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9/9/2016 12:08:02 PM
A much needed "fix". It was only intended to be used in the aura mostly. They had to do this, especially now, because blessings and ToM would likely make the expansion and new raid easier. Why have a TTK gun dominate ROI?

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  • I think Bungie extended for it to be a high risk weapon. It's still very viable and strong.

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  • I crushed it immediately. It is now worthless. Even as a paperweight! Throwing a rock is better.

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  • Clearly you weren't here when the Crota's End raid released with TDB.

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  • Edited by EzE_408: 9/9/2016 12:54:59 PM
    Bungie has learned a lot from their mistakes over the last couple years... Raids are actually headed in a decent direction. We need nightfall level debuffs in the raids though. Trickle, Void damage, etc. That's what challenge mode should have been.

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  • Raids have improved? That's a good one. King's Fall is a terrible raid. It's nonstop, boring, and ridiculously easy boss fights. VoG and Crota's End were so much better because at least in those it wasn't so heavily reliant on mechanics and instead had a nice combination of surviving fights and mechanics sprinkled in. Pure mechanics like King's Fall is boring and easy. But I'm not talking about that with my original comment. I was addressing the fact that you said, "Why would a TTK exotic be the best in the new raid?" Well the Vex Mythoclast was one of, if not the, best primaries that you could bring into Crota's End.

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  • Crota is a terrible raid. It's just a long strike.

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  • That's your opinion. Mine is that Crota's End was much better than King's Fall because the latter is way to long and is full of 4 boring and passive boss fights. It's literally nothing but boss fights and those fights are annoyingly and infuriatingly boring.

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  • Maybe you just don't like raids.

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  • Or maybe I just have a different opinion than you. That's probably it. And if you'd take 2 seconds to check my raid completions, I'm pretty sure that sums up whether or not I like to raid.

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  • Yeah, you have a lot of raid completions, but you have more time spent playing strikes than any other activity. Also, you have more crota's end completions than any other raid, and that's really a strike too. See what I mean? You really just like strikes.

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  • So you're basing what a day one player's, who had no friends on Xbox 1 at the time Destiny launched because they were all still on the 360, favorite activity on time spent there? Wrong. The only way for a PvE player to get their level up back in the Vanilla days was running strikes. I ran nothing but Vanguard Tiger until I was level 26. I started raiding with a random team around the middle of October but since I only had 1 character and raids were only done once a week I still spent a lot of time in the strike playlist trying to get my level up along with strange coins and maybe an exotic drop. I took a break around November and didn't come back until late December. The Dark Below days were when I really started doing dedicated raid runs. I had 3 characters now and ran Crota's End on all of them every week until the House of Wolves. I didn't mess with Vault of Glass anymore at the time because the loot was stuck at 300 attack and defense values. I had about 15 VoG clears at the time so I didn't have a lot of those massed up, especially since I only had 1 character and only did once a week. CE I had 3 characters and did it 3 times a week as well as start carrying some of my friends through because they were finally getting Xbox 1s. Then HoW came out and I started running VoG way more than CE but I still did a decent amount of both trying for exotic drops. I've done just a little of King's Fall because I find it to be a boring repetitive raid with nothing to offer. No good loot and no fun times that the old raids offered. So now this... 1. I prefer to raid over doing strikes but as the old raids are worthless and since as a day 1 Vanilla player strikes are really the best option at both points in time for loot and just something to do. So don't assume, it makes you look like an idiot. 2. Why do you care so much? I prefer to raid over do strikes but I don't like King's Fall. I stated by this and my reasons why as my [b]OPINION[/b]! Get over it. Someone has a different opinion than you, boo hoo. It's very sad and pathetic that you just can't seem to accept that.

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  • And you're a self loathing strike lover ... the worst kind. You can try to explain it away all you want, but fact of the matter is you have your opinion, and I'm just objectively right. [spoiler]If you still haven't figured it out yet, I'm just trolling you.[/spoiler]

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  • I don't care if you're a troll or not. I don't really have a great sense of humor and I'm sick of people assuming things.

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  • Lol

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  • Oh, I really don't consider Crota's End or VOG as raids really. I come from an MMO background. If you ask me, they need more mechanics. I barely played Crota's End and VOG. Didn't find them difficult in the least. Not that Kings Fall was significantly harder, but VOG and CE were clearly Bungie's first foray into raids. That's probably why they hired an MMO raid designer for TTK.

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  • There's your problem. Destiny isn't even close to an MMO and shout NOT be treated as one. We already have a bullshit rotating meta in Destiny because of MMOs. The last thing we need is for raids to become boring. Those are raids but they're completely different from those of an MMO. Because, like I said before, this game isn't an MMO. They should be different and not so heavily reliant on mechanics. That makes for a boring experience.

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  • [quote]There's your problem. Destiny isn't even close to an MMO and shout NOT be treated as one.[/quote] What MMO have you played to base this opinion on? Tell me so I can ask you questions about the MMO. Fact is, if Destiny had a large population of people able to traverse the same areas, it would be an MMO. That is, essentially the main reason why it's called a shared world shooter and not an MMO.

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  • Right. I'm sure that if it just had a larger population that it would become an MMO. You know, with its 16 player maximum lobbies. Or how Bungie has specifically stated that Destiny is not an MMO and only shares some elements with them.

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  • Lol you clearly have no idea what an MMO is. If 100s of players shared the same world, destiny would be a MMO. You are right, Bungie has said it's not a MMO because it's not. But it's a very thin line, missing only the massive sharing of environments essentially.

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  • Actually I do and no it's not. Destiny would need a lot of changes besides the massive servers to make it even come close to a true MMO. This game has more RPG in it than MMO.

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  • Okayyyyy. Says the guy who has never played an MMO. Tell me which MMO you play and give me your gamer tag. I will send you a message in game.

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  • You're on PS smart guy. Good try though. And what do you think? What MMO do most people play? It's called World of Warcraft just in case you didn't know. Especially seeing as you've already gotten it wrong with Destiny. And Elder Scrolls Online but that game is terrible.

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  • Lol you are blowing smoke. What's your gamer tag on WoW? I have PC and Xbone as well. So you play ESO?

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  • Clearly. I clearly am. Same as on here. And I did. I hated that game. It is absolute garbage.

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  • Lol. I never said Destiny was an MMO... It takes "elements" from an MMO. Big difference. If you can't see that, then you either have never played an MMO or are talking out of your arse. Be glad it's not nearly as difficult as an MMO. I am pretty sure that only 2% of raiders would complete it on a weekly basis, if it was.

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