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8/9/2016 4:43:43 AM

Is anyone else inconsistent as hell? Lol

Okay look I'm not a pvp god or anything. Hella average. BUT I have games (usually in a row) where I have like 25 kills and 4 deaths. Every shot is on point. Snipes? Pssshhh hitting like a shotgun main claims snipers hit. All I can think is hot diggty damn I'm -blam!-ing killing this game. Then for about 10 games in a row i may scrape by with a crispy .10 KD. Trials? Trials? Shoot I'll smack people with 2200 Elos and then lose to people with 1400 Elos.. Blows my mind how inconsistent I am and it's absolutely nerve racking. Lol. Any one else feel my pain?

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    e.g. "looking for 2 more" - old Watch that and ask your self if this game is consistent. In all the time Iv played I have maybe noticed my self with a yellow or red bar a dozen times. I come from playing mostly FPS games so I know what lag is. I am sick and tired of lag to the point where I believe my next purchase will be PC parts. I want to like this games PVP but it's so screwed up its unreal. I'll watch the ghost to see people go from green to red and I sigh every time. They need to implement a system where people with good connections don't get matched against people that are 1000s of miles away or that share wifi with 8 people. It's 2016 and with all the hardware these console manufactures are coming out with you would think they would address the most frustrating part of online gaming. They need to start to punish/limit/segregate these people with shit connections so they can play with them selves. This p2p server shit needs to go away too. There's no reason besides greed that this game dosent have dedicated servers.

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