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7/11/2016 5:41:39 PM
I've been killed with each exotic in the game by people who use them an the curse its meant 2 be a powerful gun its a hand cannon I say use it bro but if you use the mida or sniper I'll call you a puss but I won't call you a puss for useing the first curse

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  • Mida or sniper? You're just as bad imo.

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  • I'll admit it I'm not an elitist asshole who can play any pvp game an win it I'm decent in PvP but when everyone an there cousin use a mida like a puss or sit around a corner with a sniper aimed at head lvl waiting 2 pull the trigger it makes the game impossible 2 play so yes if getting killed by a crutch gun means I'm a bad player then yes I'm a horrible player but when it comes 2 not useing a exotic 2 win I'm pretty decent

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  • Good players can use practically any weapon in the game and succeed (ignoring level restricted playlists), although they might not be able to rack up a 30/40 kill game with only crap weapons. However, many times once a player determines which weapons he intends to use primarily (which could very well be a "meta" gun like a Mida), then a lot of times they just stick with that gun and don't bother wasting resources leveling up others. You can only troll with other weapons so much before it gets bored. I would rather increase my proficiency with preferred weapons over simply rotating weapon choices for the lolz of it. When it comes to secondaries, is a shotty/fusion/sidearm harder to use than a sniper? No, so why provide salt when someone uses one? Sure, you can camp in the back with one. But you can also camp in the back with your primary and just use shotty for when you get pushed (finally). No difference. Fusion rifles are probably the easiest weapon to use in the game, but people are still ignorant of them just like most people were ignorant about snipers until shotties got nerfed and they started actually using snipers. Newsflash, shotties are still just as good as they have ever been. Bottom line is that people blame weapons for their deaths waaaaaay too much in this game. 99% of the time they just got outplayed, and would still get outplayed just in a different fashion if the weapon choices were reversed.

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  • Agreed, I've had the pleasure to play with a top 500 Destiny player in the world in ToO. The player had mad skills and used weapons most people would considered under powered or just normal run of the mill weapons. He switched guns in between matches, I swear so he would not get bored. The key I saw was, map awareness, mad movement/jumping skills, crazy aim and knew when to back off and to push. He rarely used any exotics and just sniped only a few times on the road to the lighthouse with me just watching in amazement. I've watch a few steams on twitch and the really good players have a great aim, movement and tactics, so they could make any weapon look OP.

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  • I suck at pvp but the only thing I want nerfed are the hate messaging jerks who scream for nerfs. They really should work on improving their game instead. Adapt and destroy.....or at least maybe not die as much.

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  • Well you see my hunter being nerfed as messed up my game cause I used my hunter an I was fine I have been recently useing my warlock an its thrown me off I use legendary guns on all my characters an refuse 2 use a exotic or sniper rifle in PvP cause I'm not a pathedic puss also I kno what when I get out played by genuine players but when you go up against everyone who uses crutch gun an nothing eles your just being a little puss that refuses 2 use any other gun in the game

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  • I've used mida and a sniper since TDB. That's almost two years. Are you gonna call me a "puss" even tho I used mida when thorn and TLW were kings? Or that I used a sniper when felwinters and matadors were re roll-able? Mida and snipers have been nearly the same since the game came out, they've actually been nerfed because kids like you complained. Mida doesn't have high cal rounds anymore and sniper scope zoom got increased. Other than those [i]nerfs[/i], they're exactly the same as they've been since launch. They've never been overpowered or a crutch

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  • See when last word an the other was king the country get was mida and when they got nerfed mida became the new flavor of the year the high caliber rounds were taken away Intel come 2 find out the rate of fire increased it an made it the same as it was without extra damage being applied an its still a problem an snipers never had a nerf an its longer over due I like challenges but when every one an there damn cousin use the damn thing it makes a problem I've been trying 2 get people behind a full reset 2 guns abilities an armor an seperate pvp an pve but you assholes don't want it cause you don't like the idea so I don't want 2 hear it your set in your ways that you would rather be an elitist jack off then an open minded person who can have a civilized conversation like a person should

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  • I'm having a civilized conversation. You're the one using improper grammar and throwing around insults. I'm not an "elitist jack off" I'm just a guy who's been using the same guns for the entirety of my destiny career and I'm not going to change my load out because you want me to. If you can come up with a legitimate argument for why I should change my load out then maybe I'll consider it. Before you try, remember that mida's exotic perk is movement speed, nothing to help attack, and that snipers have no bullet magnetism whatsoever. It's been proven aim assist slows down the reticle over targets, not increase hit box size. It's a completely different story with primaries but for snipers there are none.

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  • So...if I use a Mida and tear you up, I'm a pathetic puss, but then if I switch to a legendary hand cannon and tear you up even more, I outplayed you? I hope I don't have to figure that one out for you.

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  • Not stopping you from useing any gun you want but if you use a mida or sniper I'll call you a puss but if you some other exotic or a legendary yes I can see my self being outplayed

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  • Once you get better at the game you'll (hopefully) realize how wrong you are here.

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  • Don't kno your definition of good but mine is I'm already good but people with crutch guns an snipers make the game impossible 2 play you need 2 learn the difference between playing the game 2 much an haveing a life

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  • Then we just have different definitions of good. Having noble cause and truth in purpose does not make one good in my book. Practicing with guns enough to be proficient and understanding/appreciating their strengths and weaknesses does contribute however. But I suspect your issues might extend beyond simply gunskill and enter the territories of proper character movement and positioning, map awareness, and situational decision making.

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  • No not really I kno what I'm doing in crucible but when you get killed in the most ridiculous ways by a gun you kno has been a problem an is a plague in the game you kno its the gun along with a lagger or someone who cheating in some way (I have put gunned a mida before but when he gun just takes you out in one shot when you at full health you kno something's wrong same with a sniper everyone is getting tired of being one shoted what the hells wrong with snipers or is it our helmets an shields are the helmets made out of paper mache an shields made out of thin air) when everyone stopped useing the mida people could play when the sniper was only being used by a few the game is playable but now it's getting worse an both are becoming a plague again

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  • ok

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