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originally posted in: The Fallen Will Pay For My Wall
Edited by Kurumi : 10/4/2016 6:58:15 PM
Incoming: All children below the age of 18 that think Hillary is acceptable for the position of Commander in Chief given her track record and corruption. Edit: there is a strong combination of rustled jimmies and intelligence in these replies

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  • Both Trump and Hillary are god-awful options; it's pretty much like choosing to die by either cobra venom or python suffocation. I'm below 18, and I'm seeing through both of their regressive piles of bullsh[b]i[/b]t.

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  • Murica is -blam!-ed for the next 4 years

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  • You have such experience to base your opinion on right? Lawl. This kid thinks he has the world figured out before he has had to learn how to pay for his own way.

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  • ...and this old man thinks that since he's old, no one else can make an observation other than himself. Trust me, I'm sick of SJWs as much as I'm sick of FOX; I'm not some typical socialist hipster, but I'm not a far-right "smartass" either. You're right: I've still got a lot to learn. However, that doesn't mean I'm stupid or ignorant.

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  • But as an 18 year old you really have no clue... Revisit these thoughts in a few years when you pull your head out of your arse, preferably around 25.

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  • K Donnie.

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  • Edited by jlobue10: 10/5/2016 1:35:21 AM
    Have you ever paid for your own place to live or your own bills?.... Didn't think so.

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  • You're right; I don't know what that's like. However, that's not even the subject at hand right now; all I said was that both candidates are absolute sh[b]i[/b]t.

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  • I don't prefer the prospect of either of these loons to become our president. Hillary Clinton is a liar and will say what ever it takes to become Commander in Chief. She has done terrible things that she will never be forgiven for and should answer for them.That being said, she has political experience and is predictable and semi-controllable. Other countries across the globe publicly support her as do most political leaders in our own. Donald Trump is a wild card who can't hold a civil conversation let alone keep track of anything he says. He attacks Hillary for lying but can't even remember the continuous lies he spouts publicly every other day. Trump is no better than an upset toddler who had a piece of candy taken from him. He has no sense of decency, dignity, or true self worth. Once again, not a fan of either. But when push comes to shove, wouldn't you rather have an adult in the White House?

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  • I agree both candidates have more baggage than an army of bell hops could carry to the curb. I disagree with who is the worst. She is too corrupt and will abuse her power. Trump would be a one and done. She would rig the system to win a second term (if her health held out).

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  • Edited by MOJOJAM3: 10/5/2016 2:38:54 AM
    The though that Hillary would answer to the populace any more when she's president than she has already is laughable. She is the type of leader that worries me; one who is convinced that thy know best. In the end, good intentions or not, we'll end up with a despot. Edit: Mind you, I'm no fan of Trump either. I just think that there's less chance of him attempting to seize power than the woman who has been plotting to be president for at least the last 16 years.

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  • So what you're saying is nerf fusion rifles?

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  • Incoming differing of opinions about things.

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  • Incoming: All racist and sexist Trump supporters!

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  • Incoming: Autistic twats that think everyone that doesn't agree is racist and sexist! [spoiler]Leave, feminist. #Trump2016[/spoiler]

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  • Trump also makes fun of people with disabilities and is a complete idiot because he thinks global warming is a conspiracy theory. I don't want some idiot that calls women fat ugly pigs and makes fun of people with disabilities as president. And I'm not a feminist, I actually laugh at some of them. But you shouldn't call anyone that.

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  • Edited by Liam: 10/5/2016 11:15:56 PM
    You mean that time where he called [b][i]A WOMAN[/i] [/b] who WAS fat and ugly.. a fat and ugly pig??

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  • You disgust me

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  • Care to elaborate? No? Bye.

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  • Mhm, because everyone who supports Trump is racist and sexist right?

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  • [quote]Mhm, because everyone who supports Trump is racist and sexist right?[/quote] Apparently "deplorable" is the catch all name for trump supporters. I find it ironic that both sides name call like children and want to be president.

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  • Both sides are shit

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  • [quote]Both sides are shit[/quote] Yep. And third party candidates are jokes.

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  • [quote][quote]Both sides are shit[/quote] Yep. And third party candidates are jokes.[/quote] The Declaration of Independence would have us use not just our right, but our duty to overthrow the government if it was abusing power, and unfit to lead. That's the short of it. It won't be long till US citizens are taking up arms against its own government. That is of course on the condition our right to bear arms isn't completely removed. Just a thought.

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  • I feel as bad as trump is, it's Hillary that is the bigger threat to freedom. People don't realize how corrupt she is and how much power Obama used and abused. How he was the least transparent president and the most aggressive in going after whistle blowers and people who didn't go with his agenda. I'm an independent and I know that if Hillary wins the corruption will worsen and there will not be a republican or third party president for at least 12-16 years as they will allow illegals in and grant them right to vote which of course will be for democrats. I'm the first generation to be born in the US and over 40 members of my family came here LEGALLY and they are all appalled that they had to do the right thing and pay their dues while "children" are walking in free and the government spends over 23k for each one to have health care, food and schooling. I expect that America will break up in my lifetime.

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