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Edited by Krishnas Prophet: 6/27/2016 5:20:55 AM

Flat Earth Q&A for the Average Guy: Answers to Common Round Earth Misconceptions

[b]Earth is flat. [/b]Some of you cant see this, despite being refuted numerous times. But I dont hold that against you, I remember what spherist indoctrination feels like. It is a hard thing to get past. In light of that, I would like to list answers to some of the common rebuttals I tend to see against the reality of a flat earth. I have highlighted each question/rebuttal so you can easily scroll along and read the points you find interesting. I will be adding to this list. Hope it helps. [b]Q. If Earth is flat, where is the edge? How come no one has made it there to take pictures?[/b] [b]A[/b]. The edge is tundra and ice. It encircles the disk and holds the oceans in. It is what sphereists call "the south pole" or the Antarctic "continent". So why hasn't anyone been to the edge? You have to remember that atmosphere functions differently on a flat earth. Reality is not a ball that that magically glues people and gases to its surface. The ring of tundra and ice that encircles the earth extends for many miles. Before you can even "see" the edge, it is probable that oxygen levels become even less than those at the summit of Mt. Everest. Any attempts to reach the edge have likely ended in tragedy. [b]Q. If earth is flat, how do you explain the lunar phases and lunar/solar eclipses? How do you explain the tides?[/b] [b]A[/b]. [url=]This gif loosely illustrates how the sun and moon circle above the surface of earth[/url]. Remember: the sun, moon, and stars are smaller and much closer to the earth. In reality, their geometric relationship is constantly changing: both sun and moon "wobble" upward and downward as they circle the north pole (center of the disk). Their circular course is not locked as the gif illustrates: the sun's circular course widens and contracts, causing earth's seasons. The lunar phases depend upon the positions of the sun and moon, as well as the observers position on earth's surface. If you would like to read more on moon phases, check this link out: As to lunar and solar eclipses, these are caused by a wonderful and truly amazing piece of nature: the shadow object. Essentially, the shadow object is a second moon that cannot be seen by the naked eye. It also orbits above the earth, but its path is irregular and less understood. It becomes visible, however, during a lunar or solar eclipse as it interposes itself between the sun and moon, causing the sun to cast that characteristic red shadow on the lunar surface. A solar eclipse occurs when the shadow object moves between the observer and the sun. The cause of the tides is quite simple: earth (which is a disk) wobbles as it moves upward through space due to the universal accelerator, or UA (more on that below). The wobble, which is very slight, creates the tidal effects that we see. [b]Q. How do you explain seasons? Also, how do you account for perpetual daylight in the norther and southern hemispheres? [/b] [b]A[/b]. I touched on the seasons above. Seasons are caused by the variable intensity of light emitted by the sun as it moves above earth's surface. [url=]Please refer to this gif again, simply as a point of reference[/url]: imagine the orbit in the gif as widening and contracting, rather than locked. As the sun's path widens and contracts, each portion of the earth receives a disproportionate amount of light. This causes the seasons. The northern "hemisphere" receives constant daylight during the northern summer. The southern "hemisphere" likewise receives perpetual light during the southern summer. The suns orbital path is such that the equator receives an almost constant supply of light. [b]Q. Ok. Wait! So how does the sun even work according to your above models? I mean, if earth is flat we should be able to see the sun at all times. Night would not exist. At best there would be only twilight. And how can the sun produce daylight on one side, while still illuminating the moon?[/b] [b]A.[/b] The sun, moon, and stars are all smaller and much closer to earth's surface. The sun does not emit light equally in all directions. This is called Variable Luminosity: only certain potions of the sun emit light. In reality, the sun acts more as a spotlight. Imagine a flashlight: if you hold it above your table it illuminates a specific area. Same with the sun. The sun is spherical, but only certain quadrants or faces actually emit light. Imagine two flashlights perpendicularly lashed together: one sends light downward, the other outward horizontally. The sun's horizontal beam keeps the moon illuminated without lighting the darkened portion of earth. The reason the whole earth is not lit is due to the fact that light dissipates: as the sun move away across the sky, you can no longer see it. [b]Q. What is gravity then? You mentioned a "universal accelerator". What the hell is that nonsense? How do you explain gravity? I mean, you dont believe it exists, but why dont I fly off in a straight line when I jump? [/b] [b]A[/b]. As a force, "gravity" or "the force holding us down" does exist. Though not as the spherists imagine. As I have pointed out, it is one of the most basic facts of demonstrable intuition that large spinning objects eject smaller objects from their surface. Simply put: a round spinning earth should fling us off. Also, if the earth is round and spinning it should rotate beneath me when I jump. I does not. Therefore it cannot be round. The force that keeps us "glued to earth's surface is the universal acceleration of the disk through space. This force of acceleration is caused by cosmic winds. Due to a very large surface area, the cosmic winds propel the disk of the Earth upward at a constant rate. But remember, all unsupported objects tend to fall through space (this has nothing to do with gravity) at a constant rate of 9.8m/sec. When you jump, being unsupported in space you begin to fall downward at a rate of 9.8m/sec. The earth accelerates up into you. This produces what spherists superstitiously call "gravity". [b]Q. How do airplanes and ships circumnavigate this "flat earth"? Why is it that I can start heading west and end up exactly where I started? Is your flat earth like a game of packman and once I reach the edge I get teleported back?[/b] [b]A[/b]. No. The earth is not like packman. "Circumnavigation" certainly happens: but not in the way spherists assume. Planes and ships do not "go around" anything. The question of circumnavigation hinges upon your point of reference: The earliest trans oceanic mariners used two important points of navigational reference: the stars, and the compass. A true "magnetic north" exists on the flat earth: when you use it as a point of navigational reference takes you along a circular course above the earth's surface. Imagine that you are following your GPS to an unknown destination. Before setting out, you selected "fastest route". However, unknown to you, it was accidentally set to "scenic route". You arrive just the same, but the course you took was different from the one that you incorrectly assumed you were taking. Same with the earth: you dont go "around" the earth, you go "along" the earth. "Circumnavigation" is merely a product of your point of reference. Your navigational instruments lead you where you expect to go. [b]Q. How do you explain the massive amount of visual evidence taken from space? The moon landings? Satellites? If all that is one big conspiracy, WHY?[/b] [b]A[/b]. My general response to space pictures and videos is: you don't think George Lucas could cook that up in his garage? And lets face it: visual evidence from space is limited prior to the 1950s. And what began during the 50s? The cold war. The United States and the Soviet Union became increasingly locked into a scientific and military dick measuring contest. This led to "the space race" of the late 50s and 1960s, with the most advanced innovations winning their respective countries prestige and power on the global political and ideological landscape. A man on the moon could lend enormous political support to either communism or capitalism. Traveling to space was a highstakes game of political and national power. Luckily for the US, Hollywood's advanced film technology had been developing for many decades before the "moon landings". The moon landings were faked, giving the US the edge it needed in winning the cold war. Why fake all space missions there after? Why fake the ISS today? Simple: political image is political power. Satellites doubtlessly exist, but what the government uses them for is still up for question.

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  • Edited by pyre: 8/10/2016 7:15:43 PM
    This is a load of bullshit. Everything there has been disproven by almost every scientist in this field for at least the last hundred years.

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    • [quote] Essentially, the shadow object is a second moon that cannot be seen by the naked eye. It also orbits above the earth...The suns orbital path is such that the equator receives an almost constant supply of light.[/quote] Refer to any dictionary to learn what the word [b]orbit[/b] means. Hint: The root word is [b]orb[/b]. As in sphere.

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    • Kids. Please. [b][i]KRISHNA IS AN OBVIOUS TROLL[/i][/b]

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      • Just wanna correct you there bud. We don't move when jumping because we are moving relative to earth. I have used this example before, and I will use it again. Imagine I have a treadmill that stretches on forever, and I have it set to the highest setting. If I jump, it moves beneath me, which is what you propose would happen. But what if I am Wearing shoes with really powerful magnets in them and the tread is metal? When I jump (hypothetically because those magnets would make me stick like a rock) what should happen is I am carried back almost as fast as the tread, but not quite as fast. I do move, but I don't fly across the room. You can try this yourself by getting on a bulletproof or any kind of fast moving vehicle. Simply jump and see if you land miles away or if you move only about a centimeter. [spoiler]Also, you do realize that technology changes and the weather is dynamic? Hammering nasa for pictures of earth looking different is like scalding a teenager for their acne changing. It really makes you seem like a complete idiot. Just tellin ya.[/spoiler]

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        • As much bath salts as u have done us other people do not believe ur garbage reasoning for a second. Just because I'm lazy and dont feel like poking holes in ur entire post I'll just say one very simple thing. Ur whole thing about gravity makes zero sense. The reason the earth doesn't move when we jump is the same for if we were in a bus. If it was moving at a constant velocity and u jump u land in the same spot. Why is this? It is because u are in a system which is all moving together at the same velocity. However if the bus is accelerating (stopping or speeding up) we don't land in the same spot. This is becuase then we are at different velocities. The earth and us are moving at the same speed and neither is accelerating therefore we land in the same spot. Now if u don't believe me go and find a bus and jump in the air on a flat straight road vs when it is slowing down or speeding up and see for yourself. I'm only in grade 11 only taken one term of physics and I managed to poke this large of a hole ur theory is garbage.

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          • Not that it was ever particularly funny before, but right now it's. just dull. I think you need some new material.

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            OHH YET ANOTHER ARGUEMENT MOST PROVED THEORY IN SCIENCE. so if the earth really is flat, in another reality it would b round [spoiler] ...a casual loop within this toggler's mechanism suggests that the toggling process somehow binds space and time into... [/spoiler]

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            • Good thing we don't have portable oxygen tanks and suits. Otherwise your attempt at reasoning why we haven't found the edge might work.

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              7 Replies
              • 1
                i read the first one, then i facepalmed so hard my brains r on the couch, i h8 u m8 now i gotaa clean it up [spoiler] ...a casual loop within this toggler's mechanism suggests that the toggling process somehow binds space and time into... [/spoiler]

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              • [quote]And you don't think George Lucas could cook up your entire theory in his garage?[/quote] Try to not allow your arguments to be used against you.

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                • But anything as massive as the earth will always be spherical. Look at the moon, mercury, pluto. Each are considerably smaller than earth, and even they are spherical. Gravity condenses matter into a shape which each particle is closest to the center of gravitational origin; that shape is a sphere.

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                • Even your first point sounds stupid. "Likely ended in tragedy" my ass.

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                • Cubic earth is best earth.

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                  • Edited by Roosevelt: 6/6/2016 5:37:51 PM
                    Okay, so if Earth is constantly accelerating up at 9.8m/s^2, how do the sun and moon keep up at the same pace? How do the stars do the same? Wouldn't we be accelerating out of our astrological neighborhood? Also, science believes Earth is around 4-5 billion years old. If Earth was only 1 billion years old and constantly accelerating at 9.8 m/s^2, it'd be travelling at around 1 billion times the speed of light which is IMPOSSIBLE. Consider your average astronomy enthusiast with a telescope. They can clearly see other planets, which appear perfectly round to them. If Earth is a disc, wouldn't all the other planets also be discs? How is it possible that every other celestial body we can see is facing us? Even though we are accelerating constantly? Wouldn't we eventually see the other side? They would have to be travelling in the same direction as us, but they're facing us so they'd be travelling sideways through space? If you want any more logic errors go ahead and ask. I lived with a flat earther for a year, I know how to counter all of your pathetic arguments.

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                    • Lol. I'll play. Why do ships appear to sink into the ocean as they sail away from land? You know, the very question that started the whole "Earth is round" theory.

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                    • I would mute you, but then where would I be entertained?

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                    • Your entire reasoning behind the conspiracy, (of the space race) on part of the U.S. is flawed. If the U.S. faked all of this it would have come out a long time ago. Russia would have exposed everything to refute the U.S's story. Thusly, destroying any credibility the US had of the Space Race singularly. and science in general. Russia would then be the space and science superpower. And no one would trust the U.S. Sorry. Better luck on your next conspiracy.

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                    • What if you go to space and see a round earth? What will you do with your life?

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                      5 Replies
                      • When you say flat, how thick is the world then? It obviously isn't 2 dimensional

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                      • That is singularly the most effort I've ever seen a troll put into a bait post. And a horrifically bad attempt at one too. Next he'll be trying to tell us there's an imaginary being greater than us all who he speaks to at night and is real. Lmao. I can't wait for that part

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                        • Then how do you explain the Mars Rover? The fact that even from earth, you can see that the stars are revolving around a center point that isn't us? That our 747 planes in the South hemisphere take less time to travel then our 747 planes along the equator? That you can see a curve atop Mount Everest?

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                        • Yeah, the earth is flat. Like Kim Kardashian.

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                          2 Replies
                          • [quote][b]Q. How do airplanes and ships circumnavigate this "flat earth"? Why is it that I can start heading west and end up exactly where I started? Is your flat earth like a game of packman and once I reach the edge I get teleported back?[/b][/quote] [quote][b]packman[/b][/quote] Your argument is invalid. [spoiler]I just ended this man's entire career.[/spoiler]

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                            • When you say flat is there a depth to it or is it paper thin

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                              7 Replies
                              • One of your strongest arguments are "if the earth is spinning we would all be flunged off" Using the same logic, would we not be crushed into bones and mush while going in an airplane because we would be crushed agaist a seat or wall at more than 1000 mph.

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                                4 Replies
                                • Earth is indeed flat. Can confirm.

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