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1/13/2017 8:51:12 AM

Still No Mention Of A Balance Update

I feel as if we have been stuck with the current crucible "balance" (or more accurately the lack thereof) for far too long now. Me and a lot of people I know who have been playing since day one agree that this has been by far the least fun the crucible has ever been with there being such a huge advantage given to players that chose to run very specific loadouts, and favour given to strategies that require far less skill than their less effective counterparts. We need change, and we need it soon. I am astonished that there STILL has been almost no mention of a re-balance update, almost no indication of what things might come in the update (other than a vague mention of shotgun changes about a month ago), and not even a hint as to when we can expect it to drop. I am a die hard player of this game, I've been playing since the beta, and was following the game for months and months before it's release. I've stuck with the game through the good and the bad, but this current state of the game has seen me take more breaks from the game than any other patch by a huge margin (and I know I'm not alone in that). Please give us some indication of when the next big sandbox update will be, and what we can expect from it. Also, please don't just make the game worse with the update.

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  • Well, we've been on a downward trend for a while now. I notice done of the sharpest dropoffs I've seen after Thursday came and went and they said jack shit nothing about new balancing. People were angry over festival of the cost. People found that the specific manor of "strike scoring" drove people to to either sit in the entrance to a strike to clear their bounties or else made them not exactly team players. Some people got pissed off about the icebreaker and just walked away without saying another word... (Seriously though. People defend the choice but I think that decision cost them a lot of players rather you agree with it or not...) And then cozmo saying that a balance patch would be addressed after the new year, and then nothing was said about it. I frankly don't care rather you think people were being "whiny" about FOTL, the dawning, icebreaker, that fragging forklift, the strikes, or anything else............. People, rather you want to legitimize it or not, were angry and tired. Why are the server numbers down while less people are complaining? Because people are tired of toxic idiots shouting them down. They didn't say goodbye, they just left, and honestly the people who have been running around shouting down anyone who felt abused or neglected only have them selves to blame that matchmaking is getting slower and slower.

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