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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
6/1/2016 1:24:19 AM
The vision showed a place in the Bloodwrath. A lead, perhaps, on where to go to seek this power surge... he remembered the hallway. The rust... only one person on this ship seemes to have some sort of rust fetish.

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  • [spoiler]TOPKEK.[/spoiler] He had no time to loathe quietly, he kicked open the Bronze door hurting his foot in the process. "DAMMIT THAT HURT!" He realized it was a pull open door and pulled the door back, showing the bloodwraths hallways. He ran as fast as he could, being surprisingly fast besides being in Armor.

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  • [spoiler]well it's true.[/spoiler] As he moved through the halls, he felt the air growing thicker as he approached the lair of Noiratrom. Like when humidity fills the air, it was growing denser and heavier, but not from water. It was like this due to the sheer radiation of power that emanated from Noiratrom. Such a presence... but Feryun had no time to be distracted.

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  • "What it would take to hide your presence? You can't hide forever!" Said Feryun mockingly as he traveled the hallways, though as the air got thicker he pushed on. Yet it was a matter of personal things, he wanted to be the only special snowflake on the bloodwrath.

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  • [spoiler]hue[/spoiler] He reached the 'wall' Slaanesh had been unable to pass through. Whenever he would approach that portion of the hallway, it was like an unsurpassable wind was blowing onto him, making progress painstakingly difficult. He would need to do some sort of trick to get past this, brute forcing it was a waste of time for our favourite little snowflake.

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  • Feryun of course opened a rift to the Warp and entered. He entered the sexy realm of Slaanesh on accident, orgies were everywhere. "Fücking Disgusting." He opened another rift back to the bloodwrath, and grabbed a random daemon that participated in one of said orgies and threw it in, seeing if it would fly away or not.

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  • The warp bended strangely from the other side of the portal. As the orgasmic Daemonette was thrown through the portal, she sredded into a million scraps, splattering blood and semen all over the wall.

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  • "Seems like Noirtrom clearly doesn't want visitors." Feryun looked down at the scraps of the daemonette. "Wow." He used his psyker like power to rip off a layer of the wall upon the bloodwrath, effectively creating a shield seeing if it would be torn apart or not.

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  • Meanwhile, in his throne room, a chaos marine of the Sons of Chaos, Noiratrom's undivided legion, approached his lord. [i]"My lord, there has been an attempt at breaching the psychic barrier."[/i] [b][i][u]"I see... I have felt it as well. I will lower the barrier. Let the visitor in..."[/u][/i][/b] Through the warp, Noiratrom peered at Feryun. [b][u][i]"I wonder what do you want..."[/i][/u][/b] Back to the Orgy, the metal panel passed through undamaged.

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  • Feryun was rather surprised at the lack of it being torn apart, though rather cautious he jumped down from the rift and into the bloodwrath with a loud THUD! "So he accepts my challenge then?" Feryun laughed and he walked down the hallway, not even hiding his psyker presence. It was an insatiable lust for power as it craved for death.

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  • The presence was at its all time powerful here. It was almost like a gravity field of its own, pressing down on Feryun by it's sheer power. Originally, this place was bathed in the pestilence of Nurgle. But now... it was neutral. Strange...

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  • Feryun of course pushed against this, yet he knew he wouldn't last if he kept this up. "You clearly have grown stronger since we last met." Said the Chaos Lord under gritting teeth. He pushed on, of course he had a vision from Tzeentch. He laid there, dead and multilated and yet his body didn't turn into Ash like it normally should do. instead it was a normal, human body..dead. Of course this is a sign, perhaps he should avoid this fight.

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  • Avoiding it was too late. He had arrived upon the final chamber. It was... beyond description. The room's proportions were unreal and impossible. It felt like it went for Infinity, yet Feryun felt claustrophobic. Before him stretched a throne, a gigantic throne for a gigantic being. Sitting on a throne of books, bleached bones, rusty metal and marble pillars was Noiratrom. He... he was massive. He was twenty-five feet tall, his arms and legs were as wide as a chaos marine. He emanated a power so pure, yet in his appearance, he was extremely serene. No marks of decay, of twisted intent, of sexual impulse or of unfiltered rage. He was... calm. Chilling, almost, as he sent a chill down the sorcerer's spine. Basically, he wasn't that fuсked up, for someone so powerful with the warp. There was a certain beauty to his calm, to his majesty, to his simplicity. His troops knew a similar aspect. Their armour resembled more pre-heresy armour than chaotic warp spawns. Sure, a few of them were trapped in such curses. But their appearance seemed rather appeased instead of chaotic. His throne was about twenty feet in height, like a pyramid of power, next to it stood his mighty Dark Sentinel, fifty feet tall being of Daemonic twist. The room didn't belong to Nurgle, the god of plague. It didn't belong to Tzeentch, the god of Change. It didn't belong to Slaanesh, the god of sex. It didn't belong to Khorne, god of blood. It belonged to Noiratrom. God of Unity. Or, at least, such was his rightful title. [b][i][u]"Why have you come before me, Feryun?"[/u][/i][/b] He asks. Although he stood very far away from him, his voice was as clear as if it came directly from Feryun's head.

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  • Feryun of course merely stared, his pearl white eyes piercing from the darkness from his Helm. He was almost the complete opposite. His figure was rather more chaotic, it leaving a feeling of mixed emotions yet Sadness was the most prominent. His Royal blue Armor was rather crackling with Chaotic blue lightning. Clearly this guy had a fetish for the color blue. [spoiler]Ha.[/spoiler] He noted the sentinel and the space marines. "I must inform you of something..but it must be where we cannot be bothered, preferably somewhere large..and empty. Though I can provide that myself if needed."

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  • [b][i][u]"This place will do. I am in control of this room, sorcerer. If you came here to day something, then say it."[/u][/i][/b] Noiratrom's Ceramic white armour was molding, adjusting to his changes. His armour was growing and evolving, going from sickly and plagued to clean, pristine. He wore an interesting piece of equipment... it had been enlarged by his warp powers and altered to match the white armour he wore. But it remained nonetheless the Helm of Alpharius. His eyes pierced through the darkness of the helmet, each eye was like a miniature eye of terror, encompassing entire solar systems, planets, worlds, loving beings. Gates to the Warp.

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  • He stared at the helmet, he had to do this. "You have committed a [b]Sin[/b]. A sin I saw personally, The murder of a Primarch." He summoned his personal blade, [b][i]Kineron.[/i][/b]. It was a Pristine Fluorescent Blue, it clearly channeled the power of something not of Psyker Energy. "Tzeentch allowed me to see the Sin you commited. Now I am offering an option. I can allow Retribution but you must give up this nonsense. Chaos is purposely divided, If you were to unite it then it shall cease to be Chaos. You would effectively destroy the Warp and the Psykers." Said Feryun. "You have no business in attempting to unite it." Said the Chaos Lord coldly.

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  • He chuckles underneath the helm. [b][i][u]"Your understanding of the warp is amusing to witness. Chaos is, in its nature, a duality. It is its own Antithesis. Nurgle. The god of Death... and life. Slaanesh. The god of pain... and joy. Khorne. The god of conquest... and order. Tzeentch... the god of change. Chaos has changed, Feryun. Chaos has a different meaning now. Chaos has become organized. It isn't what it used to be... that is why I am becoming a god. I am uniting all the powers that be under a single being. The God of Chaos... and Unity."[/u][/i][/b] He stands from his throne. [b][i][u]"I did not kill my brother Alpharius. I convinced him to join my side. And he isn't the first one. Lorgar. Abbadon. The soul of Konrad Curze. Perturabo. They have all joined with me on my quest to see our dream come true. A progressive order of chaos. It could do so much... if the gods weren't wasting their time competing. You must understand that too."[/u][/i][/b]

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  • "You clearly didn't hear me well enough, [b]Noitrom[/b]. Chaos is the opposite of matter how you twist and bend it. Your little crusade shall be fruitless. While you have obtained a good amount of power you are still a mere insect to the Chaos Gods themselves. No being that is mortal shall trascend to godhood. You of course are mortal and can therefore perish. All the Chaos Gods shall not be united forever. One shall rebel and the others will follow. It being a ever repeating cycle of Chaos. You must realize this. I wish not for fighting and death myself but it seems like I have no other choice, for they have spoken to me." He held his Blade up, knowing that he has a good chance of perishing himself.

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  • Edited by Shadlezz: 6/1/2016 11:49:32 AM
    [spoiler]*Noiratrom[/spoiler] He laughs [b][i][u]"Who said I had any intention of keeping the gods alive?"[/u][/i][/b] He keeps his arms crossed. [b][i][u]"My next target is Slaanesh itself. You can join me in my quest... I am offering you a chance. A sparing chance."[/u][/i][/b]

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  • Feryun stared coldly for what seemed to be millenia. "You know what? I honestly want to see where this goes, even if it is untimely Deaths at a pissy Chaos God."

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  • [b][i][u]"So? What will it be?"[/u][/i][/b]

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  • Feryun nodded rather slowly. Though in his mind was something else entirely. He completely betrayed his Lord and Master Tzeentch and he didn't even hesitate. He was at utter shock at what he did but his curiosity got the better of him.

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  • [b][i][u]"Then you swear your allegiance to the God of Chaos?"[/u][/i][/b] He stared the Sorcerer down. Only a moment ago, he was about to die for his god. And now, he was switching sides. Not something unseen when it comes to a slave of Tzeentch, which made Noiratrom be wary still of his true intentions.

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  • [spoiler] Feryun could have just done this and gotten killed already. [/spoiler] "Over Exaggerating are we? Just stick to..God of Unity or something. But other than that yes I shall serve you." Said Feryun. While he wasn't fond of the whole idea because in reality he knew that any Chaos God could just smite them down right now and get on with their lives. But still, if he were to go out this would be the way he assumed.

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  • [spoiler]I know what that is, I played MGR lol[/spoiler] [b][i][u]"very well then. And if you are wondering why we haven't been smitten yet by the chaos gods, it is quite simple. They cannot. Not in this place. You remember the wall you had to cross? It works the same for them. This is my realm. Although it is little... it will grow."[/u][/i][/b]

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  • He envisioned that poor orgasmic daemonette, tore up in a million pieces. "Well speaking of that. Theres a daemonette a few meters down the hallway that got tore into a million pieces..It's a very messy site. But I commend you for garnering a realm of your own." Feryun had a slight burning pain as the mark of Tzeentch burned away at his flesh, as if a clean person attempting to get away from the sick.

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