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originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
Edited by foxburton99: 11/16/2016 9:33:14 AM

Destiny: Legend Untold, Chpt 10 Pt 6

[u]Chapter Ten: Class Rank[/u] Part Six My eyes snapped open and I whipped around, putting up my right arm to block. Two fists met my raised arm, not able to get past my block but doing a number on my Force Barrier. But that was trivial seeing how my Force Barrier regenerated instantly. Looking up at the Baron as he pulled his fists back, I saw that he was clearly disappointed that he hadn't overpowered me but not surprised, for he had seen me tear apart the Walker. But I no longer knew caution or patience and swung a punch as soon as the pressure let off my arm. The Baron grabbed my fist with one of his left hands, but when his arm started to bend back he had to grab my forearm with the other and struggled to hold me in place. He raised his large and wickedly spiked Shrapnel Launcher with his right arms, moving the quadruple barrels to point at me. Before he could point it directly at me, I grabbed the weapon's barrel with my left hand and began pushing back, preventing the Baron from being able to shoot me. We struggled for a moment, both grappling for the upper hand, then I let out a bellow and drew deeper from the well of Void that courses through me. The Baron's Shrapnel Launcher bent backwards, rendering it useless, and he began to slowly slip backwards. In an attempt to make me fall over, the Baron released his grip on me and the Shrapnel Launcher and sidestepped to my left. But instead of falling down from the disappearance of a countering force, I rolled forward and swung around in time upon standing up to catch his lower right arm as he swung a punch. The Baron tried hitting me with a couple of its other arms, but I used my smaller size to duck underneath and run behind him. As I did so, I yanked back his lower right arm with me, breaking it with a sickening snap. He roared in pain and whirled around to face me, it's broken arm dangling limply. Fueled by rage, the Baron charged me, swinging his fists swiftly and powerfully in an attempt to take me down more quickly. But I was too small and quick for him, and all of the punches were either dodged, deflected, or blocked, my fists driving into his sides and gut every chance I got. Then my right leg buckled. I felt nothing, but in that distant part of me that had thought, I knew that I should be in serious pain. Two left fists slammed into me after I fell to one knee, and my Force Barrier broke as I flew backwards through the air. My back hit the ground first, but I bounced and flipped over to my hands and knees, digging into the ground to slow myself. Standing up and beginning to walk forward, I willed the Shrapnel Launcher I had claimed earlier into my hands. The Baron began walking towards me as well, drawing a rather large Shock Dagger. His arm hung uselessly at his side while I walked with only a slight limp, but the same part of me that screamed to stop or at least put up another Force Barrier told me that I wouldn't be able to move on that leg much longer. Upon reaching a range of only a few meters apart, the Baron charged forward. As he came at me, I fired at its right arms, then ducked under his slashing attack when he reached me, turning and shooting the Baron in the back. The large Fallen let out a roar of agony as the hot, flaming metal pierced his armor and dug into his skin, but did not drop the blade as pain enveloped the arm that wielded it. The Baron turned once more, only to have me fire a round into each of his legs. No longer being able to stand, the giant fell to his knees and hunched forward in pain. He looked at me, head now just about down to my level, watching with hatred as I approached. Once I was close enough, the Baron took one more stab at me, but I simply swatted the Shock Dagger out of its hand. The knife landed tip first in the ground with a sizzle of electricity, sticking straight up out of the dirt several meters away. I pulled my fist back for another blow, ready to finish the job, but then I met its four-eyed stare. Behind the hatred I saw pain, just like in the eyes of the Dreg from Skywatch. That was the last pull my conscience needed to take back control, and I stopped drawing on the Void as I lowered my fist. My right leg collapsed first as my muscles screamed in agony and I fell to both knees. Body aching and head spinning with pain, I looked up to the Baron. I had lost control to the power and thrill; the Void had consumed me and in the frenzy I had killed mercilessly. The end result was a pile of bodies and a strained body, but I knew that if I had held onto the Void much longer I would've been added to the list of dead. My helmet flashed off of my head and I looked the Baron in the eyes, trying to let him know how I felt through expression. Our eyes met and I saw some of the hatred leave the Barons eyes, replaced with curiosity. We saw each other's pain at that moment. But then the four blue eyes widened and filled with even more pain as the huge Fallen fell to the ground. The life in those eyes was gone within seconds. Crag now stood on the other side of the Baron's body, one knife still in hand while the other sat embedded in the back of the alien's head. As Crag picked up the knife he had used and sheathed both, Sierra came up behind and inspected my condition and the dead Fallen's. "Must've been a close fight," She muttered, checking out my scuffed up armor. I decided not to tell her that I had done this to myself or that the fight had been one-sided. She tried helping me up, but that just made me cry out in pain and go to my hands and knees as my legs gave out again. Crag watched intently as I struggled. "How did it do all this to you?" Sierra asked with concern. "Never get in a fistfight with something that has more arms than you?" I laughed weakly, making my sides ache. That seemed to be a good enough excuse for Sierra, and she didn't seem to realize that my Light should have been healing my wounds. Now I waved Sierra off and slowly pushed myself to my feet, my body protesting every bit of the way, even once I was finally standing. Taking in the scene around me, I realized that my rampage had taken me a short ways into the trees, and we began walking out to find more open space so we could transmat into our respective ships. I picked up the Baron's Shock Dagger upon passing and looked back at his body one last time as I limped away. Not remembering most of what happened after destroying the Walker, I almost threw up when we left the woods and I saw the trail of bodies beginning at the charred hull and leading into the trees. I had done that... "You sure do know how to clean up, William," John said cheerily, "After taking out that Walker, you got WAY more kills than Crag and Sierra before the last few turned tail and ran." I willed my helmet back on so no one would see my expression sour and I gave John a falsely happy thanks. Relief washed over me when we finally got in our ships and put the battlefield behind us, but the sadness, regret, and frustration with myself only grew stronger. The click of my com system turning off made me stir from my thoughts. Rush appeared in front of me. "William," he started in a soothing tone, "it wasn't you." "What are you talking about?" I pretended I didn't understand, "I totally wrecked those Fallen, and came out almost perfectly fine to-" "You DID NOT come out fine!" Rush interrupted angrily, "And you WILL NOT go around blaming yourself for this!" A weak and sad sigh escaped me as I put down the charade. "But it was me who did all that; ME who killed all those-" I began, but was cut off once again. "You weren't in control! Your Light almost consumed you! I was there, I was monitoring your vitals," Rush argued, "You couldn't regulate the energy so it took over and started flowing out in whatever way it could. If you hadn't been able to snap out of it you would've burnt out and died, although I would've been able to revive you still as long as I had Light to spare. It wasn't you, it was rampant energy coursing through you!" Rush's talk was actually helping me feel better, but I knew it would be a while before I got past the fact that so many died by my hand, even if I wasn't in control of my body. "Thank you," I murmured. Rush floated there looking at me for a moment before bobbing in a small nod and turning to the ship's controls. "Hey, if I died now and you revived me would I stop hurting like usual?" I asked after a little bit, only partially joking. "No, this is different than a physical wound. The only cure for straining your energy is to relax and let your stores of Light replenish," Rush told me, "But it shouldn't take long." "Got it," I groaned, trying to get my aching body comfortable in my seat. My head still throbbed a bit, too. "William," Rush said after another stretch of silence. "Yes?" I answered. "You beat them at patty cake," he told me, shell shifting up in a humored expression. I couldn't hold back a laugh at that one, no matter how much it made my sides hurt. _______________________________ Link to Chpt 10 Pt 5: Link to Chpt 10 Pt 7: Link to ToC:

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