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10/14/2016 2:46:11 PM

Clan Reclamation

I'm a mod for Echo Company 754, a clan off of, and we've been growing steadily for some time now. So to deal with this growth we've created new sub-clans to include in our Alliance. One of the names that I had set my heart on had already unfortunately been claimed by another clan; however, the clan is for all intents and purposes defunct. The admin as well as many members of the clan have not played since April 2015 with some inactivity dating back to 2014. I have contacted the clan admin asking if he'd be willing to transfer over the clan to me since it is not being used, but to no avail. I have also tried finding his profile on Xbox Live, and have as of yet been unable to find it. Is there a way I can put in a request with Bungie to have control of the clan transferred over to me since it's been inactive for so long?

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