good now as they did in the beginning, which was the brightest spot of year one for me, along with vault of glass. To me, none of the nerfs affected the game in such a way as to make it unplayable the way I wanted to play. I have always preferred auto rifles and scout rifles, and I have always felt like I could use those guns effectively if I wanted to. Sure, I was disappointed when autos got nerfed. But I still used them and had fun.

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