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Edited by Starbuck13: 6/13/2016 7:35:33 PM

Custom Strike Playlists, please

Dear Bungie, I've been playing a bit of Destiny after taking a few months off (I left after [url=]posting this[/url]) and while I don't feel that much has changed, I'm hopeful that with the release of Rise of Iron, some improvements will be made. With RoI on the horizon, I figured it wouldn't hurt to try gearing up at least one of my characters a little better, so I decided to run some heroic strikes. That was maybe not such a good idea. My Titan is geared well enough for them (and getting better faster with the improvements to Infusion - thanks for that!), but I was reminded how much I absolutely loathe Omnigul and the Will of Crota strike pretty quickly, since that was the first one up. Followed by Alak Hul in the Sunless Cell, which has got to be my second most disliked strike. Followed by Omnigul again. Why on earth would your algorithm drop me into the same strike so shortly after I had just played it? That seems like a mistake. Regardless, it occurred to me that playing through the same strike again could be fun if it was one I enjoyed and so if it were, for example, The Devil's Lair, the glitch might not have left such a foul taste in my mouth. (Except wait, you don't have The Devil's Lair in that playlist do you?) So I thought I'd make the suggestion that you allow players to create custom strike playlists. Certainly I am 100% on board with having all strikes available in the stock playlists (as you've already got on the Community Wish List). I'm also 100% in favor of allowing players to vote on strike maps (also on the list). This would be a little different though. I'm imagining a list in the Director of all the available strikes in the game (yes, [i]all[/i] of them) with a binary toggle for two options that allows me to decide how I'd like to have the strike on my custom playlist. The options being "Vanguard" and "Heroic" (or whatever language you prefer). This allows me to say that no, I [b][i]never[/i][/b] want to play Will of Crota by simply not selecting either Vanguard or Heroic. Perhaps I'm only interested in playing Shield Brothers on the Heroic setting and Blighted Chalice on Vanguard. Or The Shadow Thief on both! However I decide that I want to build my playlist, you take this custom playlist and only queue me for those strikes at those difficulties, and let me run with it. It means that I'm assured of playing only the stuff I'm interested in playing, and you cut down on the number of people who bail on a strike they don't like. It could very easily keep me playing for much longer stretches of time because I don't run into a scenario where I'm queued up for stuff I can't stand and am tempted to quit out of. You could also very easily use it as a diagnostic tool to help you determine which strikes and difficulties people elect to run. I know you guys already have a ton of data on what players are doing, but another data point isn't a bad thing, and this is preemptive data, telling you what players prefer before they even do it. Also, let me be clear that this wouldn't replace any of the existing playlists, it would be an additional playlist, giving players the freedom to create their own custom playlist if they so choose. Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? I'd love to hear about them. Thanks for listening.

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