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originally posted in: The Fallen Will Pay For My Wall
10/4/2016 2:32:21 PM
Ahhhh how did I know you'd pull the race card? Ughhh. I was hoping you'd pull out a real argument like which of his policies you don't like and how you think it would negatively impact us. But nope, you took the route I expected. That aside, you saying "forget he's a businessman he's still not qualified" is literally the same thing as me saying "forget she's a politician she's not qualified". But honestly how to you just [i]know[/i] he's racist? Because he said many of illegals crossing the borders are rapists, murderers, and criminals? God you are so ignorant. And if you're such a humanitarian, try pulling your head outta your ass and take a look at Hillarys past. She lied about Benghazi which cost lives. She lies about everything. She's silenced women whom her husband has sexually assaulted. There are books and books on it dude, but you don't care because you couldn't be -blam!-ed to do any of your own research.

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