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originally posted in: The Fallen Will Pay For My Wall
10/4/2016 11:01:18 AM
Truly I feel sick, I mean I'ma just throw up...! Even in satire, DJTrump makes me wanna scrub the inside of my arshole with a barb wire brush exported from Mexico.

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  • Good Lord that sounds painful....

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  • Yep, so does a Trump presidency...perhaps more so.

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  • Honestly, we are pretty hosed no matter who we get next. Like the choice between a used douche and a grilled turd sandwich. Heaven knows you don't really want either one lol.

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  • What can we do but say...=\__PANAMA_/=

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  • Keep digging your grave, Shillary supporter.

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  • No see I'm not a Hillary supporter at all...AT all.

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  • Being am outsider looking in I'm completely baffled as to why anyone would back Trump, the guy has lost the plot. Mind you it has to be said that Hillary doesn't come off much better! They are a right pair and I wouldn't trust them with the key to my piggy bank! Can't you guys just keep Obama for another few years and find someone decent to run for president?

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  • I know right!

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  • a) I believe that barbed wire brush would be considered an import from Mexico. b) make sure to wash it before you get scrubbing. wouldn't want you to contract a disease from dirty barbed wire

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  • Ok

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  • Don't walk away, you know you feel the same, I mean EXACTLY the same, perhaps even a razor wire fetish? What ever floats your boat. [spoiler]J/K[/spoiler]

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  • The man is a pathological narcissist. He's the only person who has run for President since Richard Nixon, where I've looked at the guy and said, "This is someone who we don't dare let near any sort of real power." The worst I have to worry about Hillary Clinton doing is being corrupt and enriching herself and her friends. I don't have to worry about her starting a war because she got mad, and mouthed off about something.

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  • Na she will just leak more classified Intel and make back stabing deals with other nations. Honestly both candidates are unfit to be president. I'd rather have Obama another 4 years.

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  • So would I....but you don't get to do that. The Constitution won't allow it. ...and unfortunately these are the only two realistic options our system have given us to choose from. But the difference between the two is like comparing a street corner drug dealer to Pablo Escobar. One is a nuisance. The other is a monster. Not to say that Trump is a monster. But to emphasize the fact that you are dealing with someone whose behavior----when mixed with power----is very likely to have NO limits. You are talking about someone whose ego is so fragile and so incapable of dealing with criticism that he was seen absolutely seething in rage at being the butt of a a political ROAST. How is someone like that going to handle 4 or 8 years of an entire MEDIA complex that whose entire reason for BEING will be to criticize and make fun of him. He will either have a mental breakdown...or stat wiping his ass with the Constitution to put a stop to it.

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  • Ya he is a bad choice didn't say that. They both suck. Honestly I don't care who wins. Either hillery wins and good for her or Trump wins good for him the one thing I have to truly say is. If they get relected something is wrong with us.

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  • Something is wrong with us, since these are our only choices. There is a proto-fascist element within the GOP that that Trump shamelessly pandered to en route to winning the GOP primary (Clinton's infamous "Basket of Deplorables") ...and the Democrats can't seem to function as a political party at the national level. They've had 8 years to groom people to step up in to the void that Obama's stepping aside would create...... the best they could do was HIllary Clinton...and Bernie Sanders.... God Help us.

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  • Lol, so true.

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  • So true

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  • [quote]The man is a pathological narcissist. He's the only person who has run for President since Richard Nixon, where I've looked at the guy and said, "This is someone who we don't dare let near any sort of real power." The worst I have to worry about Hillary Clinton doing is being corrupt and enriching herself and her friends. I don't have to worry about her starting a war because she got mad, and mouthed off about something.[/quote] So very much this.

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  • Edited by Mr Walkway94: 10/4/2016 1:41:37 PM
    Same goes for Hitlary

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  • Edited by Wicked: 10/4/2016 1:06:43 PM
    My feels about it? The only reason I'm voting for Trump is because I do [b][i]not[/i][/b] want Clinton in office. She's a big part of a system that's broken, and has been for years now. She'll continue Obama's policies. Which are not bad or misguided, but they haven't worked and we aren't a whole lot better off than when he got elected. She's too politically correct for the times we live in. She's worried about giving everyone a free lunch and making everyone happy. It doesn't work that way. And part of my biggest issue with Clinton and her political attitude, as well as many of the politicians who follow her, is their attitude toward firearms. And how they coddle the American people and say 'oh the big bad paperweights just killed someone again! Restrict, regulate, confiscate!' No. We need a leader who isn't afraid to threaten to shove a nuke up someone's ass ([b]NOT[/b] Trump. He's an idiot). So I'll be voting for Trump, and hoping he gets impeached or something so that a more reasonable politician will be appointed.

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  • No offense, but you sound like you have been a bit brainwashed matey. Your responses and examples are sound bites from a Faux media outlet. Nuff said.

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  • I don't really follow the election or pay close attention to the media. I'm basing my opinion on what I know of them from their past. I'm also a former Marine.

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  • Out of the pan. Into the fire. If the shoe were on the other foot, and Trump was the democratic nominee. You still wouldn't catch me dead voting for him. Despite the fact that I've been a registered Democrat for 25 years.

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  • Yeah I'd be the same as you in this example.

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