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2/20/2017 4:57:10 PM
Back at my old house I had my set up in the garage. It was the only available space and I was happy to have it. Unfortunately, since it was just a garage, temperature was sometimes a problem. Heat was easily remedied, since I could just leave the door to the house open and turn on the window AC unit, or just set up a fan if it wasn't too bad. The cold, however, not so much. During an especially cold winter, it dropped to around 9 degrees Fahrenheit. I couldn't use a heat dish since that sucker used so much energy it'd just cut off all power to the garage. So, I just put on a ton of jackets. I had so many layers, an onion would be jealous. This didn't really bother me, but I couldn't wear gloves for obvious reasons, and that's where problems began to arise. My hands got excruciatingly cold, the joints especially painful. My ankles were also beginning to hurt, despite me wearing multiple pairs of those long fluffy socks. For the longest time, I was able to ignore it, but eventually it got so bad I had to throw in the towel and retreat into the house. My hands ached for a week. Did I [i]have[/i] to play videogames in those conditions? No. Do I have a problem? Possibly. Was it worth it? I'd argue it was.

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