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8/1/2016 9:14:28 AM
EULA. TOS. Bungie could stop producing content for all consoles, delete all current content, prevent anyone from ever logging in again, and it would all be perfectly legal and acceptable according to the EULA and TOS. The same EULA and TOS that everyone who plays Destiny checked a box and said "Yes I agree to this." Before even logging in for the first time. We, as players have entered into a licensing agreement which prevents us from initiating the kind of lawsuit mentioned in the OP. There would have to be severe gross negligence on the part of Bungie or Activision to make something like that viable. I know that there are a lot of people who may say that there is just cause for a lawsuit, but before you go down that path, read the actual EULA and TOS. Then remember that it is your responsibility to read and understand it before agreeing to it.

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