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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
5/29/2016 4:57:14 PM
[b] [i]Bloodwrath![/i][/b] [i]A ship only in meaning for there are none that dare dwell live within its confines for long. Nor is their any that survive her atrocities of life and undeath. It is the perfection of death in form and function. a place where both beast and daemon are feed like oil to the engines of the great war machine. None can say when the ship first came. some call it as endless as time itself. Even more claim it is a daemon itself. a physical manifestation of a power so utterly perfect that it has no true beginning nor end. it is the promise of wars of the past and the echo of wars to come, a true reflection of the madness and bloodshed of the universe that is intertwined with the beings of the warp. The ship itself is ever changing as it does not exist in any one point in time but instead in all of them. corridors and landing bays give way to the brood like nests of tyrannids or the fungal plague known as the orks. There are weapons of ever hellish make and design. Here is where even the mighty space marine may be brought low by the humble cultist! Here the mighty Carnifex brought down by blade and mechanical fire! There can be no true victory fore the Bloodwrath despises all victories besides her own. Only blood lust and hatred can win among her decks and only until the next day where the battles begin anew. What is the Bloodwrath then? Is she the true embodiment of death and despair? A daemon made steel by the will of its own to inflict endless death upon the unworthy of the material realm? Is she a training ground to bloody the armies of the Summoner before his generals take command of her veterans? Perhaps she is something far darker, her own sentient being that transcends the understanding of man a daemon alike? None of these concerns those who dare walk upon the majesty of her decks, for they are truly her children. They despise her and yet they are devoted to her, trapped upon her halls in a meat grinder of blood and bone, the sons and daughters of the age of slaughter, upon the true battlefield that is the Bloodwrath![/i] ~"Journeys of a Saint of the Damned," [i]by High Inquisitor Larken Teveranti (Suppressed by order of the Ordo Hereticus)[/i] [url][/url] "And in the light of the Emperor I shall know not fear, for he is the one true and only God. Chaos shall bow before his sword for it shall be their only option." Tobias chanted in high Gothic. Before him a conglomeration of lesser daemons fought in a pit over the body of a young woman that was struck down and left for dead. "With the Emperor in my heart I shall stay courageous, for that is his will so I may strike at his enemies." He continued the mantra as he jumped into the pit. His chainsword basked in the light of the chamber revealing the etched wards and litanies of the Lectitio Divinitatus as he carved into the daemons with a gusto. The daemons cowed in fear of his devastation for he was both precise and brutal, every stroke was a kill, every step was deliberate. The woman stirred as Tobias struck down the last of the daemons. She should have been dead but she clung to life with a fervor that any Astartes would dream of. "Praise be the Emperor. For sure I thought I was dead." "Worry not child, for your suffering has come to an end." He said as he leveled his bolt pistol at her head. "What???? No! I-I-I-I Swear my lord I'm not but a faithful a faithful servant!" she stuttered as she stared down the barrel. Dread filled her heart as she gazed upon the insignia that hung on his neck "Even the pure of and soul cannot stay within this place without their very being becoming contaminated. If you are as you I cannot tell, however the Emperor judges all." And with that he pulled the trigger and sent the inside of her head across the floor of the pit. And then it was over as quickly as it had begun. the daemon blood didn't even dare touch him or his clothes as he walked away from the massacre. in the bodies of the daemons was carved the holy Aquila and upon the breast of the young woman sat an insignia that struck fear in both the holy man and the heretic. The Ordo Hereticus was aboard the Bloodwrath. [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 5/29/2016 8:18:41 PM
    Inquisitor Ling was nearby, having heard the shot. he went on to investigate. But for he, a simple subject of the Emperor this was a bigger issue than most realized. Many situations could play out here. It could be anything, from Chaos Prince to a Imperial Citizen. He of course readied his Flamer as he trudged on within his Power Armor.

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  • The butchered carcasses of the lesser daemons lay flayed wide with the symbol of the Aquila torn upon their chest. A woman sits in the middle of them. Most of her head is gone and smeared across the floor from an obvious gunshot. The symbol of the Ordo Hereticus lay upon her chest.

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  • "Another Inquisitor...? Interesting. I must meet them at once." He walked over to the headless girl, examining her body for any signs of Daemonic possession. "They were always a messy bunch them Witch hunters." Said Ling jokingly to himself.

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  • A small book can be seen in the folds of her shirt.

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  • Ling grabbed the book and reached within his bag, grabbing a bottle of incense. He rubbed it upon the book, dispelling any Daemons that would attempt to possess him. He would then open the book.

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  • Inside the tattered cover of the book is a need ancient copy of the Lectitio Divinitatus. Certain litinies are marked and bolded. On the sides of the pages are even more praises to the emperor of man and amateur drawings of the Aquila.

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  • "That's..rather strange. Why would a heretic have this book? unless it was planted...Wow the Ordo Hereticus really needs to get its shit together." He studied the pages more, looking for any hidden symbols and all that.

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  • He is interrupted as a shot misses him by a hairs breath followed by the distinct retort of a bolt pistol.

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  • He does a roll to his left and brought out his own Bolt Pistol, Aiming it around the room. "Reveal Yourself! I, Inquisitor Ling Defaln command you to in the name of our Holy Emperor!"

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  • Edited by DGC LemanRuss: 5/29/2016 11:40:28 PM
    "What matter of sorcery is this that dare defile thine own eyes." Uttered Tobias as rounded the corner. His gun outstretched in his left while his chainsword purred in his right. "For I bear the burden of power, bestowed by order of the emperor, as well. Inquisitor Tobias, Ordo Hereticus." [spoiler]Tobias only speaks high Gothic but I don't know Latin so... yeah...[/spoiler]

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  • "I shall reaffirm your doubts Inquisitor. [b][i]They shall be My Hammer, the sword in My hand, the gauntlet about My fist, the bane of My foes and woes of the treacherous. When no others may stand beside them, they shall fight. Only the greatest shall enter their ranks, for unto them do I entrust stewardship over the Gates of Hell.[/i][/b]. It is the words of the Charge of the Malleus. Now you too prove to me you are no mere daemonic illusion." Ling gripped his Bolter Pistol tighter.

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  • [b]"The weak will always be led by the strong. Where the strong see purpose and act, the weak follow; where the strong cry out against fate, the weak bow their heads and succumb. There are many who are weak; and many are their temptations. Despise the weak for they shall flock to the call of the Daemon and the Renegade. Pity them not and scorn their cries of innocence - it is better that one hundred innocently fall before the wrath of the Emperor than one kneels before the Daemon."[/b] he says flatly.

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  • Ling nodded and slowly lowered his Bolter Pistol. "Now we have the right of trusting each other..I must confess I lack the knowledge on how I got upon this ship, But there is good news to that for there are two Imperial Strongholds...One is lead by the Tempestus Prime of the Baltic Manticores, Eleanor. I sadly have no knowledge of her last name. The other stronghold is being lead by a Grey Knight. I can lead you to the Tempestus Prime."

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  • "If you speak truly it is the Knight that I shall seek." He says flatly. "Tell me how have you survived with out taint this far in the depths of chaos. Such a feat is impossible for nigh but the Lord Emperor." Tobias doesn't lower his pistol, instead he primes it.

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  • "I am trained to fight this threat Inquisitor, You are stepping on very dangerous grounds...Even so why not ask that question to yourself?" Ling of course raised his Bolter Pistol. "You clearly do not realize the true threat here do you Inquisitor? It's the threat of Chaos." "You will be killing an Inquisitor if you indeed shoot, and therefore be branded a heretic for such a 'mistake' now, rethink your decisions Inquisitor. It is wise to do so." Said Ling. [spoiler]Shits going to go down unless Ling convinced him.[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by DGC LemanRuss: 5/30/2016 1:59:12 AM
    "There is no threat of Chaos. For if there was to be such a thing it would have to be something the light of the Emperor cannot over come." Tobias begins to circle around. "You however do not seem to convinced in your abilities to overcome this threat. A sin that even the most naive apostle is learned to overcome. Have you no faith?" [spoiler]cracks knuckles[/spoiler]

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  • "I do indeed have faith in our Holy Emperor but what you fail to realize is the fact that even if you do kill me under such outrageous and false accusations, The Daemon known as 'The Summoner' has everyone else trapped upon this ship...including you. I am not implying I lack answer my question. [b]What are you attempting here?[/b] [spoiler]I'm not getting Ling killed FYI. He has to stay alive for Fuls upcoming plot.[/spoiler]

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  • "I have been given the right of Judgement by the power of the Emperor to cast upon the heart and mind of man. What I see is an Inquisitor in open presence of the trepidations of hell. As much as I can respect that it is in fact troubling that one such as yourself has survived alone." He lowers the pistol. "Tell me how do you now of the Rouge Sanguinus?" [spoiler]Tobias was an ancient Inquisitor and mentor to and killed by Brimstone in RoB. This a young version so he has no recollection of any RoB[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 5/30/2016 2:46:40 AM
    "[b]Roboute Guilliman.[/b]" Said ling emotionless. "I did not believe he got out of his healing chamber either, seeing how I questioned him. This is an outrageous thing to even say. I do not blame you if you do not think I'm telling the truth." He still has his Pistol in hand, looking at Tobias.

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  • "A lie so far fetched that it could only be true." He fires into the twitching head of a lesser daemon.

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  • "Yet I lack any knowledge on his location currently, seeing how we parted after guiding me to the Baltic Manticores. He said he was on a mission to reunite the Ultramarines, though a few Terran days after I met him once more..I cannot describe the room but it was certainly Disgusting. Daemons and Imperium within the same room, not attempting to kill each other."

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  • He pauses. " You lie..."

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  • "I jest, of course. I truly did meet him within a room though, except there were these..'Champions' as the Summoner called them. I was certain this was some sort of devilish trick but everyone scattered after a while.."

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  • "Then you understand if we must part ways." Tobias nods as he turns to leave. "By the way page 37 second paragraph. The Prayer of Absolution is altered to give praise the Prince of a Thousand Faces. I suggest burning that book."

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  • "Will do. Farewell Inquisitor and may the Emperor be with you." [spoiler]End?[/spoiler]

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