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originally posted in: Straight up, RIP strikers
6/29/2016 5:55:36 AM
I say no to any nerfs. I think it just brings the game down as a whole. Think about the last time you saw a Sunbreaker after they were nerfed the first time... Every once in a while, you'd see one. Same with Hand Cannons, Pulse Rifles... I've even heard talk of nerfing fusion rifles; as soon as more people started using them, people complained but you didn't hear a peep out of anyone when fusion rifles weren't being used. It's all about what people get killed by the most. Once enough people get killed by one particular weapon or class of weapons, it essentially is given a time stamp on how long it'll be useable until it's nerfed into the ground. No nerfs. Just balance everything back to the way it was Year One and bam! No more bitching.

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