Good thing you're not old enough to vote then cuz you need to do some research.
So you want trump?
If I'm not mistaken I think they meant nerf fusion rifles.
Neither tbh but if I had to pick between a rich man who says mean things sometimes or a corrupt politician who's been caught lying over and over again, I would go with Trump.
Well you know that both of them have been caught lying over and over right? Both of them are in fact corrupt.
Trumps lies have never gotten someone killed.
Well as far as we know. If he was leader you think less people would die compared to Hillary.
Less of our people yes. For shady reasons yes. To push an agenda yes. Our enemies might die by the thousands but not our people.
Man I despise both but they're both liars
No shit Sherlock. That's why I said, "I don't know. "
Hillary had the head of the FBI admit she performed illegal activity in front of a congressional board. Trump... Not so much.