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originally posted in: The Fallen Will Pay For My Wall
Edited by Kurumi : 10/4/2016 6:58:15 PM
Incoming: All children below the age of 18 that think Hillary is acceptable for the position of Commander in Chief given her track record and corruption. Edit: there is a strong combination of rustled jimmies and intelligence in these replies

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  • You really think Trump can start WWIII? [spoiler]Well I think you're an idiot.[/spoiler] These "arguments" that EITHER candidate would "start WWIII" or throw the entire nation into turmoil, or better yet the people that say if a certain candidate gest elected that it will mean THE END OF AMERICA ITSELF.... It's just stupid to say such things, and only an idiot would agree with you. I have some faith in this country, faith that the entirety of it WOULDN'T FALL AFTER ONE TERM OF A SHIT CANDIDATE. You really think a single president could destroy America? Do you really? Because if so, I don't believe you know how a presidency works. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." < This is true. But presidents don't have absolute power. Checks. And. Balances. It seems with this current election people are forgetting we live under a DEMOCRACY not a MONARCHY. What little faith in your country you must have to believe that a single air headed business man will destroy it. People say we have lost our patriotism when saying the pledge of allegiance is no longer mandatory in elementary schools. I believe a clearer sign that we, as a nation, are becoming less patriotic is when we think an arrogant dick or a corrupt bitch sitting in the Oval Office well literally be the end of this country. America is strong. Strong enough to survive a single Trump term, at the very least. Please think about what you say before you say it. Trump may not be your ideal candidate, but don't go around comparing him to Hitler. Idiot.

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  • You have no idea what you're talking about. Hillary and the Democrats and Bush's pushed for a war that Trump outwardly denoted on multiple occasions. Why would he all of a sudden be pro useless war? Almost all of Pro Hillary or Anti Trumpers I see have little to no education in what he actually says and stands for beyond the edited clips from news stations owned by Democrats. I'm not saying I follow him blindly either. I listen to his policies, read them. I make my own opinion rather than follow the popular one blindly.

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  • You do follow him blindly if you believe anything that comes out of his mouth. He tells media whatever he wants, bud. It's called keeping an appearance. I certainly do know what I'm talking about. Why deny that this man is easily the least qualified person to be president that has ever ran? Fck the business shit. Could care less about the knowledge he does have.. it's the kind of person he IS. He is blatantly disrespectful and clearly racist or bigoted to some degree. We cannot allow a man like this to represent us. And no, him paying for college degrees for many kids in Hispanic families does not imply the opposite. It implies he's willing to rub his money into whatever slimy hole is willing to receive it.

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  • What's one racist thing he's said?

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  • Ahhhh how did I know you'd pull the race card? Ughhh. I was hoping you'd pull out a real argument like which of his policies you don't like and how you think it would negatively impact us. But nope, you took the route I expected. That aside, you saying "forget he's a businessman he's still not qualified" is literally the same thing as me saying "forget she's a politician she's not qualified". But honestly how to you just [i]know[/i] he's racist? Because he said many of illegals crossing the borders are rapists, murderers, and criminals? God you are so ignorant. And if you're such a humanitarian, try pulling your head outta your ass and take a look at Hillarys past. She lied about Benghazi which cost lives. She lies about everything. She's silenced women whom her husband has sexually assaulted. There are books and books on it dude, but you don't care because you couldn't be -blam!-ed to do any of your own research.

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  • Edited by What I Look Like: 10/4/2016 2:36:37 PM
    I'm sorry you're trying to sidestep the obvious. Trump IS racist. Im not going to sit here and argue that with you. And his policies? Im sorry you took the time out of your life to try and understand them. Probably a huge waste. He will be dealing with people outside of his comfort zone when it comes to race, to put it simply. He will say something beyond stupid. And we will pay for it. Anything else you try to logically look at will not outweigh your fear when you wake up to news of nuclear warfare. And I live here, so I am certainly entitled to believe that strong knowledge of busines is far from the deciding factor when it comes to the face of our country.

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  • Wow, nice one. You don't provide any [i]actual[/i] evidence, since you can't, so you just say it's obvious that he's racist. Alright dude. You're a huge waste of time and honestly part of the problem with America. Stay ignorant you close-minded twat. It's not just Trumps policies I read, I also read Hillarys. Why? Because I'm not ignorant. How could I not vote for someone when I don't even know what they stand for. Hell, I bet you don't even know Hillarys policies. Jesus man what a sore sight.

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  • Edited by ChrispyBacon77: 10/4/2016 2:22:59 PM
    It comes down to this: if YOU vote for trump, YOU are selling your soul to the devil. YOU are the type of person who likes to watch the world burn. If you had it YOUR way, you would vote for something like "the purge" to happen. YOU are the scum of the earth and have serious psychological issues like the piece of bleached shit that you want to have sit in the Oval Office and run our country into the ground. God be with us if that lowlife becomes president.

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  • You folks have the unfortunate choice of two equally shitty candidates for the POTUS position. But that's politics mostly...everywhere.

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  • Where do you live?

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  • In the Third Worldish US Colony of Puerto Rico.

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  • This guy knows what's up i don't like Trump but i hate Hillary more so i am really stuck

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  • Did you know over half the Trump supporters just hate Hillary more. And then vice versa over half her supporters just hate trump more.

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  • Yeah i heard that it is so true worst set of canidates since Nixon

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  • Ha Nixon at least had carisma and was resonably likable. Hillery is quite litterally a bitch and Trump a racist asshole.

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  • True but pokemongotothepoles?

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  • Yeahh and we all know how that ended for us.

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  • Yeahh this year we have 2 choices. 1 get -blam!-ed 2 get -blam!-ed with lube Either way we are still -blam!-ed I hear Canada is nice I might move there for those 4 years or 8

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  • The hillery condom, to provide a sence of security wile your getting scrued

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  • Wow lmao

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  • Pretty much. We've got a classic narcissist and a corrupt bitch. Both choices are shit

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  • True

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