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Edited by Splashback77: 7/6/2016 7:03:14 AM

Triple Threat Titans 55- The Dismantling of the Hawkmoon [Flame's Ultimate Roast]

[url=]Triple Threat Titans Chapter Index[/url] For All Things [url=]By Splash[/url] **This Chapter is from JJ's view** [b]"Lunar! Do something!"[/b] I yelled. "I can't! I told you the controls are locked!" Lunar panicked. "Transmat the ship, damn it!" I yelled. "Do you not realize that's part of the f**king locked controls!?'" I pondered on that for half a second. "Delphi, take control of the ship, and get it as close to Sarah's as you can," I told the Ghost. "Why?" he questioned. "I have to save her," I replied. I grabbed my helmet, and put it on. I jumped from the door by the cockpit, onto Sarah's ship. I punched my way through the roof, onto the cockpit. I ran to the the back of the room and started attaching explosives. "What the hell are you doing?! You're going to explode the ship!!" Lunar screamed. "Not me, you," I replied. "[i]WHAT[/i]!?!" Lunar screamed even louder. "Listen, to me Lunar. How close are we to the Moon's surface?" "One kilometer." "You're going to have to set off the explosives so that we don't crash into the accelerator and obliterate the Moon." "When?" "Now!" Lunar hacked the explosives quickly and flew back to me. "IT'S GONNA BL-" BOOM! The explosion blew my helmet off. However, a perfectly timed Ward of Dawn saved our Light, Sarah included. The Ward wound up stuck to the piece of debris I was standing on. I wrapped my arm around her. It was hard keeping her upright because Sarah's knees were like jelly. You can't exactly stand up straight when you're asleep after 2 weeks of restless killing of baddies. Then Sarah stood up straight. Her eyes opened. She looked at me and a smuck grin crossed her face. "You rat basterd," she said. I chuckled, "I just saved your life, so..." She kissed me on the lips for a second and a half. I blushed. "What was that for?" I asked. "You not only saved my life, but you also defied physics. You deserved it." I looked around. We were 50 feet above the accelerator. Gravity haven't took effect, but we weren't floating around space either. "So how are we going to survive this 50 foot drop?" I asked. "The quesion is how are [i]you[/i] going to survive it," she countered. With that she broke free of my grip and jumped. She died, then self-revived. The Ward didn't stay for much longer. I free fell 50 feet, and died. Delphi revived me. Mark, Blake, Kyra, and Chase looked at us. "I knew it!" Kyra said, "I knew it! I knew it! I K-N-E-W knew it. I knew you two are a thing. Better not tell Cody, 'cause he'll have a heart attack." "I dumped Cody," Sarah said. "He's not over you." "No dip, Stephanie Hawkmoon. We've all heard him sing to himself, [i]How am I am doin? I'm doing just fine. I lied. I'm dying inside.[/i]" Sarah pulled out her Hawkmoon, "I guess I should dismantle this." Mark whispered, "Havoc, send this as a live feed to Cody, and get him on the comms." As Sarah dismantled the Hawkmoon, Cody screamed and wailed on the comms. After she was done, she said, "Wow, I feel a lot better." "And I feel fifty more shades of pure, grey, depression," Cody sniffled. "I should've done this after killing the Sol Progeny," Sarah continued. "W-what," Cody cried. "Thus I deem thee, F**king Heartbreaker," Delphi said. Havoc, Cheese, Flame, and Puma just stared at each other. "Welcome to the Salt Side, Mother-f**ka," Lunar said. "More like, welcome to the Confident Club. The reason I didn't cuss 'cause I was self-conscious. Now, Flame, your name may state that you roast everyone else, but you're about to get so roasted, that the Traveler will speak and say, [i]Get f**king rekt, Flame.[/i]" "Yeah, your name sounds like the name of a Prius," Flame countered poorly. "Boom, bam, ba da da boomp. Pow!" Delphi said. "Ohhhhhhhhhh!" All the other Ghosts yelled. A loud, deep, voice shook the Moon, [i]GET F**KING REKT! FLAME![/i] Havoc played an airhorn sound. Everyone, even Chase was rolling on the floor, laughing at Flame. You could even hear Cody on the comms, laughing. "Ha. Ha ha. That was so funny," Flame sarcasticly said. Then the Ghost began to cry. "Seriously, guys," Sarah said fighting through the laughs, "I'm actually tired." "Okay, okay," Mark said. We'll head to Anchor of Light." Havoc booted Ace and Cody from the comms. The the Ghosts began summoning sparrows. Delphi summoned my sparrow, (and Blake's because Flame was too rekt) and we sped off to Anchor of Light. The place looked like a weird research station setup. A couple labs to the left and right. That was not unusual. But in the middle was a giant saucer-shaped building that had a single 40 foot diameter as it's support pillar. There was a bridge that connected the weird buliding to the lab on the right. We got off our sparrows, climbed on top of the brigde, and entered the "saucer room." There were a couple dregs, but we cleared them out. Mark just sat down, and started sharpening hus lucky bladedancing knife. Sarah picked a spot on the floor. She called to Lunar. He summoned a blanket and a pillow. Before you knew it, she was fast asleep on the floor. "Guys, I think I need better armor if we're going into the Hellmouth. I'm going to go farm some loot. Is that okay?" Kyra asked. "Go ahead, if it'll help us kill Crota," Chase said. Kyra left. I could already hear the hiss of ether leaving vandals' bodies. Chase pulled out a deck of cards, and sat down, "You guys want to play Blackjack?" "What are we betting with?" Blake asked. "Nothing much, Motes of Light and Glimmer." "Okay." So we played Blackjack. Later on, Mark joined in. Piece of advice: Never let an Exo deal. You always get high cards sealed to you. You'll be busted every time. [b]To be continued...[/b]

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