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Edited by Spoopy XP: 7/22/2016 9:35:56 PM

So I was in Gamestop today and this kid was crying to his parents over not letting him buy Call of Duty.

So here I was in Gamestop today, waiting in line with my dad. I wanted to refurbish some old PS2 games and my Dad was just waiting for me to hurry up so he could go to the book store. Then a little kid with his mom walks into the store. I watched the kid happily run around the aisles of games on display until he stopped to look at a copy of Call of Duty Ghosts. ( yes, Ghosts ) He runs over to his Mom and says "I want this one Mammy!" "No, you're too young to play this, love" "But you said yesterday!!"The mother takes away the game and puts it back in the used game shelf. "When did I say you could ever get that game?" "YESTERDAY!!!" The kid screamed. The mom grabs the childs arm and whispers something in his ear maybe saying to tone his voice down. But then. "THATS NOT FAIR!!" The manager comes over and says "Can I help you?" "Yes, My 11 year old son wants to buy a 16+ game and he's not having it and thats the bottom line. The manager then tells her to come with him to other side of the store. And at that moment it was my turn to get my 3 discs resurfaced. 2 to 3 minutes later the woman goes over to her son and says "Thats it! You're moving to your Auntie and Uncle in Bel-air!" The kid started to beg and plead but it was no use, the woman bought a suitcase and shoved him in and sent him on his way. [u][i][b]THE END[/b][/i][/u]

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