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Edited by FJFSOM656: 1/11/2017 3:59:41 PM

Titan Story Chp 35.4: The End of a Team...

"Or what? She's said it herself, 'I can get you out of here.' And I plan to capitalize on that fact." Rex's eyes shone a pale white as he drew Kate closer. Kate whimpered while her body trembled in immense pain. Everyone stood perfectly still, awaiting some sort of order. Zavala's veins were bulging from his forehead but he remained still and calm. Rex gave a small chuckle and began to slowly move Kate towards the Hanger doors leading out to the City. "Now I want these doors open or the little scamp loses more parts." He twisted his hand in emphasis and Kate gave a yelp. "What makes you think we will let you leave alive?" Zavala growled angrily. "Cause I have a free pass out." "Once she's gone, you won't have a pass any longer." Rex laughed. "So you are saying that you would let her die like a little wh..." "NO!" Zavala barked, his eyes turning into thin pinpoints. "I'm making sure you are aware of the consequences of your actions." Rex paused briefly before chuckling quietly, twisting his arm further. "I am quite aware. Now open. The door." Everyone remained tensed and hyper-aware as the situation continued to spiral out of control. Guardians were lining up shots but Rex kept jittereing and moving Kate around, making it almost impossible for anyone to take a clean shot. My teeth grinding together as I felt powerless in the situation. My body shook with rage as I stumbled a bit forward, only being stopped by Cayde. "Well?!" Rex yelled as he jerked Kate violently, making her scream again. "Is anyone going to save the damsel?! Huh?!" I yelled out. "Just who are you?!" Rex paused for a minute and looked straight at me. "Excuse me?" "Tell me what your name is... So I can hunt you down and save Rex. Cause you are not him." I stared directly into the lifeless Taken eyes. "Um, not a great negotiation strat..." muttered Cayde. The Exo gave a wry smile. "You are right. I'm not Rex, he's inside of me, slowly dying, trying to fight back but he can't. He's being tormented, put through agony. He's a slave and I am the master." "What is your name?" I stated again firmly. "I don't have one... But in the database files, I'm dedicated as... NOVUS. I kinda like it actually. Novus..." He allowed his name to roll off out of his mouth like a narcissistic addict. "Alright Novus... My name is Josiah Robinsun. You better remember it well." Novus gave a small chuckle. "Your name isn't worth my time remembering because you are nothing to me." I growled and tried to step forward but Cayde held me back. "Not now bucko..." He mumbled under his breath. "WELL?! Are my demands to go unattended?!" He jerked Kate violently and pressed his back against the wall, using her as a human shield. "I am losing my patience!" The hanger swelled with tension as everyone's attention was captivated by Novus. He let lose a laugh as Kate gave another pained cry. "Well?!" The air continued to gently sway in silence. "Is there nothing you wish to do?!" Silence followed his remark Novus frowned and shook his head. "If you all insist..." He yanked his hand out of Kate and forced her to the ground. She fell like a rock, clutching her stomach as oil and a white ooze pooled around her. Novus reared back and began to strike but his arm stopped in mid swing. He looked confused as he glanced down at his arm as it gently pulsed a faint blue and shook wildly, resisting his command. Novus gave a small chuckle and looked up at the crowd. "Lucky for you, sometimes I can't control my..." "OPEN FIRE!!" Zavala roared as his yell morphed into a barrage of various firearms going off simultaneously. Novus simply grinned as his body shimmered and wavered, as if he was activating Blink while stationary. Hundreds of rounds tore through the Hanger doors, creating a vague opening that Novus simply walked through. His body re-materialized outside as he plummeted downwards out of sight. "Sounds the alarm!" Zavala barked as he quickly spun around and took off upstairs. "Code Red! All Guardians mobilize and look for that b****** now!!" A moment passed before a low droning siren began to wail and drown out the clattering of dozens of metal boots that moved at a rapid pace. Cayde wrapped his arm around me and began to haul me out of the docking bay. "We really don't want to be here..." He muttered to himself as several other Guardians quickly grabbed Kate and moved her. Seconds later, the landing pads rushed downwards and pulled up three ships, letting loose a collection of hisses and shrieks under the sudden demand. Three Guardians hopped in the ships and rushed forward. Two managed to plow their way through the half destroyed bay doors while the third used their ships cannons to clear as much wreckage as possible before following suit as the next wave of ships came up. Cayde managed to drag me up the steps and set me down near Holliday, who was scrambling and barking orders at Guardians and Frames alike. He patted my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. We will find em. Zavala has a habit for being exceedingly stubborn when he's playing Hide and Seek." I simply stared out at the open sky of the City as several ship zoomed out of dock. The Guardians who grabbed Kate set her down on a box of cargo out of the sight of most and began to perform emergency medical care on her as she cried and wailed in pain. I winced at the sounds as my body began to shake uncontrollably. Cayde gave a small sigh and nodded to Holliday. "Make sure he doesn't wander off too far. Have him help out somehow." "Less chit chat, more hauling a**!" Holliday said with a quick flourish of her hands. "Right right... Mind if I ah..." "Already en route, get hopping." Cayde gave a grin and bolted for the docking bay as he hopped into his ship and took off. Chaos ensued for several minutes as all of the noises around me mixed into a headache-inducing wail of agony. I rested my head against the nearby crates and simply sat still as the noises slowly drowned out into a numbing ringing. link to chapter 35 link to chapter 35.9

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