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9/26/2016 3:18:42 PM
-Assassins creed: older way of gaming. Which means repetition. Good story though. -assassins creed 2: big improvement over assassins creed 1. Great story and gameplay for it's time. -assassins creed brotherhood: better game play from the previous but a weaker story. -Assassins creed revelations: really just a filler game. If you wanna know what happens to Altair and ezio then you can play it. But that's about it. -assassins creed 3: one of my favorites in the series. Most people don't share my opinion though. But this is when they change the combat system to what you see in black flag. -assassins creed syndicate: solid game all around. Probably #2 on my favorites list. Best parkour and combat system to date, as well as a good story and graphics.

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