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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
Edited by Alonfé: 5/29/2016 6:52:32 PM
[i]Alon awakes, lying somewhere on the ship, somewhere on the goddamn floor. Again. For about the 37th time in his life (not counting the... uh... well, let's move on...). With a not so mighty groan, resembling that of kitten yawning perhaps, he weakly lifts his head up looking around. His first reaction was to freak out, as the darkness came about him, but then he ignited a fire in his hands and all was sort of well; as he couldn't see much in the dark. His green cloak, tattered and torn, shone bright green with the new-found light source, and the golden sigils reflected the light as if it were the sun. It took him a moment to realize he wasn't in some bar, not behind the counter, not serving endless shots to hardy sailors, nor consuming some of his own only to collapse. No, he was in a ship. On a ship. Somewhere.[/i] Well shit... [i]Walking around, his combat boots clicking on the ground, he notices the hallways are... huge. With no one in sight, he automatically assumes the worst, and draws his dual kards, quickly releasing an orb of light to surround him and search his surroundings. "What's going on...?", he questions, looking about some more. It was unlike him to be TOTALLY unaware of his surroundings... and now that he pondered the fact, he had absolutely no clue where he was or how he got here. The walls seemed to give off life energy, and that worried him. The gravity of the situation settled in, and Alon slowly made his way down the dark corridors, peaking and prodding everywhere, looking for some sign of... well, just where he was.[/i] [spoiler]Open. Alon's intro... might bring Tauros into this[/spoiler]

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  • In the corner of his vision he can sense a being of vast power but cannot clearly see it. Something that doesn't want to be seen. Something very big.

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  • [i]Alon shakes his hand, the fire in his palm going out, wisps of smoke floating from his fingers in the light of the faint embers dying out. A being of vast power; Alon was excellent at reading power through the air, so he crouched down low, diving to the side of the halls so as to get a better idea on the positioning of the being. For a moment, even though he was lost and confused, he thought it was a figment of his imagination. It wasn't until he lost his focus that he sensed it again, nagging at the side of his brain. He waited eyes closed, hyper-aware of his surroundings.[/i]

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  • The soft but heavy falls of paws seem to lead away from the room and deeper into the ship.

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  • [i]Alon, fully aware of the dangers, continues forward towards it. "Paws.... paws... what could it be?", he thought, looking around in the darkness; his sixth sense as a mage kicked in, seeing the world around him in the light grey aura of energy around him despite the darkness. The power from the being still pulsed in front of him, but he couldn't pinpoint it. It always seemed to escape his mind before he broke the veil. He picked up his pace to a run, his combat boots tapping softly on the ground, himself welcoming the breeze that came with it. As he approached the being, he slowed down, happy for the run, but now intent on what it was even more. He was ready for an sort of attack, still hyper-aware of his surroundings.[/i]

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  • His senses are interrupted by the sound of a bark thay pierces the inner depths of his mind. In the disruption the presence fades away across a very large chamber. The chamber seems to be distorting the presence by unknown means. [spoiler]challenges lie ahead. Complete them and thou shalt be greatly rewarded[/spoiler]

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  • [i]Alon staggers backwards, more out of surprise, but quickly regains his composure.[/i] Awe shit. What do I get myself into... [i]He ponders moving away but in such a huge ship, he was afraid the native being or whatnot would catch him in a matter of minutes. He moved forward, a fire lit in his hand, looking around the chamber with much fascination, his curiousity taking him but the throat.[/i] This is... cool... but where am I? Hmm... [i]He stands along the walls of the chamber cautiously, looking around.[/i] [spoiler]Challenge accepted. Let's see if I still got it.[/spoiler]

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  • The romm is made of 9 patforms. 8 surrounding 2 and all are inter connected by catwalks. From each of the scaffolds are cognator engines and pulsating summoning runes. At the far side you can make out the shape of a wolf, easily twice the size of a Thunderwolf, but more distinguished like a wolf of ancient Terra. With a howl the door it's behind seals and the cognators begin to whir and chatter. Ghostly figures with bright red eyes seem to dart between the cognator towers.

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  • [spoiler]Not exactly sure what the cognator engines are but the ghostly figure things seem interesting. Anywho[/spoiler] Yup, knew I was in a predicament. [i]Alon ran the catwalk from one platform to another, and made his way to the first generator, not sure what to do but fully sure that if it didn't have any use to destroy it. He quickly drew a symbol of light as he ran, and raised his hand as 8 orbs of light surrounded him, for a purpose unknown to the foes in the room so far.[/i] Generator things look bad... and wolf thing doesn't look friendly either... okay... [i]He jumps across to another catwalk, making his way to the first generator, wondering what would happen, ready to unleash a barrage of anything at a moments notice.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]giant computers[/spoiler] The black shadowy beings shoot forth from the computers. Their bodies seem ethereal, made up a dark matrix of binary code. But the effects are real enough as adamantium strength claws tear at you.

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  • [i]Alon moves swiftly to avoid the slashes, almost losing his balance and falling to the depths below. Electricity leaps from the ground to his feet as he builds up a charge, and with both hands outstretched, launches a massive bolt at the beings coming near him. The branches of yellow energy move quickly and spread to encompass the whole of the onslaught like a net, reaching past them to what was behind. As more come, the orbs of light block any aattacks he encounters, diminishing to nothing afterwards. Alon ripped his huge bastard sword, Ragnell, from it's sheath on his back, swinging it in a wide slash that sent sparks and wisps of blue energy across the air in front of him, forward until it hit one of the engines and whatever else was in front of it.[/i] Is that all we got? C'mon now wolfy, we can't be hiding behind these machines. [i]He blankly swung the sword skillfully, one handed, and twirled it for effect before sheathing it again; a taunt.[/i]

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  • [i][b]A flash of light quickly sparked to life as Alon walked, coming on a crossroads of the dark corridors. The fight took the image of a beam, as if it came from a flashlight. Though the face it came from around eight feet up was slightly unsettling to many men, even for experienced mages like him. Then, footsteps came. They echoed off the walls of the halls, the loud noise of metal clanging off the floor booming through the halls, echoing off the massive, partially living walls. The figure that came around the corner though, he was a sight for sore Imperium eyes, and a frightening image for Chaos. He stood at a fair eight feet tall, with a flashlight in his right hand, which was by his helmet. The helmet in turn was white, with a crimson red thunderbolt that stared menacingly from just over his right eye. The man was of the Adeptus Astares no doubt, bearing the Power Armour of a Space Marine, with the colours of the White Scars. But here's where it was different: He had a red thunderbolt on him, but it was going down and over another bolt, one of a darker colour. The marines right arm was am most entirely red, save for the pauldron that gave him his identity: A Crimson Scars member. He had a Chainsword that rested in a white, leather sheath at his left side, just in front of the holster for his Bolter pistol. Speaking of pistols, the Marine had turned his head and the flashlight only to spot Alon, and he raised his gun at him. [/b][/i] "Halt!" [i][b]The marine had commanded, a heavy metallic ring to his words. [/b][/i]"Are you of the Chaos, or the Imperium of Mankind?"

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  • Edited by Alonfé: 5/29/2016 9:10:44 PM
    [i]Alon stood still, digging his heels as best as he could in the ground, ready to flee or fight. The orb of light surrounding him diminished as quickly as it came, leaving the only source of light the one from the Soldier's flashlight. Alon spun his kards, twirling them around before sticking them in it's sheathe. [/i] I do not know which side I was, for I fought with my friends as we had a common goal. I must say if you are not a Necron, you must be a friend. Though I won't weigh judgement until I know who demands such information from me. Whom do I have the honour of speaking with? [i]Alon kept a straight face, courteous so to say, but his body was tense and ready to spring at a moments notice. He just found himself here and wasn't sure who to call friend or foe. The Crimson member's flashlight found the man lacking a left arm; or more in the shape of a normal one, but metallic. A bionic arm. Alon stood awaiting an answer from the source of light.[/i]

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  • [i][b]The marine noted how Alon had stated he fought the Necrons, which was not your typical course of action for the Chaos to do, killing their own forces. At least, he hadn't known if the man before him was like that. [/b][/i] "I am Bracheous Beranteus of the Crimson Scars, successor to the White Scars. My unit has fallen years ago sadly, so I bear the name of Bracheous Khan." [i][b]And that's why this man had been alone. He had noted the figures arm and the orb, but shrugged them both off. He knew that many different people from many different places were dragged onboard this vessel that the pair spoke to each other on, so he had known that at least some people would have Psyker abilities. The arm he noted, though, as he had not typically ran across many men with something that replaced limbs entirely, so that would be one of the things he remembers about this man. [/b][/i]

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  • Edited by Alonfé: 5/29/2016 9:40:24 PM
    [i]The arm also bore a symbol of a coiled serpent in red; whether the soldier knew of it's origins or not made Alon edgy; there were more than two sides to some wars and Alon was never entirely sure of what side he was on either.[/i] Huh, that makes two of us. Many of my comrades are either dead or MIA. So, Mr. Khan, what brings you to this ship? I find myself in the predicament of not knowing where I am. [i]Alon observed the marine, looking him over time and time again; having seen everything in his times, he quickly assessed the soldier and his weaponry. He also took into consideration the colouring of his armour for hints on the marine's side. He still wasn't sure of what the outcome would be here.[/i]

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  • [i][b]The marines armour and colours dictates that his loyalties lie with the Imperium of Man, with the God-Emperor. His weapons were only a Chainsword and Bolter Pistol, either one adorned with two bright red stripes, a dark red thunderbolt in the centre of either set. [/b][/i] "Nobody knows where we are. Most people were taken from distant lands, though we know one thing: We were all taken for a reason. What reason though, nobody can say for certain. All we can say is that the Imperium and Chaos are still at war here, and that the Summoner and Sarris-Sanguine are both here."

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  • [i]Alon sighs.[/i] The Summoner? Sarris too? Both those bitches still kickin? That's good to know. [i]He lightens up with that bit of sarcasm, taking a seat on the ground, tossing an orb up for his own light.[/i] I'm not of the Chaos, if that's what you're thinking. I'm of that Man Imposing whatever. At least I think that was it; Luis and Python and them. By the looks of it you aren't of the Chaos either, are ya marine?

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  • "Yes, successor chapter to the White Scars." [i][b]He guided the Bolter pistol's barrel to the floor and off Alon, and eventually he slid the weapon into his holster in its entirety. [/b][/i] "So, you're a psyker I'll assume?"

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  • Edited by Alonfé: 5/30/2016 1:10:41 PM
    [i]Alon lets out a chuckle[/i] You can call it that, sure. I much prefer the term mage; we're more free in terms of what we can do. It's all the same thing though here, so yeah, if psyker explains it best for ya then that's what I am. [i]Looking around the darkness, Alon gets up off the floor with a grunt; his whole body was sore already. He hadn't known how long he lay there unconscious, must've been a while.[/i] So, Mr. Khan, considering you're here with me are you lost too or is there some sort of... well... I use this term loosely but "safe" place amongst this cursed ship? I feel a vile aura coming from the walls and if I didn't know any better this ship is alive. Any sort of haven from ah "other" threats, so to say?

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  • "Well, my Battle-Brothers, the Ultramarines and their primarch, have set up a base of operations. We have a Techpriest, so if you had needed any gear repaired, there's always a time to fix it. My bike is only around the corner, would you like a ride?" [i][b]Bracheous spoke with the same sincerity as a man who tried to make Alon feel as if he knew him for years. And while he hadn't known of him at all before today, Bracheous was a very convincing man, as is his nature. The same could be said of ancient natives, since they always seemed peaceful upon first contact. And since Bracheous was a native to put it simply, he carried that way of thinking. [/b][/i]

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  • [i]Alon let out a soft grunt as he rose from the ground, extending a hand to the marine.[/i] Sounds good. I haven't introduced myself; I'm Alonfé, an Archsage from other worlds. All family or friends I've made have died; hopefully you aren't the same, Mr. Khan. May our adventures be good ones. [i]Alonfé speaks from the heart, as he always has; saying exactly what he has on his mind. It's calm yet full of authourity. He didn't seem threatened nor at ease. He was normal; something that wasn't too common amongst the people who live in a world such as this. If Bracheous played it right, he will have gained a very powerful ally.[/i] Come, lets see this bike of yours! [i]And there it was; a childish glint in his eyes, saying more about himself. It was odd to see, that type of excitement from seemingly an adult, but it was welcome in such a cold environment.[/i]

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  • [i][b]Bracheous would typically have dismissed that glint and the personality as something of a child, befitting of a man with a disability or something of that sort, although not Alon. No, instead when he shook his hand, he knew he was speaking to a man that was far, far more than just an equal to him. [/b][/i] "Well Alonfé, it's a pleasure to meet you." [i][b]Something about how Bracheous spoke made him seem as if his accent was... Heavier, coming out more as he spoke. JT sounded like you would imagine any native would have, although his voice came with a metallic ringing, befitting of most other Astares who beat helmets. So Bracheous led the Archmage around a corner, leading to a truly amazing bike, brfotging of an Adeptus Astares. The vehicle was certainly tall, but that was mainly to comfortably seat the Space Marines, as they were rather tall, eight foot figures normally. As Bracheous approached the bike, he felt a sense of happiness: This vehicle was the one thing they made sense to him in the entire Bloodwrath, this vehicle was his true weapon, and he kept it sheathed, until he unholstered it by revving the engine, and he fired the gun by darting to the camp, the loud roar of the engine filling the ears of any in the area who may be listening in. By the time they had gotten to the camp, it was late, even for the residents of the Bloodwrath. Due to the vessel being a quarter of the size if Terra, it took Bracheous a few hours to backtrack to the Imperium's camp where the Baltic Manticores and the Ultramarines set up shop, where Kat had rested herself as a Blood Wolf, and where Saint Agnes of the Sisters of Battle had rested herself, restoring her former glory and power. It was here where Bracheous had deactivated his bikes engines, letting the smoke from the exhaust pipes eventually die out wit the burning flames inside, and he stashed the vehicle around a corner, away from many prying eyes. [/b][/i] "Welcome to the sanctuary on this ship, the Imperium's main camp." [i][b]Bracheous said as he stared at it from a distance. He had led the Ultramarines and their primarch here, brought Agnes here, and now he brings Alonfé. Then it occurre to Bracheous that he was essentially the mailman of people, delivering them to this place of rest, and he allowed a slight chuckle to escape his lips, though his helmet kept all noise from escaping. [/b][/i]

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  • Woahhhhhhh... this is... awesome... [i]The glint resurfaced on his eyes once more as he stared outwards along the camp's edge, to the centre and back out again. It was like he was taking in such a sight for the first time, which was far from true, but he aimed to remember every moment of it. Or else it would escape from him. "Like the other's..." he thought, his face hardening at the thought.[/i] This is quite a set up. How many of us are there? Hundreds? A thousand? I wonder how many have been lost... separated from their families... [i]His fists clenched at the thought, and that's when a spark ignited in himself; not literally, though that was 100% possible. But in his eyes. Bracheous found this man, boy, whoever he was, to tell the truth not through his mouth but through his eyes.[/i] Ah, we must escape. After we bring the ship down, of course. [i]He raised his finger up in the air, stating so as if it were as easy as walking across the street; you'd just have to wait for the right time, moment, and circumstances.[/i] What say you, Mr. Khan? It would be damn fine to be out of here; heck, I've had enough and I just got here. We must have some wonderful people here to help us out. My mind is set! But first, [b]how[/b] we got here, now there's the big question. Hmmmm, I'll have to think on it. Do you lead this group? Is this the ah... umm... Crimson Moon's? Sorry, I'm horrible with names. And maps, mind you. [i]He let out a light chuckle, obviously some memories, good and bad, having to do with maps.[/i]

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  • "Crimson Scars. I'm the last living one actually, hence why I'm a Khan. Now, here's the problem: Nobody knows how we got here, on the Bloodwrath. What we do know, is that strong magical properties are aboard this vessel, and that Sarris-Sanguine and the Summoner are doing whatever they typically do onboard." "And so you know, it's more than just me here. It's the Ultramarines, Kat of the Void Wolves, the Baltic Manticores, a few others too. More than just one person to keep alive."

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  • Yes, yes! We will escape as a whole. That is wonderful, very wonderful. But Sarris... I can't remember his side at the moment... but he's quite the fellow, I remember. And the Summoner; he struck me as a jerk, but that's my opinion. Anyways, those two usually mean trouble. And these Void Wolves, Baltic Manticores, Ultramarines; do they have a place to start looking for our origin? Or is there nothing known? [i]Alon sat right where he stood, not minding the ground or the state of it, but hand on his chin deep in thought.[/i]

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  • "Nobody knows a thing about this place. Some of us have gotten flashbacks to our life before the Bloodwrath, but for the most part we can't recall how we got onboard." [i][b]Bracheous looked to the camp for a brief moment then back to Alonfé. He was a Psyker in Bracheous' eyes, so he knew that he probably possessed enough magic to defend himself, but getting to the camp would still make them far safer. [/b][/i] "We should probably get to the camp, save a patrol of Necrons comes to stalk us."

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