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originally posted in: It's Finally Happened (NMS Topic)
11/28/2016 3:16:14 AM
I just said this to some one else but it stands up well on its own. I spent a day with it. It's not horrible, but it just needs [i]more[/i]. Building bases and hiring NPCs to man stations is frankly a better progression path than the original "visit every manufacturing plant ever" but the progression is still pointless as there's nothing to do once you reach the end point. Survival mode is actually a little fun, but it suffers from the same problems as above. Not to mention there are arbitrary build limits that prevent the game from going full minecraft, so you can't say the point of the game is building now. If factions meant something beyond quality of life upgrades then I can see this game becoming a lot more engaging as you manage those politics. If the whole game was on massive set of servers like WOW then things would have a -blam!- load of more meaning. As it stands all this up date did was give the game a better progression path. Which mind you is a step in the right direction, but it just needs more.

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