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Edited by Vortec: 6/19/2016 9:13:25 PM
Back in the old days of vanilla I was running VoG with my clan and a younger boy who we found in the tower for the first time and we had been at Atheon for a while, so we were about to kill him then all of the sudden the relic bugged out and we all died, so the younger boy says "I got this guys" so he self rez's and is throwing grenades and shooting at Atheon then falls off the edge, so everyone was so depressed then it starts to count down scr...then all you here is one of our clan mates scream into his mic "OUT OF THE ASHES A PHOENIX IS BORN" and he self rez's and is yelling and screaming shooting him with a Doctor Nope(fast shooting AR) and then atheon dies and everyone was yelling and screaming while I was just dying laughing, that was the best thing that has ever happened. 2nd Story: Me and my clan were doing iron banner and we were playing Control on Twilight Gap, so one of my clan mates puts a bubble halfway on B, then an enemy defender walks about and puts his on the other half so me and my clanmate just were sitting there in the bubble and the other defender and one of the other enemies were just dancing then all of the sudden our friend who was playing voidwalker (the same one that killed atheon in the first story) yells "I was born for this" and runs into the enemy bubble from out of nowhere and throws his Nova bomb at the ground killing him and the enemies in the bubble, and I couldn't stop laughing at that the whole match.

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