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10/2/2016 12:21:54 PM

Better at Trials?

Simply put I want to get better at Trials and also Pvp in general but Trials is the priority here in terms of competitive game modes, I'm not sure anymore what the best way to test my skill and get better would be anymore, anyone have any recommendations for me? I'm already a higher than average player in standard games usually coming in the top 3 for 6v6 games but in a competitive game mode I loose it, I cant compete and I want to change that. Any help is appreciated and already I've thought of things like using only a primary or shotgun or sniper to try and get better with them but that's about it. Again any help is appreciated Thanks, Wizard

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  • Teamwork is very important, even more so in Trials. I always play with the same team every week: my brother, and IRL friend. I consider myself above average at best, and my brother has a negative K/D, yet we've been to the lighthouse together over 70 times. I lose a lot of 1vs1 gunfights, but good teamwork and communication is what gets us the win. Some tips are: -Call everything out like a sports commentary. We always call out where enemies are, when we engage, how weak an enemy is afterwards, whether or not a grenade tagged them/burning them, etc. -Have a good strategy. Know when to engage, when not to, when to push a revive, when to revive a teammate, etc. -Know the map. Play in areas that fit your weapon and playstyle. Some people have preferred spawn locations and have a different strat for each side. Above all, play smart with your teammates. Like I said, we aren't the best at 1vs1 gunfights, so we avoid it as much as possible. I always play it safe, shoot them a few times, back up, let my brother finish them off, etc. We're basically cheesing the enemies since we can't confidently challenge them alone. Even when it's 3v2/3v1 we still play it safe and teamshot them.

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    Learn how to cut your ether net cable and red bar the you should do 9-0 no problem

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    • Edited by Samantha: 10/2/2016 8:22:29 PM
      Elimination is definitely a good option, Rumble and Skirmish are very good as well, and heck, private matches are probably the best since you can try any loadout you want and find what works best for you without torching your K/D. 6v6 game modes won't help you very much. I'm in the same boat as you. I'm pretty good in the 6v6 stuff but the 3v3 games are where I tend to struggle, and me and my 0.6 K/D ratio in Trials can attest to that.

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    • Playing elimination is the best way to practice for trials, I'm also looking for a team to play with consistently, not sure if your system, but I'm on Xbox. So if you wanna team up I'm ready, I'm pretty good alone in elimination, so I just really need a team, but I always like to practice and get better

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      • Play 3's like skirmish/salvage. That's where competitive play is. Trials is rather easy.

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      • What I'm getting from your post is that you have the gunskill but you are lacking in decision making. In 6v6, you can just run around doing anything really and get first on the leaderboards. That is not the case in trials and you just gotta learn how to make better decisions like if you should engage in that gunfight or rush as a team. If you want, I can run a card with you. You can check out my stats on trials report. Just let me know if you want to, I'll be down.

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      • Need 2 sweaty ass players for trials have over a 1.2 kd I will check add lucky_g1211

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        5 Replies
        • I too would like to improve, wasted 6 hours trying to go flawless tonight, kept getting close then blam triple 386 striker titan shotgun sonic the -blam!-ing hedgehogs. Problem is everyone I ask for tips says to play with better players and learn from them, but whenever I find a skilled player on lfg they play one game, determine I'm trash even when I do better than them and go off to find other already highly skilled players....I don't get it... Is it that fun stacking the deck against mid tier players? Wish I could be like all my sweat friends and have set fireteam each week and just pubstomping everyone within 30 seconds of every round. Sorry for the rant I just don't know wtf else to do anymore.

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          • Add me

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          • Playing 6v6 and thinking it will transfer to trials is your biggest mistake 1 game mode you run around with no regard for your own life The other that life is finite and extremely important Make a mistake in 6 v 6 oh well Mistakes in trials will be punished severely Grind elimination to get better

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            • I don't even play PvP though the week anymore. If I do I try to play 3v3. I hate 6v6, you just can't have 1 game with everyone with good connections. I just play trials at the weekend.

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            • Rumble is a great way to improve your solo play while skirmish/ Elim is great for team communication and play just go in with a full team and practice call outs and team fire

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            • Trials is harder because you can't just suicide for the double. Intelligence is key. If you can't help but get outmaneuvered, that's a mentality issue, and you might as well just quit. If it's regarding skill or teamwork, keep practicing. Idk why you need to ask how to get better. Fi you haven't noticed an improvement in yourself after a half an hour or more of trials, the purpose is obviously lost to you.

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            • Avoid tunnel vision, by which I mean focusing on one target in one direction and losing track of everything and everyone else. Work on call outs with your team, if at all possible try to find a group you can consistently play with so you can learn how each other play. Don't listen to people about the "meta", find a load out that works for you and stick with it. Spend the first few matches every weekend learning the various lanes on a map, where all the ammo crates spawn, where teams will tend to go and group up.

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            • Me and my friend are pretty below average at trials too (probably because we use shite weapons and don't pay attention the whole time). I find that practicing a lot with one good weapon in normal crucible significantly improves your performance in trials.

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            • Repetition...

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            • Lvl 365 h. Trying for flawless got some flawless runns under my belt in y1 and 2. Got decent wepons Quick learner, always Calls Out stuff during The game. Shoud be able to hold mye own. But Gonna need good players to help get me There. If any body Out There could help me then message GT Ass above. Im a decent sniper.

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              • If you want we can run trials together. Only way to get better at something is to practice on it.

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                • Play rumble to work on gunskill. It forces you to win gunfights quickly in high pressure situations. Then play solo elim to work on your trials game. Most seem to play both the same way so you'll get the hang of where to anticipate pushes & where to get easy picks. Definitely get a few friends you can play with often. I've found a good teammate that I did carries with yesterday & Friday. Our chemistry is good to the point we went 115-7 just helping people go flawless.

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                  • Playing 6v6 won't help make sure you try skirmish and elimination because those have more of the competitive feel where you can get into some 1 v1 gunfights where it more based on skill rather than anything else really

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