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originally posted in: The Fallen Will Pay For My Wall
10/5/2016 4:19:50 AM
And hillary abused and intimadated into silence -blam!- victims for her husband, calling moneca "trailer park scum". But ya it's us evil gay hating conservatives that are misogynistic. Gloria Stien says women only support bernie sanders because they want to have sex with berniebros. But ya it's us sexist right wingers that hate women. The same ones who actually care about combatting a deeply sexist actually homophobic (and not just won't bake you a cake homophobic but throw you off a building homophobic) ideology, islam. Hillary clinton thinks it's sexist to pay women the same as there male counterparts when they work as well as them as if somehow they aren't able to? But ya only evil stupid backwards deplorable idiots would support trump, the kind that are an overwhelming majority of our active and retired military, police forces, VA, border security and average working class americans.

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