It's in the title! What's your favorite? What makes it your favorite? Gameplay, story, Multiplayer?
I love the Dishonored and Bioshock series. I think they were total package games. They were fun, great stories, just the right length, great DLC.
I'd love to hear yours!
Edited by Tartan 118: 3/14/2017 10:54:42 PMHalo, though that's wobbling recently with H5. It's certainly not my current favourite though that's harder to pin down. Others include: Myst Half-Life BioShock Assassin's Creed Burnout Banjo-Kazooie Trials 'Splosion Man (two really fun XBLA titles... probably the end of the list) Peggle Zuma Portal Ok, I'm done. Maybe. I guess Gears of War. Again, not so much these days, but 2 and 3 were wonderful.