So you admit you're pretending to be someone else.. Using a picture of someone and impersonating them..
Yes, and you're fuсking stupid for falling for it.
Please Gravy look in the mirror and call [u]yourself[/u] "stupid" next time you brush your hair Or put on make-up Or work on your eye-brows Or even pop a pimple
Sorry, I don't do any of those things.
Today? This morning? This evening?...
Good for you Gravy. You're image isn't everything. You don't always have to look your best in from of the boys everyday. Just [u]be yourself.[/u]
I bet that's a fantasy of your's, for me to be gay.
Oh god no. You would look horrible as a man. Like when Britney Spears went bold..
You're a special kind of stupid.
Please Gravy, don't go all blonde on me.
You're the blonde here.
No my hair is dark. Stop deflecting Gravy, I know you dyed your hair brown.
No, it's naturally brown.
Is that what you say to everyone..
... Ahuh