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6/27/2016 9:25:46 PM
As someone who plays all the classes (mostly warlock now), striker titans are definitely not overpowered in any way. Several months ago when the Taken King launched, everyone was asking for a striker titan BUFF; the new subclasses were strong and few people used striker over sunbreaker. Since then there have been nerfs to: Sunbreaker Stormcaller Sunsinger Every hunter subclass Tripmine grenades Because of these nerfs, a decent subclass like striker seems "overpowered". Even in this meta striker doesn't seem to be overly powerful, it still feels pretty balanced. If bungie tweaks sunsinger a little and restores gunslinger to its previous power levels, nobody would have any problems with striker. Even now, nobody should be crying for a striker nerf, instead we should push for buffs to the weaker and less used things like: Gunslinger Defender Sunsinger Fabian strategy (haven't been killed by one ever) Dreg's Promise (seen 2, never died to one) Red Death (I see maybe one every 10 crucible games) Hard light and monte carlo (haven't seen one or died to one in three months) Hakke pulse rifles (they shouldn't need counterbalance to be useable Primaries in general (let's face it most people use specials and/or TLW most of the time) Come on guys, no more nerfs until we buff some of this stuff. Let's leave striker as it is! Sincerely, a frustrated individual who is tired of seeing the crucible go to shit. PS bungie: Buff the servers and nerf the red bar people with potato routers.

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