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Edited by LiamCDM: 7/8/2016 2:56:19 AM

The Casualization of Gaming and The Faults of the Modern Gaming Industry from a Societal and Economic point of View

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I disagree with this




Gaming is something we’re all passionate about; some more than others, I might add. Over the last 3 decades, the gaming industry and those who play video games have evolved to a point where virtual reality technology, photorealistic graphics, and online worlds of incomprehensible sizes, exist and can be modified in real-time by the same people who created them. The future of gaming for many, looks promising…or does it? This is the question I have asked myself countless times in the last 2 years. Is gaming evolving, or devolving? The answer is mostly speculatory. It depends on what kind of gamer you are. Are you a casual gamer? Do you enjoy simple, easy to pick up games with low skill gaps and minimal dedication required, or are you a hardcore gamer? Do you enjoy large open words, competitive multiplayer, steep learning curves and moderate to high dedication required? The answer will be vastly different depending on where you stand. Personally, I am the latter, and I have noticed over the last few years, that the video game industry, is although progressing in terms of technology, it is regressing in terms of quality and quantity. Mainstream titles like Call of Duty, Battlefield, Halo, World of Warcraft, etc are being changed radically to appeal to a larger crowd, at the expense of overall quality and quantity. I call this “casualization”, and you’ll find that I use this term extensively throughout this thesis. Even Destiny, the game that was supposed to be a revolutionary and game changing (no pun intended) title with a deep, immersive story, large online worlds, changing, adapting and evolving in real-time with near-infinite possibilities, has been severely crippled by this epidemic. This can be explained in a societal and economic perspective, with both being intertwined; both, having a dramatic influence on each other. [b]The Societal Explanation for the Casualization of the Gaming Industry/Community[/b] As gamers have grown, and adapted, so have the games at hand. Modern gaming, as we know today, began in the early to mid-90’s with titles such as Resident Evil (1996), Gran Turismo (1997) and Medal of Honor (1999). Through the 21st century, games began progressing to a level we never thought possible, with games including Halo: Combat Evolved (2001), World of Warcraft (2004), Resident Evil 4 (2005), Bioshock (2007), which are arguably, 4 of the best games ever created. They had deeply immersing stories, polished graphics, and utilized the most advanced technology of their time. They were close to perfect. However in the last 3 years, video games have taken a major step downhill, with mainstream titles like Call of Duty, starting with Black Ops and MW3, requiring less skill and knowledge in order to do well, than they used to. WoW, is much easier than it used to be, with less intricate mechanics, less content, and in general, a much easier and more casual-friendly game. For some reason, the current generation of gamers are more casual than the previous generation, and instead of adapting and embracing difficulty, they demand easy content across the board, demanding everything be accessible to them. Many of them don’t want a challenge; they want everything handed to them on a silver platter. My favorite example, are the raids in Destiny. As of July 6 2016, only 22.7% of all PS4 Guardians have even completed a raid, and the numbers are most likely similar on Xbox One and Last Gen. This makes no sense to me, as Destiny raids are not only a walk in the park compared to what WoW offers, with simple to learn and execute mechanics and a lack of roles (Tank, Mage, DPS etc) but finding a team is actually relatively easy, as there are several ways of finding a group (LFG sites being the most reliable for casual players). The hugest issue with Destiny at the current moment is the lack of difficulty and skill-gap for literally everything. Trials of Osiris is another example, although my view on this specifically will be seen as heavily controversial. I am one of the few people, that view carrying, paid and free, a manifestation of the laziness of casual gamers. Instead of working towards getting better and taking on raids and endgame PvP modes like ToO with a team, they want to be carried by a player or two, who are far superior to them, and are naive enough to feed into this mentality. I’m not saying helping lower skilled players is a bad thing, but outright carrying players through endgame content, without them having to actually do their part, is what I have a problem with. If these superior players were to for example, play regular Elimination with lower skilled players in order to teach them how to play well in Trials, than that would be fine, because there are no major rewards up for grabs. Many players are too ignorant to understand the simple fact, that not everything should be easy and accessible to them. You don’t see a majority of WoW players being highly skilled at every aspect of the game (I know I bring up WoW so much, but I feel it gets my point across), you’ll have raiders, PvP’ers, role players and casual players who complete quests among others. In Destiny, it’s not hard to be an experienced raider, and a skilled PvP’er. I have a 1.83 K/D in PvP and I am an expert on all 3 raids. I know the mechanics, the solutions to the puzzles, boss’s weaknesses/strengths, best weapons and classes for each portion; all by heart. The thing is, this really isn’t that difficult to accomplish. It’s because of the ultra-casual fanbase, that expects everything to be easy, that I among many others, look like Gods to the majority of Destiny’s playerbase. Destiny really isn’t a hardcore game in the traditional sense of the word; it doesn’t take much dedication or skill to complete. It is essentially, a casual player’s Diablo, WoW, Borderlands and Halo, all in one. Limited content of minimal difficulty, with a “competitive” multiplayer mode with the second lowest skillgap of any mainstream shooter (CoD is the first). The only reasons, why I personally play Destiny, is because it does in fact, combine MMO, RPG and FPS aspects and put them into one game, near-perfect gunplay, immersive lore and decent graphics. I hope one day, Bungie can provide content for both casual players and hardcore players, and make Destiny the game it was supposed to be. The main culprit behind this, might actually be a suffering economy, and gamers adapting to this by forgetting what made games truly great, as I will address in the final section. [b]Is The Economy to Blame For Gaming Casualization? [/b] Now, this is an even larger, albeit less known reason, and it was somewhat covered by BDobbinsFTW, a larger YouTuber with a similar message of mine. Essentially to sum up his argument, games are not as good today, because of a steep supply in demand, due to a suffering world economy. Making deeply immersing and large games is not as economically tangible as it used to be, and instead of increasing prices by an extra $10-20 to $70-80 which would reduce sales even more, game quality is reduced in order to cut development costs. This leads to the disenfranchisement of hardcore gamers in many genres and games, due to the fact, that the industry is no longer supporting them. I will say again, that there is nothing wrong with including casual content. This is essential to generating sales. However, not catering to the most skilled and dedicated of gamers is simply not a good idea, as it has the potential, to reduce sales slightly, not to mention it is morally wrong to ignore those that support you the most. However, we all know corporations don’t give a flying -blam!- about morals. All they care about is $$$$$$$$$$$$. In general, gaming at the moment is in a state of decline. When the economy improves, gaming should improve as well. This could take many years sadly, but it will eventually happen. Recessions and economic turmoil never last forever. [b]TL,DR[/b] Gaming is too easy in today's day and age and the developers completely cater to casuals while ignoring hardcore gamers who are better than everyone else, and seek a challenge.

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  • Edited by DisturbedShifty: 7/8/2016 11:53:29 PM
    It's always cracked me up when someone considers them self a "hardcore" or "casual" gamer. What is the definition of these terms? That should be what your post should be about. Is a gamer more hardcore because they have more games than say the average stiff? Do you own more consoles? Maybe it's because you spend every waking hour learning a move set of a fighter in Tekken or every nook and cranny of a MOBA map? Are you paid to play a video game? I grew up in the era of gathering together with your friends to play video games. It didn't matter if that was at the local arcade, skating rink or at a friend's house play Contra on the NES. It was a way to socialize and make friends. The way I see it we are all gamers. Usually the ones that take it WAY too seriously are those that consider themselves hardcore gamers and tend to look down on people who play games for fun. Unless you get paid to make or play video games for a living they should be for enjoyment. Yes you can make an argument that being competitive is fun but the competitive/hardcore gamer is always the quickest to complain about the game because it is not what they think it should be and tend to be more miserable because of it. I know the people that don't play video games, or play just mobile games, consider me a hardcore gamer because I own both consoles. Those same people would think the people I consider to be hardcore gamers are obsessive and need to find something else better to do with their lives. In the end it is all in the eye of the beholder. It just depends on how big of asshole you want to be about it.

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    • [quote]Game companies bad. Not like good old days.[/quote] Translated [spoiler]wort[/spoiler]

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    • "Gaming is too easy" May i present, DARK SOULS!

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      • Yeah right blame current generation cuz that's what you do.

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      • The amount of mistakes in this post is appalling...

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        don't have time to read the whole thing, but I agree with the tldr Overwatch is a great game, but the devs say one thing and present another "we care about the competitive scene" -20 tick servers, massive hitboxes, horribly implemented competitive matchmaking, no hero limit, no specific decimal-based sensitivity modifier now, the first two of those have simple reasons behind them, consoles. as much as I hate to say it, consoles are the reason blizzard thinks the horrible tickrate and massive headshot hitboxes(that are almost [i][b]twice the size[/b][/i] of the actual model) are okay. Lower tickrate are more common on console fps games, and larger hitboxes are because of the increased difficulty from aiming with a controller. 128 tick servers should be the norm for any sort of online shooter games, there's really no good excuse for a triple-A dev to slack on it. On 20 tick, there's such a noticeable delay between what you saw and what the server saw, it almost hurts to watch. The competitive mode isn't great right now, it has [i]a lot[/i] of room for improvement. Sudden Death mode is absolute ass and shouldn't even be in the game. Just use stopwatch mode like [i]any other sane objective based shooter[/i]. The system for ranking is flawed to the point where losing a game drops you almost 3 wins worth of ranking. None of this is even factoring in the part where most maps are heavily sided, whether it be defense-sided like: •Volskaya Industries •Hanamura •Dorado or the flip side where attack is favored: •Numbani •King's Row •Gibraltar •Anubis •Route 66 •Hollywood it's not impossible to win on any of these maps, but more balance is needed, especially if they plan on keeping sudden death, because right now a coin toss basically decides who wins. The heroes are well balanced, why not the maps? Speaking of heroes, hero stacking should have been left in quick play. It ruins the skill-based competitive aspect of the game when you can just sit there and defend a point with two Torbs, Bastion, Symmetra, Mercy, and a Winston. That's why tournaments such as esl one cologne are using the hl1 rule, whether blizzard likes it or not. Sensitivity is its own little issue. Most pro overwatch players came from csgo or tf2 both of which ran on the source engine which had a fully accessible console and sensitivity commands that go all the way up to 10 digits after the decimal, it's a quality of life change that blizzard could easily add. Overwatch is great, but it could be a lot better.

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      • I said this in a reply, but I'll repeat for the OP. Personally, I think only the paid players are the hardcore players. For them, it's a way to put food on the table, a roof over their heads. Games are casual entertainment for everyone else. Hours spent and perceived skill are irrelevant. Because in the end a video game is just that, a game.

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        • I agree 100%. You want a perfect example? The TES series. In Morrowind, released in '02, when hardcore gaming was popular, was an extremely punishing game. In the beginning, a rat could kill you, but by the end you were flying across Vvardenfell and murdering gods. There were no quest marker and the closest thing you had to fast travel was stilt striders. In Skyrim, it was just as difficult in the beginning as in the end. Alduin was just as difficult as a guard in the beginning. Why? Because level scaling, among other things. Why was level scaling put in the game? So the casuals wouldn't get pissed that they didn't beat something because they weren't prepared, and thus would either drop the game or reload a save and prepare before heading back, being pissed off the whole time. But that preparation was key in Morrowind. Also, Skyrim had fast travel because the kiddies wouldn't like to walk everywhere, and quest markers because they want the game to hold their hand.

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        • Ok so im not even going to pretend i understand all that you just wrote. My understanding is that companies are simplifying games to draw in more players from other franchises who found it too complicated at first and to appeal to younger generations as its easy to pick up. As you get older skill becomes more of a factor it seems and you want a larger skill gap. life requires more experience why shouldnt a game? But as i said games try to appeal to younger people to invest their time and money into the game as you have done. They will repeat this until it is no longer a good business model. That is my understanding of the thing.

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        • First, I'm not sure if this fits your specific defining of hardcore, but to many it involves frequency of play time; Casuals are pick up and play every now and then and prefer simple games, Hardcores play every chance they get and prefer games that have a steep learning curve. I disagree with these limited definitions. Many players, myself included, rarely find time to play. I play maybe once a week, if that. That said, I still seek out games that require an investment in building skill and enjoy playing games that I have to learn more about along the way. So where does that put me and the many others like me? Casual? In time spent playing, yes. Hardcore? In game preference and time spent learning the mechanics, maybe. To me, the real problem with gaming is the gamers themselves. Not all of them by far, but the percentage who "elite" themselves by believing that there is a divide based on petty categorization such as hardcore or casual. The simple resolution to your dilemma is to play the games you enjoy, enjoy them for what they are, and be thankful that there are enough gamers (casual, hardcore or whatever else they want to call themselves) to make it possible to have a gaming industry at all.

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          • On "casualization": Take a look at the entirety of anyone who buys games. The vast, vast majority are casual gamers. By this knowledge, doesnt it seem most reasonable that a lot of games would cater to a more casual audience? The most successful multiplayer games for instance (cod, bf, etc.) are the "casualized" games you mentioned. Most gamers, myself included, are easily turned off by complicated games with steep learning curves. Thats why these games tend to have smaller but more dedicated player bases. Most gamers just want to turn on a game and have some simple fun without having to do too much thinking. After all, too much thinking is what people want to get away from in games. On economy: Pretty much agree. Games take a lot more time, money, and effort than most people think. Its not just some nerd smashing a keyboard. Also with the shitty economy involved, its even harder to make a good game that will sell. Tldr: casual gamers are a majority companies want to appeal to, and games are expensive to make and the economy doesnt help.

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            • Edited by Gomly1980: 7/8/2016 12:25:57 AM
              I disagree completely. A lot of the more "casual" players are those of us that have been gaming for decades. We've got jobs and families now, we don't have the time we used to have. I heard it best on an MMO forum, "I already have a job, I don't want another" when someone asked why they don't play "challenging" games. The problem some people seem to have is they confuse casual with bad. The other issue is, hardcore gamers are a huge minority. You mention money, of course it's about money. Games development is a business and, as with all things business, the aim is to make a profit. It always has been. Nobody works for free.

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              • Edited by Cinders-Shadow: 7/8/2016 1:47:35 PM
                Here's the primary reason I disagree. Now personally I don't like destiny anymore. However I can't say it was a rip off. I spend less on video games thrn I do eating fast food or going to the movies. If a $60 game gives me 60 hours of entertainment. It was worth it in my opinion. A movie for $10 only gives me 2 hrs and hell it may not even be good. Games like destiny have given me 100s of hours. Additionally I go to school full time. I work full time. I support my grandmother. A game that requires me to invest tons of hours just to remain competitive is not worth it to me. Destiny for example, having Trials over the weekend sucks for me. Cuz that's when I'm traveling for work or writing papers. That isn't to say I like easy games. My favorite series is the soul series. However if I take a week off and come back. I'm just as strong in pvp as I was last week. If I take a year, I still can come back for pvp and be on a level playing field. Quality of games are so much more complicated. Old school sonic and Mario weren't glitch filled cuz it was basic. As games grow more complicated, it increases the amount of glitches. I've learned by now that ppl will always complain. Saw a post where ppl were getting reviews of the witcher, and a guy complained cuz there was too much content...

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                • People should not be forced to "adapt and embrace difficulty". Games are made for people to have fun. Anyone should be able to have fun. Don't be an elitist.

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                  7 Replies
                  • There are several definitions of the word hardcore. One of them being "resistance to change." That's what this sounds like. But I'm probably not alone in thinking that there's nothing hardcore about spending all of one's free time consuming entertainment intended for the masses. Buy a pc. You'll find your challenging and convoluted games there, typically for a better price. Or learn a few real world skills and make your own game. Start a new trend. Or continue to complain about something that's out of your power, to an audience who can't do anything about it and who likely doesn't care to. Or write your congressman. I've heard that works for some things. Probably not this though.

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                  • Games have changed because gamers have changed. It's not a bad thing that developers make games to cater to as many people as possible. I find that to be the wonderful thing about games these days, games are inclusive, games are for everyone, isn't that how it should be?

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                    • Independent gamemakers: *[i]heavy not-caring[/i]*

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                    • That was a mouth full, but I guess you're used to that HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE[spoiler]Nah, but in all seriousness more "hardcore" games are just less profitable, at least that's my take.[/spoiler]

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                    • Become a trophy/ achievement hunter.

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                      • Ya cause playing splitscreen/lan Cell damage, Crimson skies, fusion frenzy, etc were [i]highly[/i] competitive or hardcore. Only thing I miss about the old days is actually being able to play with a friend in the same room without having $1000. Games like halo, Overwatch, dark souls, etc still are difficult and pose some challenge

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                        • [url=]Publishers are the real issue.[/url] I feel like devs today are trying to take advantage of today's technology, but the people with deep pockets are limiting them.

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                        • Agree, but you're probably playing american games too much, japanese devs don't treat the players as dumbs and that's why I think Dark Souls is a series that revived video games last gen when the whole gaming culture was becoming too casual and empty.

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                        • I agree with most of this the parts I don't aren't important enough to meation... Tho there are "hard" games but when have console fps ever really been "hard" outside of cranking up the difficulty to "legendary" or "rip my face off"??? But off-topic... You should look into why Gamestop (and places like it) are a major part of why games cost as much as they do... *sings *blame Gamestop blame gamestop they don't make games anywayyy!!!

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                        • Edited by Realsvi: 7/8/2016 11:31:51 PM
                          Opps, responded to the wrong person! Carry on!

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                        • No pvp oriented game is "too easy" because you're facing other players. As for pve oriented games, a lot of them feel easy because there's nothing new about them. You've done the same thing hundreds of times in different games so why would this game feel any different? Also, destiny is mainly an FPS so of course the raids aren't going to be as difficult as games like WoW, because WoW is about strategy and destiny is about accuracy. Basically, FPS games are too popular and don't have a lot of challenging pve activities because of the nature of the genre. This causes gaming in general to look more "casual."

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                        • First off, you sound like an elitist asshole. Second off, you're looking at the wrong games. Go ahead and play CSGO, Squad, Dark Souls, Halo 5 firefight, or Battlefield. All these games are still challenging. And third off, I agree with you're second argument

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