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originally posted in: The Fallen Will Pay For My Wall
10/4/2016 12:11:14 PM
1. No, most people can't....and a lot of the world's problems are the result of the relatively few people who are. 2. I'm 48, and have been watching politics closely for 40 of those years. My opinion doesn't "matter" more than anyone elses in a democracy. But mine is well-informed, and has the benefit of 4 decades of perspective and life experience. 3. Yep. Don't vote for the guy to whom you and your needs are of no significance and no reality....and who believes that your sole reason for existence is to give him wealth and acclaim. (How a pathological narcissist see himself and the world. Other people are just cardboard cut-outs who exist only to meet his own needs) 4. See, that's where life experience comes in. Its a very sharp sword that cuts through a lot of bullshit. I'm sure people used to think it would be "idiocy" to believe that a President would invade another country and not tell the nation. (Laos). That a President would use the FBI and CIA to investigate and harass his political enemies. That he would abuse the IRS in the same fashion. That a President would keep his own personal goon squad that would carry out various illegal acts on his orders. Culminating in burglarizing the political headquarters of a political rival----in an election race that he was winning at the time----then conspired to cover up the crime. Yet be foolish and paranoid enough to record himself doing it. That a President would actually have to be talked OUT of BOMBING a civilian institution (Brookings Institute) that leaked a document that was personally embarrassing, and frustrated his war policy in Vietnam (The Pentagon Papers.) I'm sure there were lots of people who thought it would be idiocy to think that anyone the American people elected to President would do these things. But, history shows that Richard Nixon did ALL these things and more....and several people who worked under his direct supervision were convicted of FELONIES committed on his behalf. That was what happened the LAST time this country put someone with a major personality disorder in the Oval Office. So no, my "idiocy" isn't showing. What is showing is my knowledge of what sort of human being we're dealing with in Donald Trump.

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