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7/8/2016 4:02:20 PM

Stop Match-In-Progress-Making or Give Increased Rewards for Joining Matches in Progress!

I am honestly sick of the way the Crucible matchmaking system works. I have been playing since Dark Below, and I have never had a problem with matchmaking into a brand-new Crucible match until House of Wolves and the introduction of Trials of Osiris. Now, with Taken King, roughly 75% of the matches I join in Crucible unless I am playing End-Game content is a Match-In-Progress. I am sick of going through match after match of Crucible, trying to have [i]fun[/i] with your game Bungie, struggling to be matchmade into a fresh match. I have a stern aversion to leaving these matches(with the exception of extreme circumstances beyond my control), but to spend nearly 5-10 minutes matchmaking only to be thrown into team-play matches where I am at a severe numerical disadvantage, or into Rumble matches with a point disparity greater than 800 points in the middle of a Heavy-Ammo period is absolutely ridiculous. What is worse is that this is so consistent that I consider it the [i]norm[/i] for Crucible to be wholly unenjoyable [i]because[/i] I am unable to launch into fresh matches in nearly 3/4 of my play time. As a person who strives to play Destiny because it is a video game, and, at its core suppose to be [i]fun[/i], your matchmaking system makes having fun something that has to be worked hard to achieve. You people make video games, I expect you of all people to know that having fun is something that should be effortless, not something you have to try, especially when there are other, more rewarding means to have fun. Your Crucible matchmaking is unbalanced, and unfair, and something needs to be done about it. Bungie, you need to lock out matches in progress. I don't care if I'm able to take a match in progress when I'm trailing by 1500 points and come out dominating the hell out of people, or if I come in 0-800 and get stomped by the guys who didn't ragequit like children. Being thrown into matches like that makes your game feel overly competitive and ruins the experience. I feel as if I am being punished for trying to enjoy your game. If you don't want to lock matches in progress so that when people want to enjoy your game, they don't get thrown into a hopeless and frustrating situation instigated by your ridiculous quest for everyone having a 1:1 Win-Loss ratio, then I say you need to seriously step up the rewards for people who do play these matches through to the end. We're joining a match that other people weren't brave enough to stay in through to the end, and more often than not we get smashed for our perseverance, so I think we as the players deserve an incentive to continue with these matches. As it stands now, I don't even play team-based matchmaking alone since the last time I played Combined arms, and was pitted 12-1 against two full fireteams.

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