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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
6/4/2016 2:16:35 PM
Standing a while, took her time to become accustomed to her new surroundings, her bare feet took notice that the floor wasn't cold but only slightly cooler than her body temperature. Dirae had come from the Twilight originally although it had been a few hundred years since she had been there,she was all to familiar with the stench of taint and chaos. [i]"A little cover would be nice" [/i]she whispered, it wasn't necessary for her to communicate out loud but it help her remember she wasn't entirely alone. [b] 'As you wish, maybe we could find you some clothes.'[/b] [i]" I am working on that you know, its not like I intended to sleep walk into hell, if I had, I would have packed more appropriately, and maybe bought a return ticket."[/i] Rae' apprehension causing her to snipe back.

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  • She wasn't alone. She could feel the presence of beings around her. Some were chaotic, some were aligned to good.

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  • Edited by ChaiseShadows: 6/4/2016 2:49:26 PM
    She dared to place her hand against the wall again for now whatever had been screaming its grief appeared to have settled to a more bearable hollow ache.So she attempted to listen passed this walking slowly to the doorway as the shadows were pulled around her offering a little shelter from the starkness of the situation. She looked out into the cavernous hallway torn between seeking out what was in so much pain and finding herself some more suitable attire.And perhaps even an ally, Whoever roamed these halls must be massive was her first thought, she felt like a doll lost in some carnival ghost house. Nothing was silent everywhere she could feel noise and struggled to differentiate one source from another,so carefully carried on staying close to the wall.

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  • As she approached the wails of suffering, she heard gunfire. A battle was in progress nearby. Would she avoid it? Or would she pick a side, in an attempt to gain an ally?

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  • She followed the sounds but before anything came into view she allowed the shadows to swallow her up, becoming nothing more than a shade, she was hardly in a position to offer assistance, but she could observe and attempt to assess the situation. And so she rounded the final corner, unsure what she may be about to witness.

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  • Imperial troops, Tempestus Scions, to be precise, were engaged in an intense firefight with Chaos forces. These hellish soldiers, worshippers of chaos, were clad in grotesque power armour, twisted and tainted by the warp. Bubbling, festering plague, bones and blood, ever-changing curses or symbols of pain, they carried with them the worships of their gods. Meanwhile, the imperial soldiers were simply that. Soldiers. They had no empowering symbol, or taint. They wore their turquoise blue armours and wielded their hellguns, lasguns with an increased accuracy and rate of fire. They showed no fear in the face of this gruesome display, and were holding their own in this battle.

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  • Here the stench of chaos and taint is almost overwhelming, pausing to steady herself she has to careful assess her best chance of reaching the people who appear to be the lesser of the two evils .Clinging to the outside walls, she still appears s little more than an odd distortion of shadow, the ferociousness of the battle leaves her in no doubt these are long time enemies and this is just one battle on a war of ages. She keeps moving until she reaches over the lines of the Scions, moving carefully trying to asses if there is a command post or a senior officer in command. Has scouting party has been caught in an ambush or is this a choke point that requires constant defending. watching she knows she can't reveal herself without arousing suspicion and risking her own neck, an opportunity must present itself.

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  • This was most likely a single patrol that had run into enemy forces. The Scions fought bravely, tactically and with extreme skill, never letting a shot through them, or never missing.

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  • Still unsure of her reception should she suddenly appear behind the scions mid battle she passed by moving further away , from the distracted combatants , until she felt it was safe enough to release the shadow that engulfed her and she rematerialised as it did so . She did however appear from a distance to have a faded out line , giving the odd impression she was only half there. Standing close to the wall She approaches slowly.

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  • After some time of her watching, the battle came at an end. The Scions managed to drive off the chaotic warriors, with only minor wounds. Their medic began tending to the wounded.

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  • Continuing to watch carefully she approaches slowly trying to ensure she doesn't just suddenly appear behind them , however she is still afraid of how they will respond so she is ready to disappear if it looks as though the response if dangerously hostile.

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  • As she came into their field of vision, they pointed their rifles at her. "Halt! Who goes there?" One of them speaks, with a thick accent lacing every word.

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  • She puts her hands out to either side , palms up and stays still, she quickly gives each one the once over wanting to be sure no ones got a twitchy trigger finger. [i]" No one important, I'm just very you can see"[/i]'she indicates to her attire. [i] " Just requesting information and possibly a little assistance."[/i]

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  • They look at each other, then lower their rifles. "You a civilian? It's not safe here. We can take you back to our base."

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  • Lowering her hands she shrugs slightly [i] " Civilian? ...yeah I guess so. Honestly I 'd just appreciate just about anything at this point , ."[/i]

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  • The squad of Scions (shown in the picture above) load up and move out, with the woman in tow. They were in a tight formation, with her walking close to the leader, a medical sargeant. "What's your name?" He asks, trying to relieve some of the tension.

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  • She hesitates for a moment,mainly stateless by the normality of the question which takes her a second to answer. [i]" Dirae Thankyou for letting me tag along."[/i] At barely 5'5" and 110lbs she looks around, and feels decidedly outmatched by pretty much everyone she can see. She starts to doubt they will be able to find anything that fits her.

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  • "It's our job. We have to protect pretty much anyone who isn't a demon."

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  • She looks up, [i]" so what can you tell me about where I am, you mentioned Demons, I was wondering how it came to be that your in running battles with the chaos hordes?"[/i]

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  • "This place is tainted by the warp. Demonic incursions happen everywhere around us. We have a base, it's absolutely secure, but there is still a danger. New people come in every day... that's why we send out patrols, to find them before something else does."

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  • [i] " Well I hate to say it but I am somewhat relieved not to be the only one winding up here totally out of the blue. I would love to tell you more but I quite literally went to bed and woke up here. So I take it getting away isn't an option, it's just a matter of staying alive? "[/i] She keeps pace fairly easily considering, [i]" Is there a debriefing of any sort for new arrivals that tells us what is going on and what our options are?"[/i]

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  • "Options? I'm afraid there isn't much for that. If you want to get involved in finding a solution, however, I suggest speaking to the Tempestor Prime, our commander."

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  • [i]" Not quite sure what I can offer but I will certainly speak to him and see what I can do ! even if it's just stay out the way[/i] She continues alongside.

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  • "Her. The Tempestor Prime is a woman."

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  • She shrugs. [i]" Where I come from most commanders are referred to as Sir regardless of there sex , so its just a habit didn't mean anything by it."[/i]

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  • [spoiler]you called her him, lol.[/spoiler] "Better call her Ma'am. Otherwise she might get offended. And you really don't want that..." They reach a massive metal gate. "We're here."

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