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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
Edited by ChaiseShadows: 6/4/2016 6:31:51 PM
She was born in the Twilight and whilst these things were not unfamiliar, this goes far beyond her experiences. Its herself that finds these new emotions, catching her breath causing her body to tremble, the shade within her shrinking back, its place is among the purest of her thoughts not the corrupt. As her eyes scanned up the body of this being she froze, as small and as fragile as a porcelain doll, her features drained of all colour, Ebon hair cascaded down her back except for a stark white flash that framed the left side of her face. She can feel the hatred, rage and corruption like a tidal wave that crashes into her, but there is something else , behind all that, it rips at her heart, and stings her eyes with tears. Not tears of fear, but sorrow, so deep it leaves a hole in your very soul. Something dripping on her from above pulls her from her thoughts, she flinches and looks to where the drop landed, the vision that follows leaves her reeling, then there is another and another. ‘Drip, drip, drop’, she wants to pull away, she winces trying to retreat from the bloody tear that runs down her face, but instead something catches her drawing her gaze upward. She can’t breath as her body longs to give in to the promise that it can all be over soon, but her mind has always been made of stronger stuff, rather than forcefully resisting, she moulds with it a little, giving way without giving in. This gives her a reprieve whilst his coils wrap themselves around her, her eyes wish to close but he holds her there, this child in years. Her face turned up towards him as the final drop of blood falls on her lips, and in a reflex action her tongue catches this and without a thought she's drawn this thing inside herself. His gaze is upon her now. Her heart stops and millennia impact upon her, memories, thoughts betrayals, hatred curses and endless bloodshed, but overwhelmingly she feels his loathing, so strong is his despairing she wants fall to her knees. Quiet suddenly something shifts, and there is a quiet, but something cold begins to wrap itself around her. something else in her replies to this coldness, something that wasn’t there before bubbles with resentment but she swallows it down. She is somewhat startled to see the gutted victim from before standing intact over her, she glances up and his expression tells her that who ever is behind her isn’t much of an improvement on her previous room mate. Swallowing hard she goes to turn around before his words physically prevent her from doing so , his voice crawls about her spine, constricting her chest sending a cold sweat inching over her form. His words sear themselves into her mind, [u][i][b]“..the wrath of the lost Angel.”[/b][/i][/u] Her hand instinctively reaches for her pendant, half opened angel wings in a black so deep Nyx herself could have gifted them. Every night angel had worn this pendant, for an eternity it had been carried by those who reached out and touched those who thought they could not be touched. A coincidence? Probably but the thought still made her shiver. [i]“Your very quiet,”[/i] she tries to coax her shade out of the depths at which its hidden itself. [b]‘We have a new guest, I am not convinced we are going to get all.’[/b] [i]“ Well lets try shall we?”[/i] She will not allow herself to become undone, not without exploring all other options . Abruptly she was brought back to the room where the whole terrifying event took place.Only now it was as empty as she had first perceived it to be. Her brow furrowed, and she exhaled as quietly as possible as though she might disturb some clue that might have explained it all. It wasn’t until she became aware of herself that her heart began to race ,swallowing, she looked down, her vest and shorts were stained with black red blood, a cold sweat causing the items to cling to her body, her hair also damp with sweat and blood the stark white streak now stained black red,. Touching her face a scolding scar now ran down the left side of her brow and down her left cheek. Finally, the tips of her fingers found her lips, to her surprise not scorched or burned but she could taste the remnant of what she had been given. She backed slowly out of the room placing her hand tentatively on the wall listening for some indication of where she could go. The howling grief she had encountered before seemed to have been muted or subdued ,and her thoughts couldn’t help but return to the wisps of memory from inside that room. Faced with a cavernous hallway, she pulled the shadows around her and keeping a hand on the wall she tried to find something or someone who could guide her path.

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